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Fundamental Political Principles

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Presentation on theme: "Fundamental Political Principles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fundamental Political Principles
Unit 2: Historical Documents and the U.S. Constitution

2 Fundamental Principles
Fundamental political principles define and shape American constitutional government. What does that mean? It makes the United States…the United States.

3 Vocabulary Consent of the Governed Limited Government Rule of Law
Democracy Representative Government

4 Consent of the Governed
Definition: In the United States, citizens give authority (power) to the government in exchange for the protection of their rights. Those rights can be found in the U.S. Constitution. What are some examples of the rights we have?

5 Limited Government Definition:
Government is NOT all- powerful and may do only those things the people have given it the power to do. Does limited government exist EVERYWHERE in the world?

6 Rule of Law Definition:
Everyone, including government officials, must follow the law. Examples: Governors, Congressmen, Police, Citizens And… Yes, this even includes the President of the United States. What could happen to these American leaders if they were to break the law?

7 Democracy Definition:
In a democratic system of government, the people rule. Direct Democracy – Everybody meets in one place, votes, and majority rules. Do we have a direct democracy in the United States? (Hint: Think about the population)

8 Representative Government (Republic)
Definition: In a representative system of government, the people elect public office holders to make laws and conduct government on the people’s behalf. Who do we elect? Presidents Senators Representatives Governors (State-level) Mayors (City-Level)



11 Virtual Field Trip North Korea South Korea
North Korea South Korea

12 Compare and Contrast Using American Fundamental Principles
North Korea South Korea

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