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Density?? What is it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Density?? What is it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Density?? What is it?

2 In your notebook copy this question
Watch: density video In your notebook copy this question How do big things float? (boats? Large logs?) As you watch the video record your answer.

3 Pair Share Share your answer with your Partner!

4 Watch: 5 facts about Density (stop at 2:40)
In your notebook copy this question What makes the same substance more or less dense? Does cutting something in half change its density? As you watch the video record your answer.

5 Pair Share Share your answer with your Partner!

6 Computer Simulation We will now use the computers to practice with density using a computer simulation. Work with your partner on the simulation be sure to complete the density investigation worksheet on L/R. Density Simulation

7 What makes a block more likely to sink?

8 Density Which is Denser?

9 Watch: Density vs Temperature
In your notebook copy this question How does Temperature affect the density of water and air? As you watch the video record your answer.

10 Draw a model showing Hot Air and Cold Air pg. 45R
Be sure to describe and show Temperature Molecular movement Molecular spacing Amount of molecules (mass)

11 Which state of water is least dense? Most dense?
liquid Solid Gas Molecules move very slowly! They are close together. Molecules move faster and are more spread apart. Molecules move very fast! They are very spread apart. Most Dense Least Dense

12 Warm Air Less Dense Molecules are further apart. Air is lighter. Density of warm and cold air. Cold Air more Dense Molecules are closer together. Air is heavier.

13 Pair/ Share Temperature Temperature Density? Density?
Warm Air Less Dense Molecules are further apart. Air is lighter. Temperature Cold Air more Dense Molecules are closer together. Air is heavier. Density? Density? Molecular spacing? Molecular spacing? Weight? Weight?

14 Have you learned more information or gained a better understanding of how temperature affects density? Add to your model. Share with your partner. Be prepared to share with the class.

15 Temperature vs Density CR bottom of 45R
Cold Air Warm air Claim Reasoning.

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