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2 Course Information Lecture Slides and Readings  to be posted on KLAS
Class Logistics: 화, 목, 10:30-11:45 am (Lecture Room 402) Prof. Seo Office = 정경대 교수회관 418호 Office Hours = By Appointment Please me at Lecture Slides and Readings  to be posted on KLAS

3 Course Proceedings 이 수업은 부분 영어 수업!
강의 시작부터 약 30분 정도는 영어로 수업을 진행하고, 이후는 우리말로 강의 진행 강의 PPT는 거의 영어! 발표, 시험, 토론 참여 등은 모두 우리말로 가능!

4 Course Major Topics I. American Political History
From Founding Fathers through the Great Depression From the Modern Presidency through the End of the New Deal Era II. American Political Institutions & Participation The American Presidency The U.S. Congress and Political Parties III. American Foreign Policy Historical, Institutional and Policy Perspectives US-China Relations + US policy toward North Korea

5 What 2 Watch 4 This Semester?
Primary Contests for the Presidential Election 중국 시진핑 방미 (9월) + 박근혜 대통령 방미 (10월) Climate Change Reform?

6 왜 미국정치인가? American Politics: Why Bother?


8 Landslide victory by Eisenhower in the 1952 Election. (442 vs
Landslide victory by Eisenhower in the 1952 Election (442 vs. 89 Electoral College vote) The Korean War and American Politics Eisenhower as president-elect visited Korea The first war since the WWII “not declared” by Congress “NSC-68” in 1950 calling for defense spending increase: confirmed by the Korean War Impacts on the 1952 Election (Eisenhower vs. Stevenson) “I shall go to Korea” (Eisenhower campaign promise) “Korea, more than anything else” (Adlai Stevenson)

9 Linking Trade and Security?
“As a Korean War veteran, I have witnessed first-hand how relations between our two great nations have improved dramatically over the years. Unfortunately, I cannot support KORUS because it will do real harm to the North Carolina textile industry.” Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC) (CR E1834, Oct 12, 2011) At the top of her speech on Capitol Hill in 2013, President Park thanked four Korean War veterans still serving in the US Congress; Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), Rep. Howard Coble (R-NC), and Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX). Among these four Korean War veterans, Conyers from Michigan and Coble from North Carolina voted against the trade deal with Korea.

10 Course Readings 매주 book chapter 1.5-2장 정도의 분량
예)우리말 book chapter + 영문 book chapter 예) 우리말 논문 + 영문 논문 Reading materials는 KLAS에 upload 예정 시험과 퀴즈를 위해 regular reading이 반드시 필요!

11 Course Requirements Midterm Exam (35%) (Oct 20, 화)
Final Exam (40%) (Dec 17, 목) Weekly Quiz (5%) Team Issue Presentation (10%) Attendance (5%) Participation (5%)

12 Midterm and Final Exam (75%)
35% Midterm Exam 40% Final Exam Format is a combination of multiple choice, short identification, and short essay. All readings materials and lecture notes will be a fair game on the exams (50-50!).

13 Thursday Quiz (5%) 매주 목요일 강의 시작할 때 3-5 questions
Only From the Weekly Readings !!! Simple and Important Questions Only!

14 Attendance (5%) & Participation (5%)
I will check the attendance every class (10%). Two late for class  One absence !!! I will also never fail to note and record participation for grades. (5%)  No Participation, No Participation Grade

15 Team Issue Presentation (10%)
매주 목요일 수업 후반부 (Starting on Sep 10th ) A list of potential topics  Syllabus Your team can pick up your own topic as well !!! 15 min Presentation + 10 min Discussion 총 12회  각 팀은 5명 정도씩 (수강신청에 따라) 신청 방법은 목요일 수업 때 공지

16 Issue Presentation (10%)
[Domestic Politics] Immigration Reform Gun Control Debate Climate Change Debate Same-Sex Marriage Debate Obama Health Care Reform Economic Inequality

17 Issue Presentation (10%)
[International Relations] US Policy towards the Middle East US-China Relations US Policy toward North Korea TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Obama’s “Pivot to the Pacific” US vs. Russia: Back to the Cold War?

18 Issue Presentation (10%)
[US vs. Korea] The Presidency: US vs. Korea Party Polarization: US vs. Korea Independent Voters: US vs. Korea Filibuster Reform: US vs. Korea Regionalism: US vs. Korea Gay Rights: US vs. Korea

19 Electronic Device Class Policy
Students using laptop computers MUST sit in the back of the classroom to avoid disturbing fellow students. Of course, use of cellphones and texting are never permitted in class. Any violation of these policies may result in a zero for your attendance grade.

20 Class Manner Policy Once you are in class, you will NOT get out of the
classroom until the class is over. Except for the “exceptional cases” you have to explain to me right away… In particular, during the class presentations, students are NOT allowed to get out. Violating this rule should result in some penalty.

21 A couple of more things …
Read, Read, Read ! It is imperative that you do all the readings. Show me your work ! Create a good report and present it well! Be active in class participation ! It will DEFINATELY make a difference for your final grade.

22 Meet your class mates Wednesday!
30 seconds !!! 1. Name, Major and Career Goal 2. Any favorite or interesting US presidential candidate?

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