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Theory, practice and praxis in Nursing Education

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1 Theory, practice and praxis in Nursing Education
Bosse Jonsson Mälardalen University (Jonsson, Skyvell Nilsson, Pennbrant & Dahlborg Lyckhage, 2014; Jonsson, Dahlborg Lyckhage & Pennbrant, 2016) Soy dinosaurio de donde vive Papá Noel El contexto es distinto no conozco su contexto Soy pedagogo, ahora la presentación es inspirado tambien de sociología y filosofía, aunque no soy ni dociologo, bi filosofo Alcalá /BJ

2 - to educate ”legitimate participants”
Educational aim ”legitimate participants” –annan betydelse hos Lave & Wenger Promoting professionality by unifying scientific knowledge and practical knowledge - to educate ”legitimate participants” Alcalá /BJ

3 Theory and practice gap - challenges for professionality
Working conditions Organizational circumstances Implicit rules (Maben, Latter & Clark, 2006) Alcalá /BJ

4 Environmental changes
Economy Technology Education Culture Alcalá /BJ

5 Workplace rationalization
Goal rationality ↔ Value rationality the aim is the meaning the process is the meaning (material work) non-material work e.g. goods production e.g. service work - rationality of health care? Producción de bienes Aprendizaje integrado en el trabajo Alcalá /BJ

6 Learning – an everyday activity
Partial connections (Harman, 2014) Learning as work Work as learning Alcalá /BJ

7 a dialectical process towards professional competence
Learning as inquire idea ↔ reality theory ↔ practice a dialectical process towards professional competence (Elkjaer, 2003) Alcalá /BJ

8 Learning as change of theory and practice into praxis
Alcalá /BJ

9 Learning to be in praxis

10 Work Integrated Learning (WIL) an approach to
make praxis of practice by using partial connections between learning and work by integrating scientific knowledge and practical knowledge Alcalá /BJ

11 Learning Integrated Work (LIW)
Capability to perform expected tasks learn at work participate in change of work place → Being in praxis (Dahlborg Lyckhage & Pennbrant, 2014) Alcalá /BJ

12 WIL AND LIW (Jonsson, Dahlborg Lyckhage & Pennbrant, 2016 )
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Learning Integrated Work (WIL) CONTEXT Focus: existing routines and conditions Focus: change and renewal of routines and conditions Education Workplace STUDENT AND EMPLOYEE ROLE Student as junior participant Employee as senior participant Methodological requisite Methodological continuation Trainee student Professional employee LEARNING PROCESS Learning by studying Learning by professional exercise Learning process Learning outcomes Students´aim: learning oneself Employees´aim: developing activities and oneself Learning to inquire Development by inquiries Epistemological and vocational knowledge Praxis knowledge Alcalá /BJ

13 Accomplishment during internship
Collaboration education – health care Continous assessment Continous supervision Evaluation Alcalá /BJ

14 REFERENCES Dahlborg Lyckhage, E., Pennbrant, S. (2014) Work Integred Learning - a didactic tool to develop praxis in nurse education, advances in Nursing science, 37 (1), pp Elkjaer, B. (2003) Organizational learning with a pragmatic slant. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 22(5) pp Harman, K. (2014) The multiple reals of workplace learning. European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning for Adults, 5 (1) pp Alcalá /BJ

15 Jonsson, B,. Dahlborg Lyckhage, E. , Pennbrant, S
Jonsson, B,. Dahlborg Lyckhage, E., Pennbrant, S. (2016) Work Integrated Learning and Learning Integrated Work. An approach to unite Theory and Practice to Praxis. . Handbook on Research on Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher, Education, pp Hershey, PA USA: IGI Global. ISBN (hardcover) (e-book) Jonsson, B., Skyvell Nilsson, M., Pennbrant, S., Dahlborg Lyckhage, E. From work integrated learning learning integrated work – A pedagogical model to develop praxis in nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education,and Practice, 2 (11), pp Alcalá /BJ

16 Maben, J. , Latter, S. , M. , Clark, J. M
Maben, J., Latter, S., M., Clark, J. M. (2006) The theory practice gap. Impact of professional bureaucratic work conflict on newly-qualified nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing (4), pp Alcalá /BJ

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