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Radioactive Waste and Material Storage in the Frame of LS2

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2 Radioactive Waste and Material Storage in the Frame of LS2
Doris Forkel-Wirth, HSE-RP LS2C 24th February 2017 With input from: L. Bruno. F. Castronuovo (TE), M. Magistris, P. Muffat (SMB), M. Picard, C. Theis, L.Ulrici, LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

3 Radioactive Material Storage (I)
2015: Working Group on radioactive material storage Results: Inventory of “official” and “other” rad. storage Bat 879, 954, 955, 804 (TT4), 805 (TT5) (central SMB management) Bat 150, 151, 157, 180, 183, 193, 225, 361, 367, 917, 951, 287, 169, 883, 887,922, TTl2, 162, SMA18, 184, 869, 873, 867 (managed by Groups) LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

4 Radioactive Material Storage (II)
Candidates for radioactive waste in SMB managed areas Bat 150, 183, 193, 225, 917, 951, Material declared as waste: 90 m3 (mainly material on euro pallets) 149 magnets from TT4 and TT5 Magnets: ANDRA + HSE-RP are preparing the “Dossier d’Acceptation” (covering all these types of magnets) – June 2017 First pilot magnet elimination foreseen before end of 2017 LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

5 Radioactive Material Storage (III)
Inventory: All items in Bat 954/955/879 had been re-inventorised, labelled and registered in TREC (clean-up of data base) Data bases: Automatic link and data exchange between TREC-EDH-BAAN AND TREC from design to the final repository of an equipment! (CERN radioactive waste database ISRAM migrated to TREC in 2016) LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

6 Radioactive Material Storage (IV)
P. Muffat, 2015: Available storage space: 400 euro palettes, No floor space left Required storage space for LS2: 1900 m2 Future: FLEXBUILDING LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

7 Radioactive Waste Pilot project - sorting at the source:
Booster and SPS decabling campaign: ANDRA container Radioactive Waste in ISR: ~ 8600 m3 Goal for elimination : ~ 4000 m3 (until end 2019) Waste Class Volume in m3 Various metallic waste 300 Cables 1000 LEP modules 2000 Combustible/filters 2016: 1200 m3 (b.t.) eliminated – 310 m3 produced LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

8 Why Radioactive Waste Forecast?
Internal: Waste storage and elimination management (space, budget) External: “Waste Study” requested on a regular basis by Tripartite (First edition 2012, next edition in 2021 (after LS2)) -> Input to waste storage management of CERN’s host states (long term planning – location/space, budget) LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

9 Data Collection for Rad. Waste and Material
The origin, the type of item, the type of material (chemical composition), geometrical information (dimension, mass, volume), the quantity, the risks, the radiological information (duration of irradiation, cooling time when applicable, etc.).  TEMPLATE OF FUTURE RADIOACTIVE WASTE INVENTORY  SPECIFIC COLUMNS FOR MATERIAL INVENTORY Data until Sep. 2016 Data collected separately (RP, SMB) Traceability Component origin Component type Single component dimensions Total quantities ID Owner Contact person Date of input Facility Subarea or room Position or process Component Description Material type Mass/ component (kg) Volume/ component (m3) Length (cm) Width (cm) Height (cm) Nb. of components Total mass (kg) Total volume (m3) Cell format: DPT-GP-SECT° First name Name Select from list [kg] [m3] [cm] 1 EN-EL-BT Jérôme Pierlot 26/11/2014 SPS Sextant 5 Cable BT cables Cu + insulation Halogen free insulation 350.0 1.000 5 1750 2 Connector Cables connectors Aluminium 0.000 50 3 PS main ring Light Fluorecent tubes 25 TOTAL Package properties Package total quantities Package type Nb. of components / package Gross mass/package (kg) External length (cm) External width (cm) External height (cm) Stackable Nb. Of packages Total gross mass (kg) Total gross volume (m3) Select from list [kg] [cm] [m3] Unitary piece 1 28000 1,600 100 Yes 28,000 16.0 3 8000 1,000 24,000 30.0 19 532,000 304.0 Component risks Expected or known exposure profile Type of activity Schedule of incoming waste quantities ID Flammable Contaminated Highly radioactive Toxic Material Safety Data Sheet Photos, technical documentation Remarks Start date of exposure End date of exposure Activity triggering the exit of waste Period 2034 horizon Mass Volume Cell format: x Link to MSDS Link to photos or EDMS document or mm.yyyy or yyyy Op. / Maint. / Refurb.-Uprg. / Dism. Operation X-mas shutdown LS2, LS3, other 1 2003 2012 Refurbishment-Upgrade LS2 2 3 Every 5 years 2009 2014 Preventive maintenance X-mas shutdown 50 TOTAL 20 YEARS TOTAL MASS: 1900 Mass/year: 25 1800 50.0 Mass 10y Vol 10y TOTAL VOLUME: 9 Volume/year: 5 2.0 LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

10 Waste Forecast Estimation 2012 (étude déchets) Estimation January 2016
Years LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

11 Summary (I) Storage needs for radioactive material and waste from LS2 seem to be manageable (according to best knowledge): new Flexbuilding for radioactive material ISR for radioactive waste (4000 m3 are planned to be freed in ) Some specific storage needs like of the ones of LHCb are not yet completely solved The data collection of future, radioactive material to be stored is vital for best practice storage management The data collection of future, radioactive waste is vital for internal (storage, elimination, costs) and external use (disposal planning by host states, costs) LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

12 Summary (II) Future radioactive material and waste forecast:
Present method of data collection and processing is extremely resource intensive and difficult to manage. The process should be reassessed. A tool should be developed which allows efficient and reliable data collection validation of data efficient data processing application to all over CERN at any time matching with radioactivity levels in the radiation areas Option: integrate forecast for production of conventional waste LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

13 LS2C 24-Feb EDMS

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