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Education or Enforcement what is the priority?

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Presentation on theme: "Education or Enforcement what is the priority?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Education or Enforcement what is the priority?
Mick Doyle Superintendent Roads Policing

2 Education or Enforcement
Police Enforcement Police Discretion and Diversion National Schemes Local Innovation Future Opportunities

3 Police Enforcement Is the risk of getting caught a deterrent?
Is the level of police activity effective? Is it intelligence led or just about collecting numbers?

4 Police Discretion and Diversion
What is discretion? Where should it be applied? Points or Diversion?

5 National Diversion Schemes
ACPO NDORS Driver Improvement Speed Awareness Rider Improvement (pilot)

6 Local Innovation High Speed Mobile Phones Seat Belts
Young Driver Scheme

7 Education Courses in TVP

8 KSI’s in TVP


10 To reduce young driver collisions
By increasing their awareness of the key issues associated with young driver crashes By addressing these key issues with them using forward thinking training methods 10

11 e-learning Modules Anatomy of a crash Attitude and Alertness
Safety Margins Overtaking Anticipation and Awareness 11


13 Evaluation 12 months / 5,000 drivers
Effect of YDS on collisions and violations Effect of YDS on attitudes immediately before and after after six months Five Control Groups 13

14 Education through Enforcement that is the priority!
Mick Doyle Superintendent Roads Policing

15 Future Opportunities ? Evaluation!

16 Education or Enforcement what is the priority?
Mick Doyle Superintendent Roads Policing

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