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Gas Properties & PVT Tests

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1 Gas Properties & PVT Tests
Lecturer: Marianna Dmitrieva www.

2 Standing and Katz compressibility factors chart.
Gas compressibility factor Standing and Katz compressibility factors chart.

3 Gas formation volume factor
Rate = 15,000 ft^3/day Pres = 2,000 psi Gas flow rate in scf/day - ? Tres = 120 °F

4 Gas as compressibility factor (direct calculation)
The Hall – Yarborough Method Y – the reduced density that can be obtained as the solution of the following equation The Dranchuk – Abu – Kassem Method The Dranchuk – Purvis – Robinson Method

5 Coefficient of isothermal compressibility of gases
For real gases: dz/dP can be obtained from the slope of the z vs P curve.

6 Viscosity of paraffin hydrocarbon gases at one atmosphere.
Viscosity of gases Viscosity of Mixtures Viscosity of paraffin hydrocarbon gases at one atmosphere.

7 Methods of calculating the viscosity of gases
The Carr-Kobayashi-Burrows Correlation Method Carr’s viscosity ratio correlation. Carr’s atmospheric gas viscosity correlation. “corrected” gas viscosity at one atmospheric pressure and reservoir temperature, cp - viscosity corrections due to the presence of N2 - viscosity corrections due to the presence of CO2 - viscosity corrections due to the presence of H2S - uncorrected gas viscosity, cp

8 Specific gravity of a gas
Example: Rate = 1.1 MMscf/day a. Apparent molecular weight of the gas Tres = 150 °F Pres = 1500 psi b. Gas density at reservoir conditions

9 Phase diagrams for reservoir fluids

10 Phase diagrams for multicomponent systems

11 Relative positions of phase envelopes

12 Phase diagram for an oil reservoir with a gas cap

13 PVT analysis PVT- Scope PVT Analysis
Reservoir fluid analysis provides key data to the petroleum engineer Quality of the testing is important to ensure realistic values used in design Sample quality is the first quality issue PVT Analysis Provides data for field evaluation and design Reservoir calculations Well flow calculations Surface facilities Scope of the analysis depends on the nature of the fluid Dry gas: composition, specific gravity, Bg, z and viscosity Wet gas: as above plus information on liquid drop out, quantities and compositions Oil system: Bubble point pressure, composition of reservoir and produced fluids, Bo, GOR, Bt and viscosity. All as function of pressure. Co. Below Pb considerations.

14 Sampling Clearly the sample has to representative of the reservoir contents or the drainage area. Desirable to take samples early in the life of the reservoir. Either sub-surface or surface sampling.

15 Sub-surface sampling Can only be representative when pressure at sampling point is above or equal to the saturation pressure. At pressure close to saturation pressure serious possibility of sample integrity being lost. In recent years considerable advance in downhole fluid sampling.

16 Surface sampling Samples of oil and gas taken from separator connected with the well Fluids recombined in the laboratory on the basis of the produced GOR

17 PVT tests To provide data for reservoir calculations
To provide physical property data for well flow calculations For surface facility design The reservoir calculations are the main driving force for the various tests Over recent years reservoir simulation capability has generated the need to extend compositional description from C7+ to in some cases C29+. PVT report provides source of all reservoir engineering properties for behavior over exploration, development and production.

18 Main PVT tests Flash vaporization or relative volume test Differential vaporization test Separator test Viscosity measurements Compositional measurements Special studies: e.g. Interfacial tension

19 Liberated gas remains in equilibrium with oil.
Flash vaporisation (relative volume) test Determination of the correlation between pressure and volume at reservoir temperature The system never changes during the test The gas remains in equilibrium with the oil throughout the test The behavior below the bubble point does not reflect reservoir behavior, where gas has greater mobility than oil The test determines the Bubble Point pressure Liberated gas remains in equilibrium with oil.

20 Constant composition expansion (constant mass study)

21 Flash vaporisation (relative volume) test

22 Flash vaporisation (relative volume) test
By plotting P versus V, a break in the slope is obtained at the Bubble Point pressure. Above bubble point compressibility of oil at reservoir temperature can be determined No free gas

23 Constant composition expansion (constant mass study)
No fluids removed from the cell Purpose to determine z value above dew point Determine dew point pressure

24 Differential vaporization (liberation or expansion)
Below bubble point in reservoir gas liquid separation is a constant changing system Applied to liquid/oil systems only In the differential vaporization test liberated gas is removed from the cell step wise At each step below bubble point, volumes densities, gas expansion and compressibility determined Bubble point starting point Last pressure step will be a reduction to standard conditions - automatic

25 Differential vaporization (liberation or expansion)
Schematic Diagram of Differential Liberation

26 Differential vaporization (liberation or expansion)
Typical Experimental Results for DL

27 Separator test Objective to determine impact of separator conditions on Bo, GOR and produced fluid physical properties To give an indication of oil shrinkage and GOR when fluids produced to surface There are not unique values for Bo & GOR. They depend on separator conditions Starting point for the test is the bubble point pressure Fluid produced at surface conditions. Stock tank oil

28 Density of reservoir oil
Separator test Formation Volume Factor Gas Oil ratio Density of reservoir oil

29 Constant volume depletion (constant mass study)
Specify a temperature (below cricodentherm) and a series of pressures Applied to both oil and condensate systems Vapor removed to restore cell to original volume Relative volume reported is the fraction of the cell filled with liquid after the gas is removed

30 Constant volume depletion (constant mass study)
Typical Experimental Results for CVD

31 Constant volume depletion (constant mass study)
Comparison of Liquid Saturations from CCE and CVD Liquid drop-out behavior of the North Sea gas condensate at 394 K in CCE and CVD tests

32 THANK YOU! www.

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