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What connects all of these images?.

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Presentation on theme: "What connects all of these images?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What connects all of these images?

2 Learning Objective To be able to scientifically answer the question:
Would Jack and Rose both have fitted on that door?

3 Learning Outcomes All Most Some
I can describe what makes an object float. I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can describe the reasons for my answer. Most I can explain why an object floats. I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can explain the reasons for my answer. Some I can analyse how an object floats in terms of density. I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can justify the reasons for my answer. LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

4 Trailer video hyperlinked to image (2minutes)
The Titanic

5 Why do some objects float and some sink?
Carry out the experiment to find out: Tie an elastic band around the object. Hook it up to a Newton meter and weigh it in air. See whether it floats or sinks. Hook it up to the Newton meter and weigh it either in the water or on the water. Repeat for different objects. LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

6 Can you see any pattern in the results?
Object Weight in air (N) Weight in water Float/Sink Discuss the idea of balanced and unbalanced forces with the students. Can you see any pattern in the results? Why do objects that float appear to be weightless?

7 LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.
Keeping things afloat The object needs to exert less force down on to the water than the water exerts up on to it. LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

8 LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.
Keeping things afloat Another way of looking at it- For an object to float it needs to be less dense than the liquid it is in. Density = m/v LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

9 Keeping things afloat The upwards (buoyant) force from the water =
the volume of water displaced x the density of the water x gravity LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

10 Keeping things afloat The man is easily able to float because…
LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

11 Keeping things afloat Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Use the table below to give your answer a level. Level 4 I can describe what makes an object float. Level 5 I can explain why an object floats in terms of forces. Level 6 I can analyse how an object floats in terms of density LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

12 LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.
What about Jack? LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

13 What about Jack? If the issue wasn’t space, why did Jack not join Rose on the door?! LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

14 LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.
What about Jack? If the downward force (weight) of Jack + Rose + Door > the buoyant force of the water then they would both be in trouble. LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

15 What about Jack? Use the information on your work sheet to decide whether Jack and Rose could both have used the door as a life raft. I would like to go through this step by step. I would like some support to know what equations I need to use. I would like to attempt this by myself. LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

16 LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.
‘It was a ridiculous ending, there was no need for them both to die, the door was big enough for the both of them’ – Alan Jones. Write a response to Alan’s comment explaining why this is not the case. All I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can describe the reasons for my answer. Most I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can explain the reasons for my answer. Some I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can justify the reasons for my answer. LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

17 LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.
Give your partner’s answer a WWW(what went well) and EBI (even better if) comment. Level 4 I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can describe the reasons for my answer. Level 5 I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can explain the reasons for my answer. Level 6 I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can justify the reasons for my answer. LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

18 Did we meet the Learning Objective…
…to be able to scientifically answer the question: Would Jack and Rose both have fitted on the door?

19 Which level have you achieved today?
I can describe what makes an object float. I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can describe the reasons for my answer. Level 5 I can explain why an object floats. I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can explain the reasons for my answer. Level 6 I can analyse how an object floats in terms of density. I can say whether Jack and Rose would both have fitted on the door and I can justify the reasons for my answer.

20 LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.
Plenary Looking at the WWW/EBI comment written by your partner make the suggested improvements to your work in green pen. LO: to say whether Jack and Rose could both have fitted on the door.

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