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Properties of Water.

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Presentation on theme: "Properties of Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Properties of Water

2 Properties of Water Polar: uneven distribution of electrons between the O and H atoms Hydrogen end of molecule has a positive. Oxygen end of molecule has a negative charge.

3 Hydrogen Bonds Hydrogen Bonds: bonds formed between polar molecules. The negative end of one molecule is attracted to the positive end of another

4 Hydrogen bonds between water molecules:

5 Properties of Water cont.
Cohesion: attraction between molecules of the same substance EX: water droplets = water molecules sticking together Adhesion: attraction between molecules of different substances EX: water moving up a straw = water molecules sticking to side of straw

6 Cohesion and Adhesion Cohesion Adhesion

7 Water properties continued:
Heat capacity: is the capability of water to absorb heat without undergoing an increase in temperature. Buoyancy – things less dense than water will float Water is unique because its solid phase (ice) is less dense than the liquid phase (the molecules expand)


9 Properties of water continued:
Surface Tention- the surface of water sticks together by cohesion and allows it to behave as an elastic sheet. Allows insects like the water strider to walk on water

10 Surface Tension Example:

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