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Evidence for Evolution

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1 Evidence for Evolution
Summary of Specialist Information

2 Paleogeology/Biogeography
Uses fossils and changes in earth as evidence for evolution The deeper the strata (layer) = the older the fossil – less diversity with age (come from common ancestor)

3 Genetics Looks at similarities in DNA for relatedness; more DNA in common = more closely related DNA is the same in all living things = evidence for common ancestor

4 Developmental Biology/Embryology
early in development, most organisms look similar to one another & have same pattern of development = common ancestor

5 Physical Anthropology
concerned with human evolution – skulls and other structures in humans, hominids, and primates

6 Anatomy & Physiology Looks at structural differences and similarities:
Homologous structures = evidence of a common ancestor because they have same bone structure that’s formed differently because of being used for different functions/the environment that they’re used in Analogous structures = NOT evidence for evolution (ex. bird wing & fly wing); same function but different form Vestigial structures = no longer needed for their original function (ex. body hair in humans); They are evidence for evolution because they have changed over time….

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