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Keeping Children Safe Online

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Children Safe Online"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Children Safe Online
Information for Parents

2 The Internet in Real Time

3 The Internet in One Minute

4 Which Apps are Children Using?
Activity Time! Using the post-its, can you label all of the app logos?

5 Which Apps are Children Using?
Kik – similar to WhatsApp but does not require you to link an account to an or phone number. This app has been at the centre of several high profile cyber bullying news stories. 13+ rating on iTunes. Omegle – a ‘chat roulette’ site where the creator boasts ‘talk to strangers’. 13+ Habbo Hotel – a bright and colourful social media app where the user creates an avatar and furnishes their hotel room and interacts with other hotel users. – an question and answer app originally started to bring bands closer to their audiences. Question and answers can be posted anonymously. 13+ age rating. Yik-Yak – was forced to change it age rating to 17+ after there was outrage that many young children where subjected to inappropriate content. This is an anonymous messaging app that also uses geo-tagging to send nearby user messages. Tumblr – an online photograph/blog site. Privacy and security settings are notoriously difficult to set up. Much of the content in inappropriate. 13+

6 Other Worthy Mentions Xbox Live – a way of playing online multiplayer games. Depending on who’s sign is used, content is curated differently. Pinterest – online image sharing. Facebook – users must be 13. Much of the content is aimed at 16+ Reddit – a comments forum where popular posts are up-voted. 13+ Twitter – users send ‘tweets.’ Popular due to the way it creates a connection to celebrities. 13+

7 Children’s Digital Footprint

8 The Big Four

9 Online Behaviour Many children see their online behaviour as repercussion free and as being detached from the behavioural codes that exist in their daily, school and home lives. Many popular apps serve to reinforce this via anonymity, poor or non- existent codes of conduct and creating time limited content. Children are also being hammered with the message that self worth and popularity is measured in ‘likes’ or followers.

10 What is Snapchat Snapchat is a picture messaging app where once the message has been received/seen it ‘deletes’ its self. Also has a chat/messaging function where children can create group chats. Senders are altered if the recipient takes a screen shot of the image before it disappears. Has recently introduced a ‘snap map’ where senders are geo-tagged from where they sent their message. Has a ‘stories’ function where content is curated by the app and is often inappropriate for young children as it assumes users are all 13+.

11 How to Make Snap Chat Safe
Delete the app and your child’s account. The age restriction is 13+ Use the in-app security settings. Through the ‘settings’ disable any unwanted permissions. Ensure your child knows exactly who each person is on their ‘friends’ list. Can they name each person? Visit: apchat-safety-a-how-to-guide-for- parents/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv7CGvM7h1gIVj5kbCh 2otgDJEAAYASAAEgJQyvD_BwE

12 What is Instagram or ‘Insta’?
A photograph sharing app where people can ‘like’, share and comment on each other’s images. There is a private messaging and group chat function. Has a ‘story’ function where users can create a montage of videos and images. Instagram is often children’s first step into the world of social media. As a result, Instagram is often where incidents of online bullying originate.

13 How to Make Instagram Safe
Delete the app and your child’s account. The age restriction is 13+ Use the in-app security settings to make the account private. Ensure your child knows exactly who each person is on their ‘friends’ list. Can they name each person? Follow CEOP, NSPCC, Cheshire Police. Visit: tagram-safety-a-how-to-guide-for-parents/

14 What is You Tube (YT) A video sharing platform where users can like/dislike videos and comment on them. Popular videos often have adverts before or during them. Videos often have user created annotations. Videos are not ‘rated’ and viewer discretion is often not advised.

15 How to You Tube Safe Download and use You Tube Kids for KS1 and LKS2 children (3-8). Vet specific channels and subscribe to them. Create a family account to monitor videos watched, liked and suggested. Turn restricted mode on.

16 How to You Tube Safe Restricted or safety mode can be locked so children do not toggle it. Content creators who flag their content as not appropriate for young viewers will now be blocked. Comments are no longer visible. YouTube screen time is supervised only. Turn annotations off:

17 Key Messages ‘Lock down’ and make private all app and social media accounts. Get your child’s password and regularly log-in to check what is being posted, messages received, friends lists and private chat groups. Work with your child to create openness. Their digital life should not be one they feel they need to hide from you. Check the ‘history’ in app and platforms like YouTube. Set clear boundaries with definitive consequences. Do not allow societal norms and peer pressure to force you into allowing your child to expand their digital footprint. If you are unhappy with something – delete it. Limit and help your child to manage their digital footprint.

18 Inappropriate Gaming and Media

19 The Rest is Up to Them…

20 How to Report a Concern Via the thinkuknow website:
Via the CEOP Police website: Via the ‘Report an e-safety concern’ on the school website. The school takes e-safety incidents very seriously. Please inform a member of staff if you have any concerns.

21 Where to Find Out More safety/

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