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3 Finish research on the evolution supporting cast


5 Australopithecus(genus) afarenis (species)(Lucy) Australopithecus : Genus for early ape-man ancestors Found between and 2.95 mya, Eastern Africa Lasted 900,000 years, How long has our species been around Reached adulthood faster than modern humans Regularly walked upright, curved fingers for climbing trees 1/3 size of modern brain Males: 4’6”, 90lbs, females 3’6”,66lbs

6 Homo(genus) Habilis(handy man) Homo: Genus for bipedal primates up to modern man
mya, eastern africa Bi pedal 1/2 size of modern brain 3’ 4”- 4’5” avg and 70lbs avg has a slightly larger braincase and smaller face and teeth Still has ape like features First maker of tools

7 Homo erectus(Java Man)
Where Lived: Northern, Eastern, and Southern Africa; Western Asia (Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia); East Asia (China and Indonesia)Height: Ranges from 4 ft 9 in - 6 ft 1 in ( cm) Weight: Ranges from lbs ( kg) Between about 1.89 million and 143,000 years ago Tall bodies and large brains , eating meat and plants Tools, campfires, cooking

8 Neanderthal our closest extinct human relative
Where Lived: Europe and southwestern to central Asia When Lived: About 400, ,000 years ago our closest extinct human relative Height: Males: average 5 ft 5 in (164 cm); Females: average 5 ft 1 in (155 cm) Weight: Males: average 143 lbs (65 kg); Females: average 119 lbs (54 kg) Same size brain as ours Made and used tools, made fire, clothing hunted deliberately buried their dead and occasionally even marked their graves with offerings, such as flowers

9 Modern forms of Homo sapiens
It’s Who we are During a time of dramatic climate change 200,000 years ago to now Anatomically, modern humans can generally be characterized by the lighter build of their skeletons compared to earlier humans.


11 Smithsonian museum of natural history
closure Explore: Smithsonian museum of natural history


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