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Nursery Medium Term Plan Autumn Term 2017

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1 Nursery Medium Term Plan Autumn Term 2017
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Focus on building new relationships: Separate from main carer with support and encouragement from a familiar adult Play ‘Circle Time’ games that require collaboration Talk about feelings- notice how others feel and express own feelings. Taking turns and sharing Building confidence to talk to others Demonstrating friendly behaviour through modelling. Use books, puppets and dolls that help children explore ideas about friendship Model how to inhibit actions/behaviours Establish routines and responsibilities of carrying out small tasks such as tidy up teams Plan activities which will support children’s friendships/ co-operation skills e.g. kicking, rolling & throwing balls to each other, making large construction together Activities to encourage independence and interdependence. Discuss different traditions e.g. Christmas, Diwali and Eid Weekly opportunities to share learning with adults and peers through Learning Journals Daily Go Noodle sessions Gross motor tasks such as large scale drawing, large plastic and wooden construction blocks and experimenting with playdough. Fine motor task table e.g. jigsaws, wooden pull-out peg puzzle, small magnets and threading pasta. Support the safe control of one handed and two handed tools in/outdoors-holding and using jugs, books and mark-making tools Staying dry and clean during the day Showing an understanding of basic safety with supervision Can tell adults when they are tired/hungry or when they want to rest/play Communicates need for toilet and gains more bowel and bladder control Manage washing need and drying hands Dresses with help Discuss and establish Class/School Rules Encourage children to learn one another’s names and names of key workers. Express their own interests, ideas and skills. Learn to identify environmental and instrumental sounds. Begin to draw attention to initial sounds and repeated refrains. Use talk to describe actions. Introduce Talk for Writing Discuss road safety. Link to how we can be safe at school. Talk about our families and how families can be different but all our special. Play games that involve listening for a signal e.g. ‘Simon Says’ Explain why it is important to be a good listener Weekly focus- Story and Rhyme of the Week. Look at different cultural examples WellComm Interventions as a result of Baseline assessments

2 Nursery Medium Term Plan Understanding the World
Autumn Term 2017 Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Joins in repeated refrain and anticipates events. Show interest in illustrations and print in books and the environment. Fills in the missing word or phrase in a known rhyme, story or game. Support children to recognise their own name. Opportunities for large-scale (large white boards, chalk and painting boxes) and small-scale mark-making (writing notes to key group mascots and book making). Make a wish list for Santa using pictures and adult scribing. Talk for Writing and RWI sessions Have adults scribe what children say to support understanding that what they say can be written down. Provide resources for children to use from the stories they hear in their play. Opportunities to borrow books weekly from the children's’ library. Begin to develop a repertoire number rhymes and songs. Provide props for independent use Notice numbers in the environment Select small number of objects 1 or 2 Mathematical challenge table- e.g. draw the numeral s Finds total number in two groups by counting all of them (counting toys) Support use of mathematical language- (quantities) more, a lot; (size) big/small Begin to represent numbers Notice simple shapes and patterns in the environment and pictures. Counting opportunities using self registration such as how many girls? Are they more boys than girls? Learning to match quantity to numeral Noticing and creating patterns- repeated patterns, symmetry (Rangoli), wrapping paper Count down to Christmas Making calendars- counting amount of months Splosh/Paint program and Ed City (ICT) Operate mechanical toys, torches and radios Provide small-world models. Role play areas in/outside- Home Corner, Fancy Dress Shop etc Provide tools to investigate outside area (natural world) and go on nature walks Talk about what they did over the summer Enjoy joining in with family customs and routines (birthdays, prayers, washing hands before eating) Daily worship and weekly Religious Education lessons focusing on the Catholic Faith Discuss similarities and differences between celebrations and interests in their own lives and those of others Are there common themes throughout celebrations and interests?

3 Nursery Medium Term Plan Expressive Arts and Design
Autumn Term 2017 Expressive Arts and Design Celebration Dates Well-resourced workshop area to encourage open-ended creative opportunities with emphasis on process rather than product Make arrangements using leaves, collected items Den making- shape and size Provide open ended resources for make believe playing Musical instruments/Performance area outside Balloon paintings Portrait making area using paint and pens. Mixing colours through using paint and coloured water Design and make wrapping paper Make a greeting card Make some fireworks to celebrate Diwali and Guy Fawkes and decorate/design a prayer mat for Eid. Christmas Decorations. Retelling stories using finger/hand puppets 31st August to the 4th September- Eid-al-Adha (Muslim holiday) 20st - 22nd September- Rosh Hashana (Jewish holiday) 31st October- Harvest/Halloween 1st November- All Saints’ Day (Christian holiday) 5th November- Bonfire Night 12th- 20th December – First Day of Hanukkah (Jewish holiday) First Sunday of Advent 3rd December Feast of the Immaculate Conception Christmas 8th December 25th December Christmas

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