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Engineers & Sustainable Development Pn. Endang Jati Mat Sahid

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1 Engineers & Sustainable Development Pn. Endang Jati Mat Sahid
MEHB523 Introduction To Sustainability Engineering Lesson 7 Engineers & Sustainable Development By Pn. Endang Jati Mat Sahid

2 Objectives This topic and lecture provides a wrap up of the course, focussing back on the role of engineers in delivering sustainable development outcomes. It does this using the statements of the Engineering profession itself including: World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAUST)

3 Sustainable development aims to balance three elements:
Economic: what things cost - and how to make a business out of providing infrastructure, goods or services Environmental: what impact those things have on nature and the earth’s support systems - which are finite Social: how those things serve the needs and quality of life of people and their communities

4 The Reality of Sustainable Development
At the beginning of the 21st century around the world there are signs of severe stress on our interdependent economic, environmental and social systems. The desire to address this has led to a number of significant international events culminating in: 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro Global commitment to sustainability 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg Progress since Earth Summit assessed, commitment strengthened

5 These political events brought sustainable development firmly into the public arena, and established it as an accepted/expected goal for policy makers. The concept of sustainable development now influences governments, internationally, nationally and locally. Most countries in the developed world, and many countries in the developing world, have now incorporated sustainability into their national planning. Nations are making progress in the formulation and elaboration of national strategies for sustainable development and are beginning their implementation. Engineers, because of their pivotal role in society, have a major part to play in this implementation and achieving sustainable development.

6 Soon after the 1992 Rio Summit a systematic analysis of the Agenda 21 document by a group of engineers found that of the 2500 issues in Agenda 21: Industries are starting to work with a new approach - Socially Conscious Business. This transformation represents a shift in focus from simply making money to making money by benefiting the community. 1700 seemed to have engineering or technical implications, and at least 241 appeared to have major engineering implications.

7 Companies have found that working with a socially conscious vision has many advantages, from improved productivity and company image to reductions in wastage and employee attrition. Formation of World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) with: This has led to a focus on Triple Bottom Line Management and Sustainable Development Reporting. There is a growing realization that our current energy systems will need to be radically changed if they are to supply our energy needs sustainably in the long-term. “a shared commitment to sustainable development via the three pillars of economic growth, ecological balance and social progress”

8 In response many professional organisations, including engineering and scientific associations, have now incorporated sustainable development into their mission statements, statutes and codes of practice. In their “Melbourne communiqué” representatives of 20 chemical engineering organisations from around the world committed themselves to using their “skills to strive to improve the quality of life, foster employment, advance economic and social development and protect the environment through sustainable development” WCEC, 2001

9 World Federation of Engineering Organisations
World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) is a non-governmental international organisation that brings together National Engineering Organisations from over 90 nations. WFEO is the world wide leader of the engineering profession and co-operates with national and other international professional institutions in developing and applying engineering to the benefit of humanity. Model Code of Ethics (adopted 2001)

Engineers shall: apply ability, courage, enthusiasm & dedication contribute to & promote healthy & agreeable surroundings for all people accomplish beneficial objectives of work with lowest possible consumption of raw materials, energy lowest production of wastes & any kind of pollution discuss consequences of proposals & actions on health of people, social equity and the local system of values direct or indirect immediate or long term

Engineers shall: study thoroughly the environment that will be affected all potential impacts structure, dynamics & aesthetics ecosystems & socio-economic systems urban or natural environmentally sound and sustainable choices promote clear understanding of actions required restoration & improvement inclusion in proposals

Engineers shall: reject any kind of commitment that involves unfair damages (social, environmental) aim for the best possible technical, social, and political solution be aware of the basis for humankind's continued existence & don’t exceed thresholds of sustainability eco-systemic interdependence maintenance of diversity resource recovery inter-relational harmony

13 International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)
International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) represents international business interests of firms belonging to national Member Associations of engineering-based consulting companies. As such it represents the business interest of firms supplying technology-based intellectual services for the built and natural environment. Policy on Consulting Engineers and the Environment (issued 1994)

14 FIDIC Policy on Consulting Engineers and the Environment
Consulting Engineers accept the challenge of the endangered environment. Because of their professional training and background they have a particular role and obligation towards the protection of the environment. Engineers should provide leadership in achieving sustainable development — development that will meet the long term needs of future generations of all nations without causing major modification to the earth’s ecosystems. 

15 FIDIC Policy on Consulting Engineers and the Environment
This role of the engineer should result in: Careful evaluation of the environmental benefits and adverse impacts of proposed projects. Conservation of energy. Reduction in the use of non-renewable resources and increased re-use of materials. Reduced waste production through improved industrial processes, better transportation and distribution systems, and recycling of waste products. Sound agricultural and other land-management practices. Restoration or improvement of damaged land, polluted water supplies, and disturbed ecosystems. Effective transfer of environment knowledge and experience.

16 FIDIC Policy on Consulting Engineers and the Environment
The goals of Consulting Engineers should include a commitment to achieve sustainable development. Consulting Engineers should give the highest priority to the short term and long term welfare, health and safety of the community. They should consider regional, global and cumulative effects of projects in addition to local effects. Therefore, FIDIC recommends as follows:

17 General recommendations Each Consulting Engineer should:
Keep informed on global environmental trends and issues. Discuss environmental problems with professionals from other disciplines. Provide information to clients, the public, and government about environmental problems and how adverse effects can be minimised. Become involved in organisational activities, including assistance to governmental authorities, that promote the protection of the environment. Encourage and promote appropriate courses in all forms of environmental education. Promote research and development relevant to protecting and improving the environment.

18 Special recommendations Each Consulting Engineer should:
Recommend that environmental studies be performed as part of all relevant projects. Such studies will normally require a multi-disciplinary approach. Evaluate the positive and negative environmental impacts of each project. They should suggest alternatives to their clients if environmental risks emerge. Develop improved approaches to environmental studies. Environmental effects should be considered early in the planning process. Studies should evaluate the long term consequences of environmental changes.

19 Urge clients to prevent or minimise the adverse environmental effects of projects in all phases - initial planning, design, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning. Finally, take appropriate action or even decline to be associated with a project, if the client is unwilling to support adequate efforts to evaluate the environmental issues or to mitigate environmental problems.

20 Institute of Engineers, Australia Policy on Sustainability
Since 1919, Engineers Australia has provided the national Australian focus for the development of all aspects of engineering as well as representing the interests of engineers and the communities they serve. "It is up to engineers to consider sustainability in every project they design and construct, and every product that is made. Sustainability is now a fundamental responsibility that all engineers must carry every day." Doug Jones, National President of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2004. Policy on Sustainability (issued 1997)

21 IEAUST Policy on Sustainability
The Institute of Engineers, Australia (IEAUST) requires that it’s members, in their practice of Engineering, shall act in a manner that accelerates achievement of sustainability through: Acknowledging that people are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature; Endeavouring to ensure that sustainable development today will not undermine the development and environment needs of present and future generations. Recognising that to achieve sustainability, environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process, and that development cannot be considered in isolation from it.

22 Using the precautionary approach to protect the environment and accepting that there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, scientific uncertainty shall not be used to postpone cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation Reducing and eliminating unsustainable patterns of production and consumption Helping to ensure that environmental issues are handled with the participation of all concerned citizens Acknowledging that the community has a right to access, and an understanding of, environmental information. Promoting the internalisation of environmental costs, taking in to account the approach that a polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution. Supporting the transfer of knowledge and innovative technologies Participating in a global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of the earth’s ecosystem.

23 Fundamental Changes for Engineers
Preventive Proactive Pre-emptive Radical changes to the way engineers see their roles & responsibilities Integration of sustainability into mainstream engineering thinking & action Use of natural systems as models for design & development Inter-disciplinary approaches Photo: Warren Flint,

24 Engineers will design transport
Engineering for SD Engineers will design transport systems that will: Be more energy efficient Create fewer adverse environmental impacts Encourage sound urban and rural planning with less urban sprawl Create longer-life facilities that can be maintained at lower costs Photos from WFEO Transportation In the past 200 years, engineers have made continuous breakthroughs in developing transportation systems, from building canals, locks and improving river navigation to designing aircraft, airports and air traffic control systems. In the future, engineers will design these transportation systems to meet the community’s needs in ways that are sustainable.

25 Engineers will develop resources including:
Planning cleaner, efficient mining and petroleum operations Water resource planning of all kinds Agricultural engineering in land reclamation, drainage and improved farm operations Improved land planning to protect valuable agricultural land and natural resources from the impact of urban sprawl Photos from WFEO Resource Development and Extraction Engineers are involved in developing and extracting natural resources in many different ways. By approaching projects with sustainable development objectives, greater efficiencies and benefits for the environment will be direct outcomes.

26 Engineers will develop resources in a sustainable way:
Developing instrumentation to measure and monitor pollution Changing industrial processes to reduce energy use and eliminate waste Designing products and packaging for re-use or resource recovery Collaborating with other industries by creating “eco parks” Photos from WFEO and CECP Processing and Modifying Resources In the past, many industries generated waste products that were toxic and not easily degraded under natural conditions. In the last 100 years, this has led to environmental pollution and new laws and regulations to help protect the environment. The work of engineers underpins industry’s capacity to make major changes in the ways they use raw materials to produce products. By reducing their waste to a minimum, many industries are finding that improved processing leads to increased profits. The final bullet point is an exciting example of how engineers will play an innovative role in processing and modifying resources in a sustainable way. In an ‘’eco park’ , several industries would work together so that each industry’s waste products would be used as the raw materials for others. This also makes possible more efficient use of waste heating and cooling water and using combined waste treatment facilities.

27 Engineers will recover and reuse precious resources:
Improving ways to recycle and reuse domestic waste Designing better solid waste collection and storage facilities Improving methods to collect and reuse waste construction materials, scrap metal and other natural and synthetic materials Improving treatment facilities for urban waste to be used safely for agriculture Resource Recovery and Reuse In the United States, eighty percent of all products are thrown away after one use. The figure would not be substantially different in other developed nations. For sustainable development to be possible, our human activities will have to be redesigned to reuse our raw materials and consumer products many times over. This screen lists just some of the ways engineers can assist in better resource recovery and reuse.

28 Engineers will conserve and reduce the use of energy:
Designing energy-efficient buildings Designing industrial processes that are more energy efficient Using low-energy lighting systems Designing more efficient automobiles and public transportation systems Increasing the use of underground construction Photos from WFEO, CECP and Dale Alcock Homes Energy Production and Use Humans consume more fossil fuels per year than nature produces in a million years. Emissions of carbon, sulphur and nitrogen by- products create unacceptable levels of pollution and threats to the earth’s climate. One of the greatest engineering challenges for the future will be to develop less environmentally damaging sources of energy while simultaneously reducing total energy consumption. So, in the future, the roles of engineers in energy production may include those things listed on this screen, as well as: more efficiently extracting and processing remaining petroleum and gas reserves improving the efficiency of electric power stations; and expanding the use of hydro-electric, solar, geothermal, wind, and biomass energy

29 Engineers will use IT to contribute to and enable SD by:
Building real e-companies: dematerialising and digitising Maximising efficiency Creating tools for sustainability Networking with nature and re-designing products into services The Roles of Engineers Approximately 15 million engineers populate the world today. As in many other professions, there are different kinds of engineers. They include civil, environmental, mechanical, electrical, chemical, industrial, agricultural, mining, petroleum and computer engineers. Engineers are involved with two kinds of projects: they design and build projects that meet basic human needs - safe water, food, housing, sanitation, energy, transportation, communication, resource development and industrial processing. they solve environmental problems - creating waste treatment facilities, recycling resources, restoring polluted sites, and protecting natural ecosystems. Engineers are key to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

30 Implementing Sustainable Development
There are a number of complementary tools and approaches that can be used by Engineers to aid their implementation of sustainable development as shown below.

31 Other useful tools and concepts to assist in implementing sustainable development included:
New technology and innovation will be needed to achieve significant progress towards sustainable development. Engineers have a significant role in developing and using this new technology, and doing so in a responsible manner. Life cycle assessment and management Environmental management systems Green Chemistry Green Engineering, and Biomimicry / biomimetics

32 Conclusions Sustainable development and environmental responsibility now influences government, business and economic activity at all levels - it can’t be ignored. Achieving its goals and objectives presents great challenges for all parts of society and requires creativity at every level; social, economic, institutional and technical. Engineers, because of their pivotal role in society have a major part to play in achieving sustainable development. Environmental issues, and sustainability DO matter for Engineers - they are now an inseparable, integral part of Engineering.

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