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Megan Duffy Sarah Luginbuhl Sara Dean Nicole Dickison

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1 Megan Duffy Sarah Luginbuhl Sara Dean Nicole Dickison
Writing Interview your parent(s) about their jobs. Literature Read The Family Book by Todd Park Writing Write a sentence or two about your family. Math Bar graph how many siblings the class has. Art Draw yourself at your future/ dream job. Science Discuss what kind of class pet we want & vote. Science Create habitat for future class pet. Art Draw your family portrait under the sentence from writing. Social Studies Compare grandparents jobs (from interview) to what they want to be when they grow up. Literature Career Day by Anne Rockwell Math Bar graph how many siblings the class has on smart board. Jobs Social Studies Discuss and create questions (one being about jobs) to ask a grandparent, and then interview grandparent for homework. Family Structure Other Events Discuss your family within small groups. Math On Smart board Compare the two graphs previously made. Art Combine family portraits and family description to create a class book. Other Events Have 3-5 parents come in to talk about their jobs Math Tally how many/ what kind of pets each individual has on smart board. Family Structure Social Studies Venn diagram of pets needs and human needs on overhead projector. Writing Write a journal entry from the perspective of a day in the life of your parent. Art Sculpt your family pet out of clay. Family Roles Literature Read the Family Book created by the class Other Events Have 3-5 parents come in to talk about their jobs Writing Write a poem about your pet, if you don’t have a pet then write a poem about what pet you would like to have. Pets Other Events Take a field trip to Sturbridge Village. Visit virtual field trip Social Studies Bring in a food item for the class to share from your culture/ background Art Draw what you’re going to do with the class pet when you take it home for the weekend. Extended Family Literature Read a poem “Wishes” from Who Swallowed Harold by Susan Pearson. Other Events Create a list of what the class pet will need when you take it home. Science Assign class pet to an individual for the weekend. Math Bar graph how many/what kind of pets the class has on smart board. Megan Duffy Sarah Luginbuhl Sara Dean Nicole Dickison Writing Bring the family tree worksheet home and have your parents’ help you fill it out. Literature All Families are Special by Nora Simon Science Discuss dietary and care needs for pet. Social Studies Create a family timeline about birth order and significant events. Science Introduce class pet. Pick a name.

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