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Google Glass Benjamin Hodson.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Glass Benjamin Hodson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Glass Benjamin Hodson

2 What is Google Glass? Google glass is a headset that is worn and looks like a pair of glasses The glasses have a small prism shaped screen in the top right corner which displays various information the consumer is interested in Basically a computer for your face


4 Features Remind the consumer of important dates or appointments
Provides GPS navigation (Including traffic) Updates on local weather Take and share photos or videos Send messages or make phone calls via voice command Google searches Most importantly provides social media notifications

5 Developement Developed by Google X 2011 was the first prototype
Publicly announced in 2012 2013 explorer edition became available to “public”

6 Real World Applications
DrChrono an e-medical record company developed app claiming it would be the first wearable medical record. June 2013 Dr. Rafael Grossman was the first to wear a pair in surgery New mothers in Australia used google glass for breast feeding purposes Voice of America TV correspondent Carolyn Presutti successfully used Google Glass when conducting an interview and covering various stories The Ghurka Military uses Glass to track animals and birds for data logging purposes

7 Public Concerns One main concern is privacy
What if I lost or had my glasses stolen? Would my info be available to whom ever found them? Lisa Goldstein a journalist ho happens to be born deaf tested these and said they were not suitable for people with hearing disabilities Forensics experts developed a way to steal passwords from smartphones and tablets Another big one would be using the glasses while operation a motorized vehicle

8 Works Cited threat-to-our-privacy switch/wp/2014/02/27/everything-you-need-to-know-about-google- glass/?utm_term=.5b1294a66f43 echnologyandgoogleglasswhyitmatters.htm

9 Google Glass What does it do? Why do I need this?
Remind the wearer of appointments and calendar events. Alert the wearer to social networking activity or text messages. Give turn-by-turn directions. Alert the wearer to travel options like public transportation. Give updates on local weather and traffic. Take and share photos and video. Send messages or activate apps via voice command. Perform Google searches. Participate in video chats on Google Plus. Why do I need this? Glass can save you time and be a safer alternative to looking at your phone when operating a motorized vehicle Never miss a beat with social media notifications being right in front of you Texting a friend is as EASY as saying OK Glass! Be able to be face to face with loved ones at the flip of a switch What is not to love!

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