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Social Harm.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Harm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Harm

2 Why are we here? Destruction Injury Death Personal Tragedy Heartache
Economic Loss

3 The existing state of affairs
Why are we here? Status Quo The existing state of affairs

4 How Did We Get Here? 1974 1985 2017

5 Why are we here? Insanity Defined by Albert Einstein
Doing the same thing the same way Expecting different results Texas is trying a new idea The Regional Approach Change Mind Set Change Behavior

6 Why are we here? Three “E’s” of Traffic Safety

7 Law Enforcement effects all 3 E’s
Engineering Crash Reporting Purpose for investigating crashes Factors Contributing Accuracy of the reporting Education Voluntary Compliance Lead by example Tell them why Show them examples Enforcement For those can’t be educate

8 Why are we here? Agency focuses on preventing crime
No time for traffic enforcement Constituents do not support traffic enforcement Highway Patrol responsibility Officers do not want to work Traffic

9 Why are we here? DDACTS Data Driven Approach to Crime and Traffic Safety Stop Cars / Catch crooks Traffic and crime hotspots are generally the same Solve both problems

10 Why are we here? Existing problem
The Region Ignoring the problem The Agencies do not have the resources Do not have the funding Unable to dedicate resources Crime is agencies main priority

11 Traffic Enforcement is not real police work

12 William Lester Suff Ted Bundy Randy Kraft Timothy McVeigh Robert Gibson

13 Social Harm

14 Criminal acts SOCIAL HARM Common Denominator Traffic crashes

15                           Criminal acts cost American's an estimated $870 billion per year

16 Motor vehicles crashes
Cost Americans  $871 billion a year $598.5 billion

17 No Fear No Panic

18 1965 Polio was cured 49,000 Killed in Traffic Crashes
Something must be done Highway safety act signed

19 NHTSA FARS Data 2016 37,461 people were killed on U.S. roads, meaning 2016 was the deadliest driving year since 2008."

20 1Injury cause by vehicle crash
every 57 seconds TEXAS 1Injury cause by vehicle crash every 1 min 58 seconds 1Fatal Car Crash every 2hrs and 20 mins

21 State of Texas November 7, 2000 End the streak!

22 Traffic Law vs Criminal Law
Very Little Grey area Enforcement and Courts have little discretion Convictions come with consequences Traffic Law Societal suggestions Enormous discretion from enforcement and courts Convictions have little consequences beyond monetary

23 Societal view of Criminal
Murderer Burglar Drug Offenses Sexual Crimes Criminal

24 Societal view of Traffic Law Violator
Speeder Run Stop Sign or Red Light Refuse to wear safety belt Distracted driver Intoxicated driver Citizen

25 Conditioning

26 Insanity Defined Doing things the same way Expecting different results

27 Tolerance Conditioning

28 Social detachment

29 Six Pillars of 21st Century Policing Model
Building Trust and Legitimacy Policy and Oversight Technology and Social Media Community Policing and Crime Reduction Training and Education Officer Wellness and Safety 

30 Social Harm Simple solution?

31 Changing the focus Reduce social harm not write tickets
Eliminate non-data-driven activity Enforcement happens where it is needed most Tickets are written at LEO’s discretion or according to LEA policy Performance measures An overall average of 2.5 car stops per hour Budgets for overtime developed from Crash Data Enforcement Zones Comparison of grant-year crashes with rolling 3 year average

32 Objectives Life saving initiative preventing traffic crash death
Aggressive enforcement as crime deterrent Make YOUR community safer High Visibility Enforcement Reduce and ultimately prevent social harm

33 S.T.E.P. Strategic Traffic Enforcement Plan

34 Strategic Historically the selective approach has not been effective
Selecting locations where violations are plentiful Has not provided significant reduction in social harm Using the DDACTS model Map out problem areas Deploy resources to that area

35 Traffic Vehicles move society More social harm caused through traffic
War Terrorism Crime

36 Enforcement An active patrol unit is a social harm deterrent
The more active the unit the more effective

37 Plan Not a cult movement Not another government program
Focuses on the need of your community Consider the Three E’s of traffic safety

38 Passionate ?

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