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Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

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1 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Ambassador Adam M. Scheinman Department of State June 23, 2015

2 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Formal Name: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Proposed 1961 Negotiated Opened for signature 1968 Entered into force 1970 Extended indefinitely 1995 Nearly Universal All but India, Israel, Pakistan, and South Sudan have acceded North Korea announced withdrawal in January 2003

3 Nuclear Weapon States Nuclear Weapon State (NWS): A state that conducted a nuclear test before 1967 The Depositaries: United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union ratified in 1968 China and France acceded in 1992 Any other state must adhere as a Non-Nuclear-Weapon State (NNWS) 185 NNWS have adhered (+ Palestine) NPT constrains rights of parties having or not having nuclear weapons

4 NPT – Three Pillars Nonproliferation Peaceful Uses Disarmament
Article I (non-transfer/non-assistance by NWS to NNWS) Article II (non-acquisition by NNWS) Article III (verification and export control) Peaceful Uses Article IV (recognizes right to peaceful use and encourages cooperation) Disarmament Article VI (end nuclear arms race, nuclear disarmament, general and complete disarmament)

5 NPT – Other Major Provisions
Article V (peaceful nuclear explosives – considered obsolete) Article VII (nuclear-weapon-free zones) Article VIII (review conferences, amendment) Article X (withdrawal, duration/extension)

6 Nonproliferation Pillar
Article I: NWS undertake not to transfer nuclear weapons, and not to assist, encourage, or induce any NNWS to manufacture, acquire, control nuclear weapons/explosives Article II: NNWS undertake not to receive, manufacture, acquire, or seek or receive assistance in the manufacture of nuclear weapons/explosives Article III.1: NNWS undertake to accept IAEA safeguards on all nuclear material in the state to verify peaceful use Article III.2: All Parties undertake not to export nuclear material or equipment to NNWS except under IAEA safeguards

7 Peaceful Uses Pillar Article IV.1: Recognizes the inalienable right of all Parties to research, production and use of nuclear energy without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I and II NPT Review Conferences have concluded that peaceful use should also be in conformity with Article III Article IV.2: All Parties undertake to facilitate and have the right to participate in the fullest possible exchange of materials, equipment and information for peaceful use of nuclear energy Does not compel any Party to export to any other Must be consistent with Articles I, II, III

8 Disarmament Pillar Article VI: All Parties undertake to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures for: Cessation of the nuclear arms race Nuclear disarmament Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control Only existing general treaty obligation on nuclear disarmament Obligation applies to all Parties NNWS can contribute to conditions for nuclear disarmament Huge gains to reduce and constrain nuclear weapons since end of the Cold War NPT parties disagree on whether Article VI mandates negotiations to eliminate nuclear weapons.

9 NPT Review Conferences
1995 Review & Extension Conference Indefinite extension Strengthened review process: forward and backward look Principles and Objectives Resolution on the Middle East zone free of WMD 2000 Review Conference Consensus Final Document, including “13 steps” 2005 Review Conference No Consensus 2010 Review Conference President’s Review (non-consensus) Consensus Action Plan: 64 items covering 3 pillars Conference in 2012 on a Middle East WMD free zone 2015 Review Conference No consensus because of Middle East issue

10 The Prague Agenda “The [NPT] basic bargain is sound. Countries with nuclear weapons will move towards disarmament, countries without nuclear weapons will not acquire them, and all countries can access peaceful nuclear energy.” Pursue peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons: Reducing the role and numbers of nuclear weapons Securing vulnerable nuclear materials Strengthening the IAEA and global regimes Building new frameworks for civil nuclear cooperation

11 Prague Accomplishments
U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (2010) U.S.-Russian New START Treaty 2010 NPT RevCon Consensus Final Document Nuclear Security Summits: 3 Head of State gatherings IAEA fuel bank in Kazakhstan approved New ENR policy adopted by Nuclear Suppliers Group Advancing Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Protocols Iran – choice between sanctions and full compliance But…no CTBT, no FMCT, no further US-RF cuts

12 Political Landscape heading into 2015 Review Conference
Iran talks underway Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons NGO campaign to ban nuclear weapons Russian actions in Crimea/Ukraine P5 (dis)unity on NPT agenda Stalled Middle East WMDFZ talks Palestine accession to NPT North Korean provocations continue

13 2015 RevCon Synopsis Failed to reach consensus on a final document
U.S., UK, and Canada could not agree to unbalanced language on Middle East Apparent consensus on all other issues Tenuous acquiescence on disarmament HINW advocates thought it was too weak; 107 signed Humanitarian Pledge France and Russia thought it went too far U.S. message Treaty itself remains strong U.S. committed to action in areas of agreement

14 2015 RevCon: Disarmament Recommended establishment of an Open-Ended Working Group on nuclear disarmament measures Registered concern at the catastrophic consequences of use of nuclear weapons as a driver for action on disarmament Encouraged greater transparency by calling on the NWS to provide regular reports on detailed categories Reaffirmed urgent need to start FMCT talks and get the CD back to work. Endorsed International Partnership on Nuclear Disarmament Verification launched by USG

15 NPT RevCon: Nonproliferation
Underscored importance of compliance and called on non-compliant states to cooperate with IAEA Reflected growing support for the Additional Protocol to safeguards agreements and recent efforts to transition IAEA safeguards to improve chances to detect undeclared nuclear activities Gave increased priority to nuclear security No movement on dealing with abuse of withdrawal Strong language on North Korea

16 NPT RevCon: Peaceful Uses
Reaffirmed commitment to promote access to peaceful uses of nuclear energy Emphasized new programs that aid developing countries (Peaceful Uses Initiative) Highlighted nuclear safety priority and IAEA role post Fukushima Recognized entry into force of a nuclear liability convention Stressed need for capacity building on safety, security for nuclear-using states

17 NPT RevCon: Middle East Issue
2010 RevCon called for conference to discuss a ME zone free of all WMD by 2012 Postponed as it became clear there was no basis for agreement Informal process involving key regional players in Switzerland 2013/2014 No resolution to disagreements on agenda, date, UN role Arabs/Egypt sought new terms in 2015 that could exclude Israel and the United States What next?

18 Taking forward the NPT Bring Russia back to nuclear arms control negotiating table Find a way forward on FMCT and lay the groundwork for CTBT ratification Get the P5 to work on nuclear policy issues Intensify engagement with NNWS: international verification partnership; UN OEWG Resuscitate Middle East zone process Bring NWFZ protocols into force Use available institutions on all fronts

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