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Research workshop October 19 ,2017 Teleconference Info:

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Presentation on theme: "Research workshop October 19 ,2017 Teleconference Info:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research workshop October 19 ,2017 Teleconference Info:
Call into the phone line 5 minutes before the session From the Vancouver area, call From outside Vancouver, call toll-free After calling the number, enter the password, which is #

2 Roundtable What is your research topic? (in 1 sentence)
What are you working on right now? Successes and challenges so far?

3 Session overview Highlight resources and strategies for upcoming key stages in research module Address frequently encountered scenarios when preparing ethics applications Invite all teams to ask questions and/or get feedback on issues or challenges

4 Upcoming stages Submit research proposal (RP) to DEC (October 20, 2017) RP review and feedback from Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Responding to RAC feedback Completing and submitting ethics application

5 Research Proposal (RP)
Tips Purpose and objectives Methodology – details! Data Statistics

6 RP review key information
Ensure project suitability and feasibility Strengthen research methodology Improve ethics applications Multiple rounds of review common in research

7 Responding to feedback
Recall 480 … What were the three golden rules?

8 RP Review Key information
Process to address research proposal feedback: Feedback document will be sent to intern project leader (Nov 6) Review feedback with team (including preceptors) Fill out your portion of the document stating each revision you plan to make OR why you have chosen not to address a particular piece of feedback Resend completed feedback document to Heather by the deadline in the Project Activities Checklist (Nov 24)

9 Let’s step back for a minute…
Why are ethics applications a critical step in your research projects?

10 Ethics Key information
When to complete your ethics application: Start now, revise with feedback provided on research proposal In the application: do not leave any fields blank, write “N/A” as applicable Use your local resource people! Applicable forms can seem intimidating and long, past teams have had success by explicitly following guidelines

11 Ethics resources Ethics Approval Guidelines (Project Guidelines folder) KEY POINTS: Submit to different ethics boards, depending on core site Include UBC Dietetics DEC,DPE (Tamar, Kara) as team member on all applications All sites need to use UBC Dietetics template for Research Proposals Check with local board to see if they will accept UBC Research Proposal template (if applicable)

12 Ethics resources Board specific guidance notes
Sample RISe applications (Sample Documents folder) TCPS2 CORE modules– good general principles, with examples

13 Scenario 1 Your study involves creating and sending an online survey of patients, asking about their satisfaction with their nutrition care experience. Your team has also planned to collect demographic data about the survey participants. The ethics board requires you to provide your rationale for the online survey platform you plan to use and why you need to collect demographic data about participants in your research project

14 Scenario 2 Your study involves doing a chart review of patient data in a renal clinic. Your team wants the most recent data possible in this study, so you propose to collect data in charts all the way until the end of your data collection period, estimated as March The ethics board does not approve your study as a minimal risk project, as you have indicated in your application.

15 Questions, answers, discussion
Questions about completing your applications? Advice from peers on any challenges you are encountering?


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