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Loudoun Valley High School

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1 Loudoun Valley High School
Home off the Vikings! Course Registration Class of 2022

2 Course Registration for 2018-19 Loudoun Valley High School
This presentation will provide information to assist you in selecting your courses for the school year.

3 Freshman Year From NACAC-National Association for College Admission Counseling
Take challenging courses Study hard and earn excellent grades Read, read, read…to strengthen your vocabulary Become involved in sports, clubs, volunteer activities Browse through college literature or surf the web to learn about schools that may interest you Research career possibilities Know NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) requirements if you want to play sports in college Begin saving $$$$$$ for college Get to know your high school counselor

4 High School Credits (earned in middle school)
Math: Algebra I, Geometry or Algebra 2 Head start on verified credits Foreign Languages Beginning with Level I…not Exploratory

5 Typical 9th Grade Schedule
A1 Geometry* A2 Earth Science A3 Band A4 Spanish II* *Student would have completed Algebra 1 and Spanish 1 in 8th grade. B5 English 9 B6 Study Hall (remediation/enrich) B7 World History I B8 H/PE 9

6 High School-Four Year Plan
SAMPLE- Adv. Studies Diploma Grade 9 Grade Grade Grade12 English English English English 12 Math Math Math Math Science Science Science Science W.History 1 W.History US/VA Hist US/VA Gov. Health/PE Heath/PE (Finance/Econ) (Elective) w/CPR w/ Driver Ed For. Lang. For. Lang For. Lang (For. Lang.) Elective Elective Elective Elective

7 Levels of Core Courses Offered Academic Honors (+.5)
Advanced Placement (+1.0) Dual Enrollment (+1.0) You will need to explain gpa in simple terms

8 English English 9 Acad or Honors English 10 Acad or Honors
or AP English Language & Composition English 12 Acad or English 12 Honors (dual enrollment) or AP English Literature & Composition or DE English 12 Semester Creative writing 9+ Fundamentals of Writing 9+ Etymology st Century Literacy Strategies 9+ Public Speaking 10+ Full Year Journalism 9+ Newspaper Journalism Photojournalism 1–4 9+

9 Social Science and Global Studies
9th World History/Geography to 1500 (Academic) or Pre-AP World History (Honors) 10th World History/Geography 1500 to present (Academic) or AP World History 11th US & Virginia History (Academic) or AP US History or DE US History 12th US & Virginia Government Academic or AP Government or DE US Govt. Semester Economics 10+ Global Social Issues 11+ Modern International Relations 11+ Full year AP Psychology 11+ AP Human Geography 11+ AP Economics (Micro/Macro) 11+ DE International Relations 9+ DE Survey of African History 11+ DE in US History is coming...maybe even DE in International Relations

10 Mathematics Multivariable Calculus DE AP Calculus BC AP Calculus AB
Math Analysis Honors Advanced Algebra/Pre-calculus Advanced Functions & Modeling Algebra 2 with Trigonometry Honors Algebra 2 Geometry Functions, Algebra, & Data Analysis Algebra 1 Semester Statistics Discrete Math Full Year Computer Math AP Computer Science AP Statistics

11 Science Earth Science Acad or Honors RESEARCH 9th
Biology Acad or Honors RESEARCH 10th Chemistry 11+ Environmental Explorations 11+ Physics 11+ Conceptual Physics 10+ AP Environmental Science 11+ AP Chemistry 11+ AP Physics 12 AP Biology 11+ Independent Science Research (dual enrollment option) 11+ Geospatial Science (dual enrollment option) 11+

12 World Languages and Cultures
French 1,2,3,4 & 5 (Honors), & AP German 1,2,3,4 & 5 (Honors), & AP Latin 1,2,3,4 & 5 (Honors), & AP Spanish 1,2,3,4 & 5 (Honors), & AP American Sign Language 1,2,3

13 Fine Arts Music Theory/History 9+ AP Music Theory 9+ Band 9+
Jazz Ensemble 9+ Orchestra 9+ Guitar 9+ Chorus 9+ Theater Arts 1 – 4 9+ Technical Theater 9+ DE Theatre 11+ Art 1 – 4 and AP Studio Art 9+ Graphic Design (semester) 10+ Drawing and Painting (semester) 10+ Sculpture (semester) 10+ Photography (semester or full yr) 10+

14 Career and Technical Education
Intro to Cybersecurity 9+ Intro to Business & Marketing 9+ Computer Information Systems 10+ Desktop/Multimedia Presentations 10+ Business Law and/or Business Mgt (sem) 10+ Sports Entertainment & Recreation Mktg 10+ Marketing Co-Op & non-Co-Op 11+ Advanced Marketing Co-Op & non-Co-Op 12 Intro Culinary Arts 9+ Fashion Careers 10+ Food Science and Dietetics 11+ Intro Early Childhood Ed 9+ Intro Teacher Cadet 9+ Independent Living (sem) 9+ Project Management(sem) 9+ was L.Dev. Housing/Interior Design (sem) 9+ Teacher Cadet Program (dual enrollment) 12

15 Technology Education All of the Monroe Technology Center Programs 10+
Technology Foundations 9+ Technology Transfer 10+ Technology Assessment 11+ Technical Drawing & Design 9+ Engineering Drawing & Design 10+ Architectural Drawing & Design 10+ Advanced Drawing & Design 11+ Aerospace 1 9+ Aerospace 2 10+ Materials & Processes 9+ Manufacturing Systems 10+ Manufacturing Systems 2 11+ Production Systems 12

16 Diploma Requirements Standard Diploma 26 Advanced Diploma 22 5
Standard Diploma Advanced Diploma English 4 Mathematics 3 4 (including Algebra 2) Science 3 (2 different disciplines) 4 (3 different disciplines) History/Social Science Health & Physical Education 2 World Language * see below 3 of one language or 2 of 2 different languages Fine Art or Career & Technical Education (CTE) elective 1 Other electives 4 (2 must be sequential) 2 or 3, depending on World Language Economics/Personal Finance (or AP Economics) Other requirements… 1 virtual experience and 1 technical education credential/certification 1 virtual experience Total Credits 22 26 Verified credits (SOLs) 5 *One of the following combinations of credits will fulfill this requirement: One World Language credit with one Fine Arts credit One World Language credit with one CTE credit Two CTE credits Two Fine Arts Credits One CTE credit with one Fine Arts Credit

17 End of Course SOL Tests Exams are taken in May each year
End of Course SOL Tests Exams are taken in May each year. English Writing is taken in March English parts Reading/Literature Writing (March exam) Science Earth Science Biology Chemistry Math Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Social Studies World History I World History II US/VA History

18 Verified Credits Standard Diploma 1 Reading English 11
1 Writing English 11 1 Math 1 Science 1 Social Studies Total: 5 Verified Credits (pass 5 sol tests) Adv. Studies Diploma 1 Reading English 11 1 Writing English 11 1 Math 1 Science 1 Social Studies Total: 5 Verified Credits (pass 5 sol tests)

19 Honor’s Courses Begin in 9th grade English 9H, Pre-AP World Research Earth Science Honors Research Biology Honors Weight of .5 on GPA AP Courses 1st opportunity to take-10th grade Course-AP World History Weight of 1.0 on GPA

20 Special Programs LCPS Academy of Science (AOS)
LCPS Academy of Engineer &Technology (AET) Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Advanced Placement Program Dual Enrollment Agreements with NVCC, Shenandoah University, VA Tech and Loudoun Governor’s Career and Technical Academy. Geospatial Course-JMU Dual Enrollment Monroe Technology Center-10, 11&12 grade Career Pathways through NVCC/GMU-12 grade

21 A few helpful web sites for college and career planning…
CollegeBoard- Family Connection- Your Username is your Student ID Number in this format: Your default password is your Birth Date in this format: mmddyy NACAC-National Association for College Admission Counseling NCAA-National Collegiate Athletic Association-for sports eligibility in college Fastweb-for great financial aid and scholarship information

22 Blue Ridge Visits Loudoun Valley in April!
Date-TBD Times-9:00-11:30 Tour the school Learn about Valley Sports, Clubs, Student Activities and more!.

23 Registration Process BRMS Counselor will obtain Core Teachers course recommendations in January. Loudoun Valley counselors visit middle school to register 8th graders for courses January 16, 22 & 23 online in Phoenix. Parents should review and edit course selections online between Feb After Feb 28, course changes will need to be made in writing to the 8th grade counselor because the online course selection feature in Phoenix will be closed. All students will sign up to take 4-core courses, PE 9, 2-electives, and study hall to fill the 8 block schedule using StudentVue in Phoenix. Course Request Form -Due back to the middle school counselor in early March. Please review, make changes and sign off. This form should match the courses selected in Phoenix. The POS (Program of Studies) is online at LCPS. This document is a resource that provides descriptions of available courses. Six Year Plan-Also due back to the middle school counselor with your signature.

24 To select your courses:
Login to StudentVue On the left hand side of the screen, select Course Request From the drop down menu select: - 4 core courses-(English, Math, Science and Social Science) - PE 9 (required) - 2 electives - study hall Save

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