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Food insecurity in Bangladesh

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1 Food insecurity in Bangladesh
Edwin Plepi Luka Roth

2 Deficiencies in Bangladesh
Specific deficiency Cause Vitamin A, iron, iodine, and zinc deficiency lack of food diversity or food in general. Stunted growth malnutrition because of natural disasters and water level rising causing mass home displacement. underweight food shortage due to overpopulation and poor sanitation. Chronic undernutrition high prevalence of child marriage and undernutrition in mothers leads to children being stunted too.


4 Bengali Diet Diet consists mainly of cereals and rice, since they are the cheapest to grow and eat.Their diet consists mainly of cereals and rice, since those are the cheapest to grow. Often They eat vegetables in accompaniment with the rice. However, we are rarely able to obtain any meat, so we eat small amounts of fish. Milk and dairy products are considered a luxury, and very difficult to obtain. Fruit consumption is seasonal, so they take what they can get in sparse months


6 Social Conditions Male head of the family gets the most food, since they have to provide for their family 50% of the country is under the poverty line Food is very hard for many families to afford, and if they are farmers, they can’t afford other necessities Women often live in worse conditions, due to the culture in Bangladesh Many kids are born with deficiencies because their mothers are malnourished and cannot successfully feed the fetus.


8 Food scarcity Daily caloric intake never exceeds 2,000 calories
- far less compared to the world average of 2,700 - Prevents people from functioning fully and being healthy Younger kids are very susceptible to diseases, especially since they don’t eat as much as adults do Rampant infections like cholera from contaminated water can cause stunted growth, along with constant diarrhea from other diseases.


10 Environmental problems
Rising global water level affects Bangladesh a lot since it already has a low elevation Many crops are flooded with saltwater and unable to grow, which furthers the food scarcity problem Poverty increases since people are forced from their homes to crowded cities large rate of unemployment Sanitation issues become even more evident

11 Solution One possible way to solve the food insecurity in Bangladesh is to get foreign aid from other countries or organizations. Bangladesh alone cannot solve its food crisis entirely. Even though their status has improved since their most recent natural disaster they experienced, at this rate they will still have rampant poverty and hunger for a long time. Foreign aid can help rebuild homes and farms farther away from the shoreline, since many people were forced to move to crowded cities, which increases poverty and hunger even more, while also decreasing sanitation. However, some disadvantages is that foreign aid is difficult to acquire, and there will be a limited amount of money and help given, especially since other countries are in even worse condition than Bangladesh is.


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