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Foundations of Management

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1 Foundations of Management
Past to Present

2 Lesson Objectives Management Functions History of Modern Management 1

3 3 Movements Scientific Management Administrative Management
Management Science Administrative Management Administrative Science Human Relations Behavioral Science 2

4 1st - Scientific Management
Frederick Taylor ( ) Frank Gilbreth ( ) Henry Gantt ( ) Modern Approach 3

5 Scientific- Frederick Taylor
Father of Scientific Management Efficiency 4

6 Scientific- Frederick Taylor
Taylor’s Principle of Scientific Management Replace rule-of-thumb work methods Use methods based on a scientific study of the tasks Scientifically select, train, and develop each worker Not passively leave them to train themselves Cooperate with the workers Ensure scientifically developed methods are followed Divide work between managers and workers Managers apply scientific management principles to planning work; workers actually perform tasks 5

7 Scientific- Frank Gilbreth
Father of Motion Study Revolutionized Brick Laying Therbligs Michrochronometer 6

8 Scientific- Henry Gantt
Work a Source of Income and Pleasure First Task and Bonus Plan Gantt Chart 7

9 Scientific - Modern Approach
Time and Motion Study Production Planning Linear Programming Inventory Control Quality Control 8

10 2nd - Administrative Management
Henri Fayol ( ) Mary Parker Follett ( ) Modern Approach 9

11 Administrative- Henri Fayol
Wrote Based on Observation and Experience Management Separate From Finance, Accounting, and Marketing. Hypothesized a Management Process 10

12 Admin- Mary Parker Follett
Conflict Resolution Coordination Unit of Command Division of Work 13

13 Admin- Modern Approach
Enduring Framework New Development Integrated Into Framework Focal Point for Study Generalist Perspective 14

14 Objective & Groups Instructions are on Blackboard
Groups will pick either Scientific or Administrative movement to discuss Determine how these have impacted business today and are still being utilized. Give at least 2 examples and explain 11

15 3rd - Behavioral Science
Hugo Munsterberg ( ) Lillian Gilbreth ( ) Elton Mayo ( ) Modern Approach 15

16 Behavioral - Hugo Munsterberg
Father of Industrial Psychology Too Much Emphasis on Physical Skills Psychological Screening for all Levels of Organization 16

17 Behavioral - Hugo Munsterberg
Lie Detector Test Vocational Testing 17

18 Behavioral - Lillian Gilbreth
Industrial Psychologist The Psychology of Management First Female Professor of Management 18

19 Behavioral - Elton Mayo
1924, Western Electric Company Hawthorne Studies 19

20 Behavioral- Hawthorne Studies
Illumination Studies Relay Assembly Test Room Interviewing Program Bank Wiring Observation Room 20

21 Behavioral- Hawthorne Studies
Hawthorne Effect Deception Research Stanley Milgram Happy Worker Is Productive Worker 21

22 Behavioral- Modern Approach
Individual Behavior Motivation Group Behavior Organizational Culture Organizational Development Change Agents 22

23 Objective & Groups Instructions are on Blackboard
Groups will pick either individual behavior, group behavior or organizational development to discuss Determine how these theories are specifically utilized in business today. Give at least 2 examples and explain 11

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