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NA61 news and plans (October 2012 – May 2013)

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Presentation on theme: "NA61 news and plans (October 2012 – May 2013)"— Presentation transcript:

1 NA61 news and plans (October 2012 – May 2013)
NA61/SHINE Collaboration meeting, Belgrade, May 27-31, 2013 Pilot results on centrality dependence of negatively charged pion spectra in Be+Be collisions at 150A GeV/c central peripheral central Be peripheral

2 Data taking: Winter 2012/2013 Be+Be collisions at 13A, 19A and 30A GeV/c


4 Finished detector upgrade:
- TPC gas monitoring system (Hermann-Josef) and to be installed upgrade: - TPC calibration pulser (Rainer, Krzysztof, Andras)

5 Maintenance/replacement of numerous
NA61 components: - TPC LV system (cable insulation, repair of spare boards) - Andrzej - PCs (DAQ, DCS, …) - VTX-1 and VTX-2 maintenance – the CERN cryo group, still the work/schedule/cost proposal was not presented to us

6 Progressing with ToF-L/R HV upgrade
and repair of ToF-L/R non-working channels Jovan, Dejan, Vadim, ... HV upgrade: phase I (2 creates, 20 distributors) almost finished, phase II (2 creates, 20 distributors) is starting, Repair of non-working channels with JINR (Vadim) participation, Still not well defined

7 Progressing with PSD upgrade (temperature stabilization, HV, FEE, DCS)
Fedor, Sasha, INR Temperature stabilization system – the CERN group, Profiting from developments/experience of the Dubna COMPASS group

8 Starting read-out and DAQ upgarde (ToF,BPD,PSD,Beam):
Successful test of the DRS4 (PSI) chips (Sandro, Emil, ...): Significant manpower and financial resources needed

9 Designing a prototype of the Vertex Detector:
Selected solutions: Si pixels (MIMOSA-26), ALICE-like support (Pawel, Michael D., Grigori, Sergey, Yasir, ...) Collaboration with the Frankfurt CBM group, Synergy with the ALICE Vertex Tracker upgrade

10 Towards new forward tracking detectors:
Priority physics goals and thus detector requirements still under discussion, neutrino, h+p/A and HI programs can potentially profit. Two detector options under consideration: TPCs (Dezso) and/or Drift Chambers (Eric)

11 Software upgrades Reconstruction/simulation chains are still using
the legacy software and lxbatch (Boris, Marek, Dag) Shine: in spite of the significant progress the reconstruction and simulation chains still have not entered the commissioning phase (Andras, Michael, Oskar) Virtualization: in spite of being almost ready still is not used for data production (Dag) It is crucial to conclude, as fast as possible, both software upgrades by switching with data production and simulation to the Shine chains within CERNVM

12 Calibration Calibration of 2010-2013 data is advancing well
but still largely within the legacy software Faster progress thanks to new contributors (Elena, Scott, Kevin …) and “old” experts (Antoni, Marina, Michailo…) but new detectors → new “problems”, in particular the PSD calibration turns to be a large project

13 Results, analysis New preliminary data realizes since the
last collaboration meeting: - p+p energy scan 2009: - fluctuations of identified positive hadrons (Maja) - long range two-particle correlations (Bartek) - p+C at 31 GeV/c 2009: - dE/dx-tof identified hadron spectra (Alex) - K0s spectra (Laura) - cross-section (Davide) - First results on Be+Be at 150A GeV/c (Emil, Szymon) - Established new correction method for fluctuation measures (Tobiasz) - Pilot results on p+LT at 31 GeV/c 2009 (Alexis, Dimitar) Need very soon: publications with the 2009 data, preliminary results on Be+Be collisions

14 News from outside: European Stratgey:
LHC, post-LHC at CERN, ILC in Japan, Neutrino physics, Theory, Quark flavor physics, Detector R&D, Non-accelerator particle and astro-particle physics, and … NA61:

15 News from outside: SPSC:
*DRAFT* minutes of SPSC-107 NA61 (SHINE) The Committee notes with satisfaction that NA61 has made good progress on the publication of the results of the 2007 data. The Committee notes with satisfaction that preliminary results have been presented on the analysis on cosmic-ray related data and on multiplicity fluctuations in proton-on-proton data which serves as reference for future ion-on-ion measurements and is looking forward to further results. The SPSC congratulates the NA61 Collaboration for the efficient data taking of the Beryllium-on-Beryllium data in 2011 and encourages a timely analysis of the data. The Committee encourages the experiment and CERN to explore all options to consolidate the magnets of the experiments to ensure that no beam time allocated to NA61 is lost due to technical problems. The SPSC welcomes the interest of American groups for measurements relevant to the US neutrino programmes and the Committee is looking forward to a proposal.

16 2014 proton period:

17 2015 NA61 argon run:

18 2015 proton period:

19 Summary of 2014/2015 SPS FT periods for physics:
2014: October 13 – December protons (all users) 2015: January 19 – March – argon (for NA61 only) 2015: June December – protons (all users) Latest news from Django: the ECR ion sources test with argon should be finished this week (probably successfully)

20 Numerous basic detector upgrades are in progress,
they will increase efficiency and physics performance of NA61. It is crucial to finish them before October 2014 ! However, using the 2014/2015 beam time for physics data taking, even without planned upgrades, has the highest priority !!! The most important for the NA61 ion program Ar run can not be shifted/repeated !!!

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