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Photosynthesis Under Different Light Conditions

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1 Photosynthesis Under Different Light Conditions
Group 5

2 Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is from the Greek word “φώτο- [photo-]” which means “light” and “σύνθεσις [synthesis]”which also means “putting together”, is a process used by plants and other organisms to capture the sun's energy to split off water's hydrogen from oxygen osynthesis

3 I. Objectives/ Problems
To determine the rate of process of Photosynthesis with and without the presence of light.

4 II. Materials (2) 1000mL Container Hydrilla Plants Tap Water
Artificial Light( Table Lamp)

5 III. Procedure The Hydrilla plants, water, and container were prepared. The Plants were separated into two containers. Container A and Container B. Containing 700mL of tap water respectively. Container A was put under the artificial light while Container B was in the dim light for 1 hour . The plants were observed and the results were recorded.

6 Release of Oxygen Level
IV.i: Results Setups Light Conditions Release of Oxygen Level CONTAINER A Under Artificial Light Rapid CONTAINER B Under Dim Light Slow

7 IV.ii: Discussion The process of photosynthesis was much observable in Container A, since it was placed under the presence of light. Compared to Container B that was placed under dim light, the process was present yet it was slower. It can be observed, since the release of oxygen levels were much higher when the plants were under the light.

8 V. Conclusion Therefore, the process of Photosynthesis of the Hydrilla Plant is faster when light is present compared when its in the dim light.

9 Thank You for Listening 

10 Members: ELUMBA, Trixie TORCAL, Hazel Dyne BERTULFO, Jezil Romeo PAQUEO, Caedmon Alan

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