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2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will
All will know and understand Todorov and Propp’s narrative theories. Most will be able to apply Todorov and Propp’s narrative theories to TV/Film. Some will be able to apply Todorov and Propp’s narrative theories to a newspaper or magazine.

3 What is NARRATIVE? In Media Studies, it is important to tell the difference between narrative and story. Story = a sequence of events, also known as the plot Narrative = the way those events are put together to be presented to an audience.

4 What is NARRATIVE? In Media Studies, it is important to tell the difference between narrative and story. Story = a sequence of events, also known as the plot Narrative = the way those events are put together to be presented to an audience. Therefore, when analysing a narrative we analyse the construction of the story, and the way it has been put together, not the story itself. All media texts have a narrative, whether they are a six hour TV miniseries or a one paragraph newspaper story or a glossy magazine photograph.

5 Tzvetan Todorov – Bulgarian structuralist
Many narrative theories originated in literature, but have since been applied to Media Studies. Todorov argued that all narratives contain five key stages:

6 Tzvetan Todorov Many narrative theories originated in literature, but have since been applied to Media Studies. Todorov argued that all narratives contain five key stages: Equilibrium – balance, an established sense of normality Disruption – an event or act disrupts the equilibrium Recognition – the characters recognise that the equilibrium has been disrupted. Restoration – the characters make efforts to resolve the issue and restore the equilibrium – this normally makes up the majority of the film as it is where the intrigue and action occurs. Several attempts can be made to restore the equilibrium. Resolution – the old equilibrium can never be fully restored, but the conflict is resolved and a new equilibrium is established.

7 Applying Todorov’s theory
How might we apply the theory to Titanic? EQUILIBRIUM: Cruise liner leaves Southampton DISRUPTION: Titanic hits iceberg, when Jack meets Rose RECOGNITION: Captain announces the ship is sinking ATTEMPTS TO RESTORE: boarding the lifeboats, trying to steer away RESOLUTION: Rose survives, throws necklace away

8 Applying Todorov’s theory

9 Linear Narrative Todorov’s theory can only be applied to narratives that are linear. Linear narratives are presented to the audience in chronological order.

10 Linear Narrative Non-Linear Narrative
Todorov’s theory can only be applied to narratives that are linear. Linear narratives are presented to the audience in chronological order. Non-Linear Narrative Watch the opening of the film ‘Memento’. What do you think a non-linear narrative is? How is the narrative presented to the audience? Why do film/TV producers use non-linear narratives? What are the benefits?

11 Claude Levi-Strauss Levi-Strauss believed that the constant creation of opposition and conflict creates narrative. He called this “binary opposition”.

12 Binary Opposites

13 Binary Opposites in Harry Potter
Good Wizards Dumbledore Hogwarts Harry Hagrid Gryffindor Bad Muggles Voldemort Privet Drive Malfoy Ron Snape Slytherin

14 Dwarves Trolls

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