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Monday 12 September 2011 Topic: Characteristics of Life

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Presentation on theme: "Monday 12 September 2011 Topic: Characteristics of Life"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday 12 September 2011 Topic: Characteristics of Life
DO NOW Underneath your list for hw, answer the following in complete sentences: How did you go about making your list? Describe your thinking process. What was challenging about making this list? Do you think your list has any flaws? Explain. OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share. AGENDA Money collection; text and notebook distribution Characteristics of Life Finish GIST HOMEWORK DELAYED UNTIL REST OF TEXTBOOKS ARRIVE

2 Text/Notebook Distribution
NOTEBOOKS: Unless otherwise indicated, ALL WORK is to go in the notebook. This includes Do Now and Exit Ticket prompts, notes from class and lab activities, and homework assignments. Your notebooks will be collected at random and graded. OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.

3 Characteristics of Life
Using your hw as a guide, turn to your elbow partner and combine your lists into one master list of 8 characteristics. If you do not have 8, try to brainstorm more. If you have more than 8, attempt to eliminate the traits that are not necessary for a species to continue. OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.

4 ALL Living things… Are made up of at least one cell Reproduce
Have a genetic code Grow and develop Use energy and materials Respond to their environment Maintain homeostasis Adapt/evolve over generations OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.

5 GIST completion In the time remaining in class, work EITHER by yourself OR with your elbow partner to complete the GIST reading If you work in partners, alternate one person reading a sentence aloud and creating the summary, then the other person reads the next sentence, and so forth. I will collect the summary sheet today! OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.

6 Biology Lab – 9D Front of room
SLIGHT CHANGES! Jearnelle Igor Kezia Lisa Kathy Elest Jude Nick Paya Gabrielle Andre Rebecca Elizabeth Dodavah Bryan Jonathan Carlos Yachelle Naikey Max Senay Shannon Giana Omar Nick S. Gemaers Makeda

7 Tuesday 13 September 2011 Topic: Cells and Nutrition
DO NOW Describe what homeostasis is. Why is it important that organisms can do this in addition to respond to the environment? Give two examples of each – homeostasis and responding to the environment. OBJECTIVES Explain what you will be presenting on Monday AGENDA Characteristics of Life Project introduction Group assignments Outline material HOMEWORK Read “extremophiles” article and answer corresponding questions (THIS HW IS MOVED DUE TO THE ½ DAY!)

8 ALL Living things… Are made up of at least one cell Reproduce
Have a genetic code Grow and develop Use energy and materials Respond to their environment Maintain homeostasis Adapt/evolve over generations OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.

9 Classification Project!
Assigned groups of 4 – each group will be given a Domain or Kingdom of organisms to present, in addition to a species of your choosing from that category Graded upon: Information in the powerpoint Powerpoint format Presentation skills OBJECTIVES Explain what you will be presenting on Monday

10 Classification Project!
TODAY: After being assigned to a group, move desks to work together Send a representative to get texts and graphic organizers Choose roles for who will research which information from the text today DECIDE UPON A PARTICULAR SPECIES! You will have the next double block with laptops to create the ppt OBJECTIVES Explain what you will be presenting on Monday

11 GROUPS Elest, Kezia, Igor, Rebecca (PROTISTS)
Nick G, Elizabeth, Kathy, Paya (FUNGI) Nick S, Giana, Shannon, Omar (BACTERIA) Bryan, Gabby, Jude, Dodavah (PLANTS) Lisa, Andre, Jearnelle, Jonathan (MAMMALS) Carlos, Naikey, Senay (REPTILES) Makeda, Gamaers, Max, Yachelle (ARCHAEA)

12 EXIT TICKET: What aspect of this type of project do you feel comfortable in performing? Do you foresee any challenges or obstacles? How do you plan to work through these? OBJECTIVES Explain what you will be presenting on Monday

13 Biology Lab – 9D Front of room
NEW SEATS!! Jearnelle Igor Jonathan Andre Jude Paya Lisa Noah Elest Kathy Nick G. Rebecca Elizabeth Gabby Dodavah Kezia Carlos Yachelle Max Naikey Omar Shannon Giana Nick S. Bryan Gemaers Makeda Senay

14 Friday 16 September 2011 Topic: Cells and Nutrition
DO NOW On index card, in complete sentences Describe why completing the Do Now in silence is important to the learning environment. Which classroom norm is most important to you and why? OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between the 2 main types of cells Describe how cells acquire energy from food. Describe what a species is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species. AGENDA Compare types of cells Outline modes of nutrition Define ‘species’ Groups organisms according to the hierarchical classification system HOMEWORK (For extra credit) Complete GIST reading Complete your presentation

15 Starting ClassProtocol
Wait for Ms. Brotman to let the class in Upon entering the room, go straight to your seat – do not wander the room and chat with friends To be done in SILENCE What does it mean to be silent? Why is this important? All matters to be discussed with me should wait until the class is working on another task.

16 Raising Hands Protocol
Two situations for raising hands: Getting out of your seat Answering a question during class* * Sometimes I will ask that the whole class call out an answer – this helps me to see what the overall understanding is.

17 Mr. McMahon He will be popping into our class from time to time
His job is to help you out if I am busy You may ask him if you need a pass

18 Presentation Project Due to the ½ day, we lost a lot of time
We are NO LONGER working on the powerpoint If you feel comfortable, you can present your material on Monday for extra credit This can be individual, and not the group

19 Helping you learn… So that I may try to structure the class so that you can learn your best as much as possible: Check off ALL statements that apply to you Add up the tallies per section If one particular section has the most, please circle the entire section

20 Two main cell types: PROKARYOTES and EUKARYOTES
Epithelial Cells w/ Bacilli (bacteria) White Blood Cell w/ Cocci (bacteria) OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between the 2 main types of cells Describe how cells acquire energy from food Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.

21 Cells! (Concept Summary)
Draw a picture to summarize the topic. KEY WORDS: PROKARYOTE EUKARYOTE NUCLEUS Paragraph: Summarize your learning by using as many of the key words as you can. Do not simply give definitions of the terms. Use them in sentences that show you understand their meanings. Check off terms above as you use them. Circle terms below, in your writing.

22 Modes of Nutrition All species – unicellular or multicellular – must gather outside resources to convert into usable energy TWO MAIN OPTIONS: Autotrophic – make their own food (USUALLY photosynthesis) E.g. plants, few protists, bacteria) Heterotrophic – have to find food E.g. carnivorous plants, animals, fungi, most protists, some bacteria OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between the 2 main types of cells Describe how cells acquire energy from food Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.

23 What is a species? SILENTLY, take 1minute to brainstorm and write down as many examples of species that you can think of. Humans Chihuahua Bulldogs Death adder Poodle Orangutan Blue jay Crocodile Stone fish Black bear Panda bear OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.

24 What is a species? A species is the basic category of biological classification, composed of related individuals that resemble one another, are able to breed among themselves, but are not able to breed with members of another species. EXAMPLE: tiger + tiger = tiger tiger + lion = liger (a hybrid species) OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.

25 Classification Species are classified into a hierarchy based upon APPEARANCE, not behavior Individuals of the SAME species can act DIFFERENTLY OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.

26 Classification HIERARCHY from most general to most specific: DOMAIN
KINGDOM PHYLUM CLASS ORDER FAMILY GENUS SPECIES OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.

27 Classification Binomial nomenclature
Scientific name for a species (e.g. Homo sapiens) Includes the genus and species ALWAYS Latin QUICKWRITE! Take 1min to quickly jot in your notebook: How would you feel if you were told at your job that you needed to learn all the key words in Mandarin Chinese because that’s where the company was based? OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.

28 EXIT TICKET: Explain what one would observe about a prokaryotic cell compared to a eukaryotic cell as seen through a microscope. COMPLETE SENTENCES!

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