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Bell Work 11/16/16 Why did education become universal?

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1 Bell Work 11/16/16 Why did education become universal?
How was Western Europe different from Eastern Europe?

2 Mass Society and Democracy
Chapter 11

3 Growth of Industrial Prosperity
W. 8 Write an informative piece analyzing the emergence of capitalism as a dominate economic pattern and the responses to it, including Utopianism, Social Democracy, Socialism and Communism, Adam Smith, Robert Owen, and Karl Marx. (C,E,H,P). W.10 Explain how scientific technological changes and new forms of energy brought about massive social, economic, and cultural demographic changes including inventions and discoveries of James Watt, Eli Whitney, Henry Bessemer, Louis Pasteur, and Thomas Edison. (C,E,G,H). Growth of Industrial Prosperity Chapter 11/Section 1

4 Why it Matters Why it Matters
The Second Industrial Revolution brought Europe into industrialized societies but led to workers seeking reform and improvement.

5 New Products Henry Bessemer Thomas Edison
Steel Henry Bessemer Bessemer process-way to make high-quality steel cheaper in 1855. Thomas Edison Lightbulb-allowed factories and businesses to remain open all night. America: Cities-34:10 Edison

6 New Products Alexander Graham Bell Nicholas Otto
Invented the telephone in 1876. Nicholas Otto Modern Internal-Combustion Engine- engines in a car fueled by oil and gasoline in 1861. Bell Otto

7 New Products Wright Brothers Karl Benz
Developed the first gas powered automobile, the Motorwagen. Wright Brothers Orville and Wilber Wright made the first flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903. Flight Wright Bros

8 New Products Henry Ford
Assembly Line Ford Henry Ford Assembly line- created in 1913 that allowed more efficient mass production of goods. More manufactured goods and resources led to a more connected world, but also created a new economy. America: Boom-11:15

9 Working Classes Karl Marx
Trying to transition to a new way of work led to a movement into socialist parties. Karl Marx Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848 to blame capitalism for rough conditions in industrial factories. He believed society was divided into the oppressors (bourgeoisie) and the oppressed (proletariat).

10 Working Classes Socialist Parties Labor Unions
In 1875, socialist parties emerged to advocate for revolutions against the current system. Labor Unions Workers began to organize to strike to demand for higher wages and factory safety. In 1870, labor unions finally won the right to strike.

11 Emergence of Mass Society
W.6 Describe the growth of population, rural to urban migration, and the growth of cities. (C,E,G). W. 12 Participate effectively in collaborative discussions explaining the vast increases in productivity and wealth, growth of middle class, and general rise in standard of living and lifespan. (C,E). Emergence of Mass Society Chapter 11/Section 2

12 Why it Matters Why it Matters
The lower classes began to demand governmental attention and government became more involved in society, called progressivism.

13 Urban Environment Factories brought more people to the cities.
The Jungle Factories brought more people to the cities. Muckrakers revealed the ills of society. Such as Upton Sinclair The Jungle Housing and sanitation were two of the greatest concerns. Regulations were created to create indoor plumbing and drainage systems. Marvels: Plumbing

14 Urban Environment The Jungle In 1905, Upton Sinclair wrote his experience with the meat packing industry in his work, The Jungle. In this novel, Sinclair revealed the ills and horrific conditions involved in the meat packing industry at Durham. For example, Sinclair described the way they covered spoiled and rotten meat. Sinclair writes, “There was meat that was taken out of pickle and would often be found sour, and they would rub it up with soda to take away the smell.” Sinclair continued to record his findings about the storage of the meat as well. The meat was placed in nauseating conditions that would collect numerous items that would be added into the meat before it was sold. For example, Sinclair records, “There would be meat stored in great piles in rooms; and the water from leaky roofs would drip over it, and thousands of rats would race about on it.”

15 Social Structure The Second Industrial Revolution produced a new group of white collar workers Middle class ideas of hard work began to dominate society and culture.

16 Women The Second Industrial Revolution allowed women to begin to have jobs in the workplace. Marriage and family life became the central institution of the middle class.

17 Women Suffrage Feminism-movement for women’s rights, was created by fighting for the right to own property. Feminist believed the best way to improve their lives was through suffrage-the right to vote (19th amendment) Emmeline Pankhurst and the Women’s Social and Political Union were first to organize for women’s rights. Women

18 Education Western civilization began to make universal education by the 1900s. Schools were intended to train people for skilled jobs in factories and create better educated voters.

19 Bell Work 11/18/16 What powers made up the Triple Alliance? What powers made up the Triple Entente? Explain modernism.

20 National State and Democracy
US. 13 Summarize the causes, course, and consequences of unification in Italy and Germany including the role of Giuseppe Garibaldi and Otto von Bismarck. (G,H,P). US. 14 Cite strong and thorough evidence to support analysis of the causes of 19th century European imperialism, role of Social Darwinism, desire for political power, and search for natural resources and new markets as a prelude to the Berlin Conference. (C,E,G,H,P). US. 15 Describe the Berlin Conference and rise of modern colonialism in the late 19th century and describe the impact of colonization on indigenous populations by such nations as England, France, Germany, Italy, and the U.S. (C,G,H,P). National State and Democracy Chapter 11/Section 3

21 Why it Matters Why it Matters
The fight for a more democratic world created international rivals that set the stage for World War I.

22 Western Europe: Democracy
Mass political parties began to form in the late 1800s, the Liberals and the Conservatives. More people could vote.

23 Western Europe: Democracy
Britain was led by parliament and a prime minister. France was still dominated by the Third Republic with a two-house legislature. Italy became a unified state but remained divided due to labor and industry.

24 Eastern Europe: Old Order
Kaiser William II Germany remained controlled by Otto von Bismarck and became the strongest military force under Kaiser William II. Austria stayed controlled by Francis Joseph while Hungary had a parliament.

25 Eastern Europe: Old Order
Bloody Sunday “Bloody Sunday” when workers protested Russian czar, Nicholas II, led Russia to developing a legislative assembly. But Russia remained controlled by a czar.

26 United States America: Civil War-34:50 The South went through reconstruction after the Civil War. Thirteenth Amendment-abolished slavery Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment-gave citizenship and the right to vote to African Americans.

27 United States America:Cities-12 Industrialization and steel led to urbanization by the 1900s in America. New York became the largest city. America emerged as the richest nation by the 1900s, so they began to expand internationally. Business Tycoons John D. Rockefeller-Oil Andrew Carnegie- Steel Cornelius Vanderbilt- Railroads Rockefeller Traits of a Titan Men Who Built America

28 United States In 1887, America dominated the sugar industry and took Hawaii from Queen Liliuokalani. Hawaii was later annexed by 1898. America also gained Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines after the Spanish-American War in 1898. Hawaii Spanish American War

29 International Rivals By Germany becoming a strong military force, they violated the Congress of Vienna. Otto von Bismarck feared French involvement, so Germany formed the Triple Alliance- alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

30 International Rivals In 1890, Kaiser William II took over foreign policy of Germany, so France formed an alliance with Russia. By 1907, France, Russia, and Great Britain formed the Triple Entente.

31 International Rivals The Balkans became the first major conflict between the two sides. Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia in 1908. Russia provided the Serbians with support, thus creating tensions between Germany and Russia. Germany threatened Russia forcing them to back away, but Europe was now on the verge of war in 1914.

32 Modern Ideas and Uncertainty
US. 13 Summarize the causes, course, and consequences of unification in Italy and Germany including the role of Giuseppe Garibaldi and Otto von Bismarck. (G,H,P). US. 14 Cite strong and thorough evidence to support analysis of the causes of 19th century European imperialism, role of Social Darwinism, desire for political power, and search for natural resources and new markets as a prelude to the Berlin Conference. (C,E,G,H,P). US. 15 Describe the Berlin Conference and rise of modern colonialism in the late 19th century and describe the impact of colonization on indigenous populations by such nations as England, France, Germany, Italy, and the U.S. (C,G,H,P). Modern Ideas and Uncertainty Chapter 11/Section 4

33 Why it Matters Why it Matters
At the turn of the twentieth century, people began to express themselves in the new culture, which created a more modern worldview.

34 Culture of Modernity Many artists rebelled against the traditional European style and produced new changes called modernism-which focuses on self-consciousness. Literary Writers believed modernism should address social problems. Émile Zola is the best example for his work targeting French society. Zola

35 Culture of Modernity Painting
Impressionism Impressionist Eastman Painting Painters ventured away from representing reality accurately. The main reason for the decline in realism was because photography was created by George Eastman in 1888 when he created the Kodak camera. Impressionism style emerged that focused on outdoors and nature Claude Monet is the best example of impressionism Monet

36 Culture of Modernity Painting
Dr. Who Painting Postimpressionism also spread that was all about feeling and very colorful. Vincent van Gogh is the best example of postimpressionism. By 1905, Cubism was introduced that used geometric designs to create visuals. Pablo Picasso was the best example of cubism. Van Gogh Picasso

37 Culture of Modernity Music
Stravinsky Music Music used expressive sounds and bold rhythms to create modernism in music. Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring is the best example of modernism music.

38 Uncertainty Grows Science
In the late 1800s, western society put a greater focus on science. Marie Curie discovered the element radium gave off radiation (energy) that came from within the atom. Albert Einstein introduced the theory of relativity-that space and time are not absolute, but relative to the observer. He argued matter is just one form of energy. Curie Einstein Relativity

39 Uncertainty Grows Psychology
Freud Psychology In 1900, Sigmund Freud wrote The Interpretation of Dreams that explained human behavior was determined by past experiences that people are unaware. Freud created psychoanalysis that allowed therapists to probe deeply into a person’s memory to bring back unconscious memories.

40 Extreme Nationalism By the late 1800s, nationalism had become intense because of the idea of Social Darwinism-only the strongest survive. Social Darwinism also gave rise to anti-Semitism-which is hostility to Jews because races believed they were superior. The best example was the Dreyfus affair (1894). The severe persecution of Jews in Russia led to a mass immigration to Palestine. This movement was called Zionism.

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