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Taoism: Practices and Rituals

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1 Taoism: Practices and Rituals

2 Physical Well Being Physical health and longevity are very important to Taoists. Stemming from a medical background of sages looking for “potions for immortality”, early Taoists recognized the importance of balance and harmony within the body when it comes to spirituality.

3 Chi = Energy Tai Chi Taoism encourages physical activity designed to bring the body into balance Tai Chi is a martial art founded in the 12th century Tai Chi harmonizes the flow of energy through the body, accomplished through a series of movements Said to have a positive effect on a person’s nervous system, blood circulation, and muscle tone and is also said to “massage a person’s internal organs”.

4 Video:

5 Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
Physical exercise (like Tai Chi), herbal remedies, and acupuncture are all used to restore balance of the chi within the body

6 Acupuncture Acupuncture targets pressure points within the body in order to maintain a proper flow of chi. Practitioners apply tiny needles to the points – there are over 800 according to modern research.

7 Does acupuncture hurt?

8 Feng Shui Practice drawing on ancient Chinese ideals about living in harmony with the environment A traditional practitioner seeks to bring a building into alignment with the environment to ensure the best possible flow of spiritual energy EXAMPLES: placing doorways, staircases, windows, and rooms in certain geometrical or geographical locations, all while considering environmental features and entrances into the building


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