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Kalman Filter Example.

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Presentation on theme: "Kalman Filter Example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kalman Filter Example

2 Rudolf E. Kalman b. 1930 Hungary Kalman Filter NASA Ames 1960
National Medal of Science (2009)

3 Actions and Observations Through Time
Belief(xt) (using all evidence to date) Get Measurement Elapse Time Belief'(xt) (without latest evidence)

4 Kalman Data: Our estimate: x1..t = x1, x2, x3...xt Our measurement:
z1..t = z1, z2, z3...zt Our action: u1..t = u1, u2, u3...ut

5 Kalman Example "Understanding the Basis of the Kalman Filter Via a Simple and Intuitive Derivation" Ramsey Faragher

6 Initial Estimate

7 Elapse Time

8 Get Measurement

9 New Belief

10 Kalman: Assume a Linear System
xt = Ft xt-1 + Bt ut + wt xt = state (estimate) ut = action Ft = state transition matrix Bt = control input matrix wt = noise wt ~ N(0,Qt)

11 Kalman: Measurements zt = Htxt + vt zt = measurements
Ht = Transformation matrix vt = observational noise vt ~ N(0, Rt)

12 Kalman: Belief Gaussian Distribution x0 = initial mean P0 = Variance
N(x0, P0)

13 Kalman Example Action: ft/m State: xt vt

14 Kalman Update State: Action: xt = xt-1 + vt-1△t + 0.5 (ft/m) * △t2
vt = vt-1 + (ft/m)△t x't v't = 1 △t 0 1 xt-1 vt-1 △t2/2 △t ft/m

15 Kalman: Elapse Time Update
x't = Ftxt-1 + Btut P't = FtPt-1 FTt + Qt

16 Kalman: Measurement Update
Kalman Gain (how much to correct estimate) Kt = P'tHTt (HtP'tHTt + Rt)-1 New Belief: xt = x't + Kt(zt-Htx't) Pt = P't - KtHtP't

17 Simple Kalman Filter Example
xt = just position (meters) ut = 1 m/s wt ~ N(0,0.1) vt ~ N(0,1.0) x0 = 4.5 P2 = 2.0 x't = xt-1 + ut + wt (F=1, B=1) zt = xt + vt (H=1)

18 t=0 x0=4.5 P2=2

19 t=1 x1 = x0 + 1 = 5.5 P'1 = F0P0 FT0 + Q0 = 1 * 2 * = 2.1

20 t=1 z1=5.673 K1 = P'tHTt (HtP'tHTt + Rt)-1 = (2.1 * 1)/(1*2.1*1+1.0)
= .677 x1 = x'1 + K1(z1-H1x'1) = ( *5.5) = Pt = P't - KtHtP't = * 1 * 2.1 =

21 Kalman Filters Must be linear system Stored as a gaussian

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