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leukocyte differentiation antigen and adhesion molecules

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1 leukocyte differentiation antigen and adhesion molecules
Chapter 7 leukocyte differentiation antigen and adhesion molecules 免疫细胞相互识别的物质基础是细胞表面功能分子,包括细胞表面的多种抗原、受体或其他分子 有些细胞表面功能分子通常也称为细胞表面标记(cell surface marker)

2 Section 1 Membrane functional molecules and human leukocyte differentiation antigen

3 一. Membrane functional molecules
1. receptors——TCR, BCR, PRR, CKR, CR, NK cell receptor, Ig FcR 2. MHC molecules——class I MHC molecules, class II MHC molecules 3. co-stimulators 4. CAM

4 二.Human leukocyte differentiation antigen
(一)conception of leukocyte differentiation antigen : refers to the membrane molecules of appearing and losing during blood cell differentiation distribution: basic structure:transmembrane/GPI(glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol) classification: IgSF, cytokine receptor family, C type lectin superfamily, integrin family, TNFSF,TNFRSF

5 (二)conception of CD(cluster of differentiation):
refers to the identical human leukocyte differentiation antigen recognized by monoclonal antibodies coming from difference laboratories (三)classification of CD


7 1. CD molecules related to T cells

8 2. CD molecules related to B cell

9 3. CD molecules as Fc receptor

10 Section 2 Adhesion Molecule

11 Conception of CAM(cell-adhesion molecules)
A cell surface molecule whose function is to promote adhesive interactions with other cells or the extra-cellular matrix(ECM).

12 Classification of CAM 1)integrin family 2)selectin family
3)immunoglobulin supper family 4)mucin-like vascular addressin 5)calcium-dependent adhesion molecule family(Cadherin) 6)others

13 一. integrin family 1. basic structure of integrin family:
+ chain(subunit):14/, 8/

14 2 . composition of integrin family :(see table 7-3)
1)VLA(very late appearing antigen)group(1 group ) VLA 1~6, etc. VLA-4——VCAM-1(vascular cell adhesion molecule-1) 2)leucocyte adhesion receptor group(2 group ) LFA-1(lymphocyte function associated antigen-1) ligand: ICAM-1, 2, 3 function: lymphocyte homing and T activation Mac-1,P150/95, etc. 3)platelet glycoprotein group(3 group ) gp II b, etc.

15 3.distribution of integrin family

16 二. Selectin Family 1. basic structure of selectin family:
CL + EGF + CCP CL is site of binding ligand

17 2 . composition of selectin family:
L- Selectin(CD62L)——leukocyte P- Selectin(CD62P)——platelet E- Selectin (CD62E)——active endothelial cell 3. distribution of selectin family : leucocyte、platelet、endothelial cell 4. ligand of selectin family : sialy-lweisx(slex,CD15s)——leukocyte, endothelial cell, some tumor cells


19 三. Function of CAM (一)co-receptor and co-stimulating signal when immune cell recognition CD4/MHC II、 CD8/MHC I、CD28/CD80 or CD86、CD2/CD58、LFA-1/ICAM-1 (二)adhesion of leukocyte to vascular endothelium during inflammation (三)lymphocyte homing

20 (一)co-receptor and co-stimulating signal

21 (二)adhesion of leukocyte to vascular endothelium during inflammation


23 (三)lymphocyte homing

24 Section 3 Clinical application of CD, CAM and their mAb

25 (一)elucidation disease mechanism:
CD4 + gp120 of HIV(human immunodeficiency virus) → AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrom) CD18 gene deficiency → LFA-1 deficiency → LAD(leukocyte adhesion deficiency) 阐明

26 (二) diagnosis disease:
normal:CD4:CD8=2:1 AIDS:CD4:CD8=1:2, CD4+T cells=200/uL leukaemia: CD3/4/8 mAb——immunofluorescence and/or flow cytometry

27 (三)therapy and prophylaxis disease:
CD3mAb, CD25mAb—inhibiting cellular immunity transplant rejection reaction:HVGR(host versus graft reaction) CD20mAb——NHL(non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma) 治疗

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