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Greek & Latin Word Parts 16

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1 Greek & Latin Word Parts 16
clam, cur, grat, tox, vol

2 shout clam,claim (Latin)
SAT Focus Word: clamor (n.)—a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people Context: The announcement that school was dismissing early instigated a clamor from the students. declamation (n.)—act of making a formal speech acclaim (v.)—to announce or welcome with excited approval Other words: disclaimer, exclaim, reclaim

3 run cur(s), cour (Latin)
SAT Focus Word: precursor (n.)—something or someone that comes before something else Context: A child’s tantrum is often a precursor to naptime. incur (v.)—to come into or acquire courier (n.)—a messenger or delivery service Other words: current, concurrent, concur, course, recur, occur, cursive

4 pleasing, pleased grat (Latin)
SAT Focus Word: gratuity (n.)—money given in return for some service or favor Context: The gratuity for a waitress usually falls anywhere between twelve and twenty percent of the total bill. congratulate (v.)—to express pleasure to a person, as on a happy occasion ingrate (n.)—an unthankful person Other words: gratification, grateful, gratify, gratis

5 poison tox (Greek) SAT Focus Word: detoxify (v.)—to rid of poison or its effects Context: Some people occasionally fast in order to detoxify their bodies. intoxicate (v.)—to affect temporarily with diminished physical and mental control by means of alcohol, drugs, etc. antitoxin (n.)—a substance, formed in the body, that counteracts a specific poison Other words: toxicologist, toxic

6 will vol (Latin) SAT Focus Word: volition (n.)—power of using one's will Context: When the front door seemed to open of its own volition, everyone in the room ran behind the couch. malevolent (adj.)—ill-willed benevolence (n.)—goodwill Other words: volunteer, involuntary, voluntarily

7 Summary clam—shout cur—run grat—pleasing tox—poison vol—will

8 Match each bold word with the letter of its meaning.
From the clamor of the crowd, I knew that Elvis had left the building. A. to rid of poison 2. Engagement is a precursor to marriage. B. a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people 3. Three cents is an insulting gratuity that a waitress might actually give back to you. C. money given in return for a service; a tip 4. Certain house plants help detoxify your home of harmful chemicals in the atmosphere. D. something that comes before something else 5. Carrie took the casserole to her ailing elderly neighbor’s house of her own volition; her mother did not ask her to do it. E. the power of using one’s own will

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