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Search Committee Training

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1 Search Committee Training
Office of Human Resource Services 307 Agricultural Administration Building University Park, PA 16802 Phone: Fax: Search Committee Training Office of Human Resources, College of Agricultural sciences

2 Hiring Information

3 Agenda Search Committee Makeup and Training Advertising
Review of Applications EJMS-How to login and review applications Red Flags on Application Materials Developing Interview Questions Interview Questions to Ask and to Avoid Attachment A – Search Committee Guidelines Interview Methods Penn State’s Affirmative Action Policy Interview Documentation Reference Checks Attachment B – Reference Checking Tool Affirmative Action Information Attachment C – Affirmative Action Non-Selection Sheet Hiring the Candidate

4 Search Committee Makeup and Training
The search committee should have gender and minority representation. Search committee should consist of at least 3 members ( # of members should be odd) Each search committee member should have a copy of the “Search Committee Guidelines.” List of Search Committee members should be sent to HR promptly to set up Search Committee training for anyone who hasn’t been through it. Search committee guidelines must be given to other dept. faculty/staff prior to them meeting with candidates. Training not required for FT2, post-doc, and wage vacancies

5 Search Committee Makeup and Training
Search committee for a faculty position must be approved by the Dean’s Office. An Academic Recruitment Form must be completed for faculty searches. Outlines department representation and committee composition

6 Advertising All positions must be posted on the Penn State Electronic Job Management System (EJMS). Advertising is not required for staff positions, other than Extension Educators, but is strongly encouraged. Tenure Track vacancies require advertising in one publication of national distribution and FT1 and FTM vacancies require advertising in one external source. Advertising outlets for faculty positions must be approved by the Dean’s Office.

7 Advertising All advertisements and position vacancy announcements need to be approved by the University Office of Recruitment and Compensation before they can be placed or sent out to list servs. Keep in mind recruiting to Diverse populations.  

8 Viewing Application Materials
HR will grant access to view applicants once the committee completes the search committee training. You can access the EJMS(Applicant Database) at You will be required to sign in with your access account or Friends of Penn State account user ID and password. Select “View a Job” and you will be directed to your open position. Select External and will be directed to the candidates. Select “web” to view the Penn State Job Application, “c” to view cover letter, “r” to view resume, and “o” to view other materials provided such as letters of reference. Can sort applications by last name, order received, candidate #

9 Enter your PSU ID and PASSWORD

10 Click View Job

11 Click External to View Applicants

12 Reviewing Application Materials
Review candidates qualifications against minimum qualifications for the job and only consider the candidates that meet the minimum qualifications. Equivalent experience for degree required: (staff positions only) Associate’s Degree = 4 years of relevant experience Bachelor’s Degree = 8 years of relevant experience Master’s Degree = 12 years of relevant experience Example: If a position requires an MS + 3 years of relevant experience, the applicant would need a BS + 7 years of relevant experience, an Associate’s + 11 years of relevant experience, or high school diploma +15 years of relevant experience

13 Reviewing Application Materials
Some things to look for on the resumes and applications. How long have they been in their previous positions. Do they move around to new jobs often? Look at the reason they left their last job. Are there any red flags? Look for long breaks in employment. Question in the interview why breaks in employment. Verify candidate is legally able to work in the United States without sponsorship for staff searches. Select most qualified candidates to interview and inform HR of the individuals selected.

14 Reviewing Application Materials
Prior to contacting candidates for interview, the department head will recommend to the Dean which candidates should be interviewed for faculty searches. Must include letter of application, curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, minimum of three letters of reference, and one copy of the position description. A Short List approval form will be required for departments considered underrepresented per AA Office. For staff positions, this short list should be sent to your HRC for approval prior to scheduling interviews.

15 Diversity Review For staff positions, HR will perform a diversity review of the pool in which all minority applicants will be reviewed. If HR feels a minority is as qualified, or more qualified, than the candidates selected for interview by the committee, justification will be requested. If non-discriminatory justification cannot be provided, the committee will be instructed to offer the individual an interview. If minority and female candidates apply for a faculty position and are not among the finalists selected for interview, then the department head will provide information to the Dean concerning their applications and the reasons they were not selected.

16 Interview Questions The search committee should determine what job related questions to ask each candidate. Remember to ask the same interview questions to ALL candidates. Topics that should be AVOIDED when asking interview questions are: Arrest record Less than honorable military discharge Gender and marital status Number/ages of children(child care management) Spouses name/education/income Family Plans Place of Birth/Citizenship Other languages spoken(unless job required) Proficiency in speaking/writing English, unless job related

17 Interview Questions Cont.
Topics that should be AVOIDED when asking interview questions are: Disabilities/handicaps/prior illnesses and accidents Age/Date of HS graduation Weight Religion/Church Affiliation Social Organizations During the interview keep questions focused on the required competencies, knowledge, abilities, qualifications and experiences of the candidate. Provide a copy of the interview questions to HR for the Affirmative Action file. Questions for a technical service position must be approved by Employee Relations prior to use, if they were not previously approved. Pre-employment testing and assessments during the interview process are not permitted unless they are done thru one of the three contracted temporary employment agencies (Adecco, Express, and Manpower).

18 Interview Methods Screening Interviews Phone Skype Presentation
First round interview conducted to determine if the applicant has the necessary qualifications Phone Skype Presentation Face-to-Face All candidates must be offered interviews via the same method.

19 Penn State’s Affirmative Action Policy
It is the policy of the University to maintain an environment free of harassment and free of discrimination against any person because of age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, physical or mental disability, gender, perceived gender, gender identity, genetic information or political ideas.

20 Behavior-Based Questions
Best tool you have to identify candidates who have the behavioral traits and characteristics you believe are essential for success in your open job. Attached to your search committee guidelines you will receive sample behavior based questions. If you use yes/no questions you might not find out critical information about the candidate to make your hiring decision.

21 Interview Notes/Affirmative Action Backup
For staff positions, an interview score card should be used to document the interview process. Keep in mind that the interview notes are legal documents and must be submitted to Human Resources for the affirmative action file. Information on the interview score cards should be job-related. Keep personal information out of the notes.

22 Documentation Notes Recording interviews is NOT permitted unless all parties to the conversation consent. Two-Party Consent Law Please see Policy AD53 “Privacy Policy” ( and Pennsylvania’s Wiretapping Law ( for further information. Failure to abide by such laws and policies can result in criminal penalties and termination of employment.

23 Reference Checks Reference Checks should be completed for your top candidates that you interviewed. Should be completed by search committee chair Required for internal and external applicants Letters of reference for faculty positions You should check a least 3 references. Check prior job references first rather than personal references. The reference check information should be forwarded to Human Resources with the interview notes. Attachment B Reference Check Tool can be used to check references. You may use your own reference checking tool if you prefer.


25 Affirmative Action Once you select the most qualified applicant, the search committee chair should work with the appropriate party (HRC consultant for staff positions; Dean for academic positions) to extend an offer. The Initiate to Hire employment action form will collect the necessary information. AA information will be recorded in the jobs system to produce an Affirmative Action report; therefore, it is critical that we receive this information from the committee.

26 Items to Turn Into HR For staff positions: Resume scorecard and interview scorecard for each person interviewed A list of your interview questions Reference check information for your top candidates

27 Hiring the Candidate All new hires that will have direct contact with minors as defined in Policy AD39 are required to obtain the publicly available clearances in lieu of a standard background check. Clearances include: Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Federal (FBI) Fingerprint Background Check All other new hires will complete a standard background check thru our vendor, First Advantage. Some positions may also require additional checks such as a motor vehicle record (MVR) check, education check, etc. which will be processed thru our background check vendor, First Advantage.

28 Notifying Applicants The search committee chair should notify all those interviewed but not selected of the committee’s decision. The other applicants in the pool will be notified via an generated from the EJMS system when the job is closed.

29 Helpful Resources Staff Hiring Information: Faculty Hiring Information: Background Check Information: Affirmative Action Office: Extension Hiring Procedures: Available on Extension’s SharePoint site

30 Remember to maintain confidentiality at all times
What is confidential? Applicant information/materials Individuals selected for interview/for the position Specific evaluation methods and questions Committee discussions regarding candidates

31 Questions

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