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District Dynamics District Biennium

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1 District Dynamics District 10 2014-2016 Biennium
The District Dynamics presentation should provide you with an understanding of how the District, Club and you fit into the Zonta world.

2 District Dynamics Zonta International District 10 Area Club
32 Districts 4 States: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas District 10 Area Area 1, 2 and 3 Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. Zonta International is comprised of 32 Districts around the world. Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas makeup District 10. And, District 10 is comprised of three Areas. Area 1 includes clubs in Fort Worth, Dallas, Parker County, Johnson County, Stephenville, Mineral Wells, Central Oklahoma, and Fort Smith. Area 2 includes the e-Club USA2 as well as clubs in Shreveport, Lafayette, Greater East Texas, Houston, and Longview. Area 3 clubs include San Antonio, West Hidalgo County, Brownsville, Austin, Fredericksburg, and Seguin. Club 20 Clubs

3 District Dynamics Zonta’s Structure Club Members Club Committees Clubs
Club President / Club Board Areas Area Director District Committees District Foundation Ambassador Club members are the heart of all levels of Zonta. Everything that we do starts with the individual member. Clubs have committees and a Board to conduct business, implement programs and projects, and advocate in their local cities. Area Directors act as a direct liaison between the clubs and the District Board. The District includes committees, a Foundation Ambassador and the District Board to conduct business in the 4-state region of District 10. Zonta International is comprised of International Committees, International Headquarters, ZI Board and ZI Foundation Board to conduct the business of ZI. ZI Board and projects are voted each biennium at the ZI Convention. Districts Governor / District Board International Committees International Foundation President ZIF Board International Headquarters International President / ZI Board Zonta International Convention

4 District Dynamics Elected Appointed Governor Secretary Lt. Governor
Parliamentarian Each biennium, clubs elect the District Board at the District Conference. Elected positions include Governor, Lt. Governor, Area Directors, Treasurer, and the Nominating Committee. The Governor then appoints the Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Committee Chairs. The D10 committees include Advocacy, Bylaws and Resolutions, District Historian, Finance, Foundation Ambassador, IT/Webmaster. Membership, Newsletter Editor, Protocol, Public Relations and Communications, Scholarships, Service, United Nations, and Z Clubs and Golden Z Clubs. Treasurer Area Directors Committee Chairs Nominating Committee

5 District Dynamics Dues Structure
ZI - $83; $98 for new member D10 - $28 (including $4 conference assessment) Club - varies; set by the club Dues are used for administrative purposes and travel Why pay dues? – voting privileges ZI has a one time fee of $15 for new members. Members who transfer their membership to another club do not need to pay this amount. Dues are based on the fiscal year June 1 through May 31. Semi-annual dues are also available to members joining mid-year.

6 District Dynamics Donations
ZIF funds service projects and scholarships D10 Foundation funds scholarships Club Foundations funds service projects and scholarships The foundations carry out the charitable purposes of Zonta Donations to any of the Foundations are tax-exempt under 501(c)3 legislation

7 District Dynamics District 10 Foundation supports scholarships and awards Rose (District 10 only) Young Women in Public Affairs Jane M. Klausman Woman in Business STEM Sara Metcalf Each award/scholarship is offered at $1000 at the District level ZONTA INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS AMELIA EARHART FELLOWSHIP Description:  The Amelia Earhart Fellowship is awarded annually to women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences and aerospace-related engineering. The Fellowship of US$10,000, awarded to 35 Fellows around the globe each year, may be used at any university or college offering accredited post-graduate courses and degrees in these fields. Due Date:       November 15, 2015 Application:    ZI Amelia Earhart Scholarship Application District 10 Point of Contact: Carole Moffatt, Zonta Club of Houston YOUNG WOMEN IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS (YWPA) AWARD Description:  The Young Women in Public Affairs Award honors young women in secondary level or pre-university schools, ages 16 to 19, who demonstrate a commitment to leadership in public policy, government and volunteer organizations. The program operates at the Zonta club, district and international levels. Zonta clubs provide awards for club recipients, and district and international awards are funded by the Zonta International Foundation. District recipients receive US$1,000, and five international recipients are selected from the district recipients to receive awards of US $4,000 each. Due Date:       April 1, 2015 Application:    ZI YWPA Application District 10 Point of Contact: Suzi Feickert, Zonta Club of Houston   JANE M. KLAUSMAN WOMEN IN BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIP Description:  The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship is awarded annually to women pursuing undergraduate or Master’s degrees in business management.  The program operates at the Zonta club, district and international levels. Zonta clubs provide awards for club recipients. Zonta International awards scholarships of US$1,000 each at the district level and twelve international scholarships in the amount of US $7,000 each. The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are awarded annually and may be used for tuition, books or living expenses at any university, college or institution offering accredited business courses and degrees. Due Date:       July 1, 2015 Application:    ZI Jane M KLausmann Scholarship Application District 10 Point of Contact: Debbie Adams, Zonta Club of Fort Smith   Z CLUB/GOLDEN Z CLUB CONTEST Description:  The Emma L. Conlon Service Award is a contest for Z Clubs and Golden Z Clubs. These awards recognize those clubs whose projects and programs best express the ideals of Zonta International through local and international service and advocacy to advance the status of women worldwide. First place clubs receive US$1,000; second place clubs receive US$500; and third place clubs receive US$250. The award money is to be used for the club’s service projects. Due Date:       See Application Application:    Z Club/Golden Z Club Contest Application District 10 Point of Contact: Staci Aldredge, Zonta Club of Longview   DISTRICT 10 SCHOLARSHIPS ROSE  SCHOLARSHIP Description:  The Rose Scholarship is awarded to a non-traditional student, female head of household, and primary wage earner of the family.  Applicants should be individuals pursuing post high school training or certification programs not necessarily requiring a baccalaureate degree.  The recipient must use the scholarship to attend an educational institution that is accredited and normally maintains a regular faculty and curriculum and normally has a regularly enrolled body of students in attendance at the place where its educational activities are regularly carried on.  This scholarship can fund a certification program such as law enforcement or fire training education at a technical/trade school or a community college. Due Date:       March 1, 2015 Application:   Rose Scholarship Application District 10 Point of Contact: Lisa LeBlanc,  Zonta Club of Lafayette   SARA METCALF SCHOLARSHIP Description:  The Sara Metcalf Scholarship Award Program was established to encourage Z Club and Golden Z Club members to enter careers or seek leadership positions in social policy making, government and volunteer organizations.  This scholarship is designed to encourage all to participate in school, community, national and international serve projects.  Additionally, the Sara Metcalf Scholarship Awards Program provides a public relations opportunity at the club and district levels to project the goals of Zonta International. Due Date:       April 1, 2015 Application:  Sara Metcalf Scholarship Award Application

8 District Dynamics Terminology Refresh Clubs not Chapters
Initiate or Induct New Members Install Officers District Conference International Convention Term office is a biennium Fiscal year is June 1 to May 31

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