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Field Training Third semester.

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Presentation on theme: "Field Training Third semester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Field Training Third semester

2 Course Agenda (1 to 7) 3 individual tasks Scientific writing
Presentation 3 individual tasks

3 Guide to effective scientific writing

4 Scientific Writing Good reading materials (we will refer to the following materials in our class)

5 Scientific Writing Some good reading materials
(pdf file is provided)

6 Bahasa Indonesia Acuan daring
Bahan bacaan: Lema Tertinggal KBBI Pedoman Umum Pembentukan Istilah Permendiknas No. 46 Tahun 2009 tentang Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia Yang Disempurnakan

7 Guide to effective presentation

8 Presentation Good sources

9 To be presented and submitted before the mid-semester examination
Tasks To be presented and submitted before the mid-semester examination

10 Task #1 Select one thesis manuscript and take its Introduction Chapter. Do review on the following aspects Format (document, figures, tables, citation, …) Errors (spelling, grammar) Clarity Give your opinions on the manuscript: oral presentation, class discussion

11 Task #2 Refer to Task #1 Rewrite the Introduction Chapter according to your own version

12 Task #3 Write a “preliminary” abstract of your thesis proposal (extended abstract). Prepare and do oral presentation of the above preliminary abstract.

13 “Terima kasih” MTPBA 2016

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