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Caritas in Timor-Leste

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2 Caritas in Timor-Leste
Over the last decade Caritas has also supported a Catholic radio station owned by the diocese of Dili called RTK Since 2004, Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand has supported HAFOTI, an organisation for rural Timorese women

3 Can you guess what HAFOTI stands for?
HAFOTI is the shortened name for Hamahon Feto Timor, which translates to… ‘Umbrella organisation for Timorese women’

4 250 HAFOTI women work together to support each other in business
What? 250 HAFOTI women work together to support each other in business

5 Why? HAFOTI exists because there are very limited
economic opportunities for women in Timor-Leste This does not make it easy to provide for the family

6 Where? HAFOTI has groups in seven districts throughout Timor-Leste (plus a shop in Dili)

7 Mana Dortia is the directress of HAFOTI

8 Training sessions are held regularly
In this photo, women are learning how to make dried fruit

9 Revolving credit allows members to set up businesses and get resources they need

10 Many products are sold in Dili supermarkets

11 Other products such as soy milk, donuts and banana chips are sold in local schools

12 Let’s see the HAFOTI women at work…
Check out the HAFOTI website too at

13 Slicing banana chips

14 Frying banana chips

15 Preparing soy milk

16 Managing a kiosk and baking fresh goods

17 Weaving traditional tais (woven fabric)

18 Processing coconut to make coconut oil


20 The first HAFOTI production centre was opened in Aileu in 2017

21 The plan is to open six new additional production centres in the other districts over the next few years

22 All funds raised during the 2018 Caritas Challenge will support the
women of HAFOTI Find out more at

23 Photo credits: Helen Reynolds

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