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Women in IT & FOSS 20th November 2009, GNOME.Asia Summit 2009

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Presentation on theme: "Women in IT & FOSS 20th November 2009, GNOME.Asia Summit 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 Women in IT & FOSS 20th November 2009, GNOME.Asia Summit 2009
Pockey Lam, President of Beijing Linux User Group

2 Women VS Men studying CS
Average of 10% women in CS and it's declining Blue line: Men Pink line: Women Sources: National Science Foundataion (

3 Perception of CS Spending all day long in front of computer...
No life! CS = Programming I wouldn't be good at it! Working overtime all the time? IT is difficult IT is boring IT career? No future?

4 Similar in FOSS Mainstream projects: only 2%
Some FOSS projects: 5% to 10% (Perl and Drupal) BLUG: 5% to 30% depending on the topics

5 Why want more women in IT?
Half more population working on solving critical problems Pick from the best of both genders and a broader mix of skills and personalities Women have qualities, can add real value to the talent pool of IT Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said: "If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman."

6 How to get them involved?
Improve the IT and geek image More female role models to inspire young women (business opportunity and IT career) Talk to them FOSS contribution is not just programming (localization, documentation, QA, graphic design, marketing, event organization...) Welcome them Value all kinds of contributions

7 Women in GNOME Fond of having our own identity, be unique
Colors, icons, pointer, sound effect....

8 Women Role Models in GNOME
Executive Director For GNOME Foundation Lead Organizing Members of GNOME.Asia Summit 08, Founding members of Beijing GNOME User Group Lead organizing member of GNOME.Asia Summit 09

9 GNOME.Asia Summit 2009 Volunteers meet up
Full of women :)

10 Join Information Technology! Join FOSS! Join GNOME!
Thank you! Join Information Technology! Join FOSS! Join GNOME!

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