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Good Writing. . . A plethora of things—but all good writing has the “Five P’s” in it! Process, passion, personality, persuasion and of course perseverance!

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Presentation on theme: "Good Writing. . . A plethora of things—but all good writing has the “Five P’s” in it! Process, passion, personality, persuasion and of course perseverance!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Writing. . . A plethora of things—but all good writing has the “Five P’s” in it! Process, passion, personality, persuasion and of course perseverance!

2 Process The BEST way to make good writing GREAT is to give it more time How many times have you “churned out” a paper at the last minute? You are better than that!

3 Ch, ch, chhhaanges… Changes between drafts Type/write your paper
Print your paper Make corrections with a pen/pencil Ask a friend/parent/teacher/neighbor to make corrections on top of yours

4 Passion Make the reader feel something
You are a real person with colorful ideas Produce a world for your reader with living color Don’t get caught in the “black dot” prison *Think of your favorite novel, play, or poem, why is it your favorite? Because the author engaged you. He/She made you feel something.*

5 Personality The unique way that you put the words to the paper, is your “paper personality” Diction – picking those perfect words to say exactly what you mean. Syntax – arranging those words effectively

6 Persuasion Any type of writing attempts to persuade—even if only on a minute level Epic poems Haiku Term papers Letters Advertising

7 Perseverance Does not “just happen” Do not do it over night. . .
Also known as revising and rewriting Stick to it and make it great

8 Bold Kind of like “Bold & Spicy” A-1 Steak Sauce Bold = color
Everything has already been written about  But not the way that you’ll say it!

9 Literary Analysis? What happens in a story = plot
Who invented this scary term? It is only “your opinion” What happens in a story = plot Why it happens: your personal vision or take on it How it happens: Discussions on the craft of writing

10 Know the rules of writing
Know the rules, follow the rules Bend these rules Break these rules—only if your reader knows it is intentional

11 Titles Great titles are information for your reader
Related to your thesis and topic sentences A great title makes your job as a writer EASY Two types of titles: FACT & CREATIVE

12 Introductions How do you get started? Need to consider your audience
WHAT will you say? HOW will you say it? Be willing to cut/edit –maybe you were warming up?

13 The three things that a good intro will always do
Interest your reader Establish a voice Tell your reader WHAT you will talk about: THESIS

14 Body paragraphs If you are having a triple cheeseburger, these are the meat and cheese Your details and main points are here—relating back to your thesis EVERYTHING in your paper goes back to the thesis

15 Conclusions Ending your writing is not always “summing up”
Consider an echo of the thesis BUT also a philosophical or poetical ending Rhetorical question and/or fragments

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