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Welcome Attendees, Julia, Stacey, Maureen, Louise, Fiona Housekeeping

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Attendees, Julia, Stacey, Maureen, Louise, Fiona Housekeeping"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Attendees, Julia, Stacey, Maureen, Louise, Fiona Housekeeping Apologies – Lesley Monaghan Photo permission CPD and evaluation forms available Rebranding update

2 Annual General Review May 10th 2017
Programme Business Meeting Chairman’s report Treasurer’s report Developing the RCOT Strategic Plan 2018 – 2023 Discussion, networking, tea & coffee Occupational Therapy: A profession to be proud of Discussion & networking One of the requirements of the structure of COT, is that Regional Group Committees have to provide an annual review to members on the activities of the region and a summary of the annual accounts. So this will be the Business meeting bit, where I’ll run through some highlights of the last year, and as Lesley has given her apologies I will present the Treasurer’s report on her behalf. It’s a strange time frame, as we’re actually meant to be reporting on the COT Business year of 1st October 2015 – to 30th September However, to make it more current, and relevant, we’ll bring things up to date! This will be followed by Julia seeking our views on the RCOT Strategic Plan for 2018 – We’ll then have a break so that you have the opportunity for discussion, networking, browsing the COT and BAOT Unison tables, and top up on refreshments. We will re-assemble at 7.30pm to hear from Julia, reminding us that occupational therapy is a profession to be proud of with a finishing time of around 8.15pm, although we have use of the venue until 9pm if you want to keep chatting!

3 Chairman’s report Regional Activities Regional Committee Members
Upcoming events So I will now just mention some of the activities that have been going on around the Region, and then tell you about the Committee members, and let you know about some forthcoming events.

4 Regional Activities Regional Roadshow Careers events
Lifelong Learning Grants New Graduate Group eCommunications Regional webpage Social media – Facebook and Twitter GCU student awards Local Group NHSGG&C Best Practice Day COTSS-NP Scottish Western Group re-launch RR “Evidencing the value of occupational therapy” was held here in Sept last year, over an afternoon and evening, and that format seemed to work well. The Committee supported by members at 2 careers events, at Mearns Castle and Bearsden Academy, with interest from youngsters, parents, and there was also awareness raising with one of the careers advisors! Awarded a total £433 of LLG in 2015/16, to 3 members (AMPS modules, and an MSc module) and so far this year have awarded a total of £400 to 2 members (volunteering as an OT in Cambodia, MSc Health and well being of the older adult.) The NGG meets monthly last Thursday of the month at Walkabout. eCommunications – explain process., and check who receives Social media – Helen GCU student awards – Engagement with the common good Local Group

5 Committee members 2016 - 2017 Role Rena Findlay Chairman Tara McMillan
Secretary Lesley Monaghan Treasurer Fiona Byng Communications Lead Shirley McCourt UK BAOT Regional Forum Lead Mary Ann Smith / vacant Membership Networks Lead Vacant Careers Promotion Lead Helen Griggs NGG / social media rep Nicole Tulloch Student rep Current committee There are changes in timing of Regional Committee members 3 year terms of office to fit in with RCOT business year – as from this year will run from October to September. Previously roles had started in June. Based on these job roles, our vacancies will be MNL, CPL, and UKBRFL, although there are also changes being made to some of the role descriptions, which I presume will be finalised at the UKBRF meeting next week. Once these are available, the nomination process for filling vacancies in the Regions will come out through OTNews. If anyone is interested in being involved with the Regional Committee, please do chat with us. I know we have someone interested in the careers promotion side of things, which is great! We are very flexible about how we fill roles, and will work around your interests. Our next Committee meeting is taking the form of a meal out, so if you want to join us to find out more, do let us know!

6 Upcoming events RCOT stand at NHS Scotland Event June 20th and 21st
HNC Occupational Therapy Support th Anniversary Celebrations June 22nd Regional Roadshow Championing Occupational Therapy Autumn 2017 Volunteers to help man RCOT stand at NHS Scotland event Information about HNC Occupational Therapy Support Regional Roadshow – date being finalised. Timing will again be afternoon and evening. Ideas for venue? Now moving to Treasurer’s report

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