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S Self-Check Quiz SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute,

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1 S Self-Check Quiz SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement Students will review proportions in centers with I Pads using the Brownie Points app. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. 1. Open the Brownie Points app on your I Pad. 2. Find your name and click on it. Next to your name on the right, there is a drop down box. Click on it. Choose standard 6.RP.3 5. Practice that standard. Use the slate if you need to work it out. Learning Objective(s): The student will review proportions. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ Lisa School: W.W. Lewis Middle Louisiana State Standard: 6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real ‐ world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations. Grade Level/Subject: 6/Math Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: 80% correct or better is mastery of skill Prerequisites for students: Equivalent Fractions

2 You will take the self-check quiz using the online Glencoe tools..
Proportion Review AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool substitute with functional improvement. You will take the self-check quiz using the online Glencoe tools.. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Open the internet on the computer and go to Enter your username and password. Click on the book to enter. Then click the menu tab at the top left and choose Resources. In the drop-down boxes, choose Chapter 1 Lesson 6 in the drop down box. Click on Check Click on Self-Check Quiz. The quiz will open in a new tab. Answer the 5 questions in the quiz and then click Check. the results to your teacher. 9. the results to me at Learning Objective(s): The students will review proportions and the teacher the results. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/ Lisa School: W.W. Lewis Middle Louisiana State Standard: 6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real ‐ world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations. Grade Level/Subject: 6/Math Special Directions/Considerations: Each time students open the quiz, they get new questions, sot this can be used more than once. Activity Evaluation: 80% or better correct is mastery Prerequisites for students: equivalent fractions

3 Proportional Discussions
M Proportional Discussions MODIFICATION Technology allows for a significant task redesign. Students will have mathematical conversations in small groups to discuss how to find equivalent ratios. Students may question peers, add to the conversation, and critique the work of peers. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Scan the QR code to join a room with peers for a “meeting.” Answer the proposed question in solving the real-world problem presented. Silently discuss relevant information needed to solve the problem (student 1) and a problem-solving strategy (student 2) using TodaysMeet . Once the group is in agreement, student 3 should present the solution. During each of these steps students should have mathematical conversations . Students may question peers, add to the conversation, and critique the work of peers. Group work can then be shared as others join the group or the teacher can project the groups work and have a class discussion on appropriate mathematical conversations as well as the problem solving steps. ***The teacher can make a different room for each group or screen shot work and delete the work, etc. Learning Objective(s): The students will use collaboration software to discuss and create a multitude of equivalent ratios. TEACHER NOTES: Tiffany Reed / School: Maplewood Middle Louisiana State Standard: 6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real ‐ world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations. Grade Level/Subject: 6th/ Math Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Students can be evaluated on the practice of Math Practices and/or the problem solution. Prerequisites for students:

4 Solving real-world proportion problems
REDEFINITION Technology allows for new tasks, previously inconceivable. Students will give step-by-step directions to create a recipe with ten servings when given a recipe for four servings. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Click on the ShowMe app on your I Pad. Use the given 3-ingredient recipe with servings for four to create an proportional recipe that serves ten. Show all steps and record your work and your oral explanation to teach a peer how to create a recipe to feed ten people. You must use a tape diagram, double number line, or equation to solve the problem. Save the video. (** This will depend on the teacher/school. If they purchased the app, they can set up groups, if not, it is a public post) Buying the App for $1.99 is suggested. Students can name it by their class number or hour and group #, etc) Learning Objective(s): The students will use screen casting software to create a (series of) math tutorial videos. TEACHER NOTES: Tiffany Reed / School: Maplewood Middle Louisiana State Standard: 6.RP.3 Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real ‐ world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations. Grade Level/Subject: 6th/ Math Special Directions/Considerations: Activity Evaluation: Students should include all steps with a written and oral explanation. The recipe must be proportional to the original as well as provide the desired number of servings. Prerequisites for students: Mathematical understanding of proportions that can be connected to a real-world problem.


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