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VQA Testing and Approval Process

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1 VQA Testing and Approval Process

2 Itinerary Welcome & Introductions Presentation – 30 mins
Sensory Evaluation Process – 1 hr Laboratory Tour – 15 mins Lunch and Final Q&A Departure

3 VQA Wine Testing and Approval Process
Activities: Applications for wine approvals evaluated: 2,093 Number of wines approved for VQA status: 2,034 Success rate of 97% Lab analysis Average time to completion: 12 days Pass rate at laboratory: 99.4% (final status) Sensory analysis Average time to completion: 6 days Pass rate at sensory panel: 98% (final status) Label Review

4 Why is a tasting panel needed?
To protect the reputation of VQA wines, your appellation and to reassure consumers that they are making a good choice in buying a VQA wine. Because certain wine defects are not easily detected in the lab, prior to being approved for sale all VQA wines must also pass a sensory evaluation or tasting to ensure: the wine is free from obvious faults, the wine is representative of quality wines of its general category, the wine is within an acceptable range of varietal character for the stated varieties. Unlike wine critics, the VQA Tasting Panel’s role has nothing to do with whether they like or do not like a wine. The purpose of their evaluation is to screen out faulty wines that are not consistent with the expected characteristics for that product. It is not about wines that are pushing the envelope but wines that are outside of it!

5 97% Success Rate The VQA tasting panel does not reject wines that are not typical or avant-garde unless they are faulty. The tasting is done to screen out faulty wines. Only about 3 percent of wines ultimately fail the tasting, with the vast majority of those having sulphide aromas (rotten eggs), oxidation (spoiled fruit) or high volatile acidity (turning to vinegar). Wines do not fail VQA because they are too dry or taste different than a typical Chardonnay. It is true that some experimental wines do not pass but that is because not all experiments are successful. Pushing the envelope is ok until it rips.

6 Sensory Panel Composition
Qualified Sensory Panelists Four separate panels with 6-8 members each Five panelist results constitute a quorum

7 Panel Selection Criteria and Standards
Panelists participate in annual training and pass product knowledge testing and sensory evaluation testing Panelists must demonstrate professionalism and follow a Code of Conduct Theoretical Examination includes: viticulture, oenology, beverage alcohol manufacturing technologies, general beverage alcohol product knowledge, sensory perceptions, and VQAO regulations Practical Examination includes: primary taste component identification, sensitivity testing, varietal recognition, wine category, aroma/defects identification, winemaking style and regional character

8 Scope Scope of Sensory Evaluation Testing:
Wines must be of sound quality, representative of the type designation and substantially free of any identified technical faults or defects Varietal designated wines are assessed for varietal character (the acceptable range is broad – but keep in mind that excessive faults can mask or overcome varietal character) Proprietary wines are assessed for vinous character Ex. Sparkling wine with Icewine Dosage, “The finished sparkling wine shall exhibit a distinguishable Icewine character.”

9 VQAO Tasting Procedures
All samples are evaluated blind. All tastings are conducted in the morning. Sample ID (#) Grape variety/varieties Wine category (table, sparkling, fortified, skin-fermented white wine) Vintage or NV Varietal/Proprietary designation (S, D, P) Method of Production (sparkling only) Unfiltered (if applicable) Bottled with Lees (if applicable)

10 Sensory Evaluation Method
Advantages of a Descriptive System: Methodology is aligned to other internationally recognized systems System is designed to evaluate all types of beverage alcohol products (wine, beer, spirits) Utilizes descriptive indicators to quantify individual attributes, not numeric values Grading form allows taster’s to focus on the product Ensures consistency of evaluation results among all panels by eliminating bias

11 Sensory Evaluation Method
Sensory characteristics applicable to wine include: Appearance and Colour Aroma and Bouquet Taste Harmony

12 Electronic Grading Form

13 Pick List

14 Results Panelists are required to indicate whether the wine is acceptable based on the standards set out in the VQA rules for the category The calculated score, summary of votes and comments (for scores <13) are reported to VQAO A majority vote determines whether the wine is assessed a pass or fail Initial fails validated with 2nd bottle tastings, different panel

15 System Controls Grading System Controls:
Security of panellist registration Ratings cannot be changed once finalized Sample evaluation cannot be redone Validation questions are embedded in the grading questionnaire Calculation validation based on statistical measures Automated calculation and reporting

16 Resubmission Process If a submission fails the tasting:
Resubmission Grading Panel Appeal Panel

17 Questions?

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