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Time Marches on Social Studies On Line

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1 Time Marches on Social Studies On Line
Copyright © 2002 Glenna R. Shaw and FTC Publishing All Rights Reserved

2 Blueprint Skill Describe the order of events by using designation of time periods such as ancient times and modern times.

3 Ancient Times Ancient = old- real old-old as dirt.
Ancient men lived in caves.

4 Modern Times Modern= up to date=now=in the present
Modern men have traveled to the moon.

5 Old and New Ancient - old Modern - new

6 Old and New Ancient -old Modern -new

7 Ancient Ancient Egypt was the birthplace of one of the world's first civilizations. This advanced culture arose about 5,000 years ago in the Nile River Valley.

8 Modern Modern times are the most recent spans of time. They are the times in which steam boats, locomotives, airplanes, telegraphs, telephones, and even space travel have occurred.

9 What time is it? It is your time!! You will remember this time as the good old days. Your children will remember it as ancient times. “Oh, Dad you’re as old as dirt” they might say.

10 Is it ancient or modern times?
Supplies are sent to the space station. Egyptians are building the pyramids. Amber did her homework using the computer. Sam is drawing pictures on the walls of his cave home. You watched your favorite movie on television.

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