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FibreOP™ is coming… A best-practice resource for stakeholder engagement Barry Walton Senior Advisor – Access FTTP September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "FibreOP™ is coming… A best-practice resource for stakeholder engagement Barry Walton Senior Advisor – Access FTTP September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 FibreOP™ is coming… A best-practice resource for stakeholder engagement Barry Walton Senior Advisor – Access FTTP September 2012

2 Engaging stakeholders
Why engage stakeholders? It is an opportunity to: Tell your company story - its values, mission, strategy and plans for deployment Facilitate discussion about investment commitments, what fibre-to-the-home will mean for the local community, highlight community infrastructure investment Talk about the possibilities of fibre-to-the-home (teleheath, education, environmental benefits, etc.) and the future of fibre industry Develop new relationships with government/ business/ community leaders or enhance existing relationships Emphasize opportunities for community growth, business and talent attraction and retention Supply stakeholders with additional resources about your FTTH product

3 Engaging stakeholders
Host a stakeholder briefing Identify community stakeholders: regional economic and business development agencies, municipal officials, service clubs, large employers Identify spokesperson/ presenter and invite stakeholders to a briefing in the community After briefing, engage stakeholders in media outreach

4 Community deployment approach
Communication is key Keep stakeholders and community members informed Strive to minimize impacts to: Public and private property owners Other utilities Work with various stakeholders to gain concurrence and understanding Continue to drive innovation to reduce cost and time to deliver Notify customers on planned work activities One-on-one communication to set expectations, encourage dialogue Stakeholders: Brief community stakeholders, businesses and employees Tree trimming: Notify landowners Civil engineering: Engage city officials

5 Elements of successful stakeholder engagements
Introduce to your company and tell your company’s FTTH story Feature your fibre product Provide a vision for the future of FTTH growth Illustrate where FTTH fits in to evolving communications Talk about high bandwidth services Demonstrate the economic and regional growth benefits of FTTH communities Describe how FTTH is changing people’s lives (ie. health, education, environment) Highlight what residents can expect Inspire stakeholder support with multimedia, case studies, and including local officials in your media outreach activities Leave your stakeholders with FFTH materials to encourage ambassadorship

6 Illustrate how communications is evolving
Affordable FTTH is like Air transportation was to the transportation industry FTTH is like a new multi lane Super highway with 10 lanes per direction FTTH is breal through for our industry and really a dream for a long time Major cost innovation has emerged – our teams consulted with others arounf the wprld and adopted best practices such as a factory model and new ways to design and build networks. The old way of doing would not work…we had to change our way of thinking, designing, and implementing to make this happen in fast, scaleable,and cost effective way With technolgy change, you mut also do process and operational change to drive the efficiences we need to build something to fast and cost effectively s s s FTTH is a major technological breakthrough Training

7 Talk about future high bandwidth services
Possibilities for tomorrow’s FibreOP services Video conferencing Remote home energy management IP devices in the home (refrigerator, interactive TV and more) Increased upload/download speeds 3D medial imaging Interactive 3D gaming, conferencing, virtual travel, e-learning Multi-location HD 3D video conferencing User generated content Multiple image TV content (180 or 360 degree) with IMAX-like experience 100”+ TVs will lead to higher resolution super HD 2160i format requiring Mbps per stream; Ultra HD 4320i format requiring Mbps stream

8 Address environmental advantages
FTTH lowers pollution/C02 emissions FTTH users work an average of 1.2 additional days per month from home Assuming 50% FTTH take rats, FTTH drives a 3% community-wide increase in work from home This results in a 1.8% reduction in total vehicle traffic And a 1.1 reduction in ozone/C02 emissions In addition to direct savings due to direct community efficiencies Source: RVA LLC

9 Demonstrate FTTH-enabled economic development & regional growth
Local economic impact of FTTH, as noted by FTTH providers 24% Business attraction 12% Work from home/ even if rural 10.4% Small office/ home office (SOHO) 7.5% Business expansion 7.5% Business retention 7.5% Business efficiency or revenue 6% Improved community services 6% Rural area growth and retention 4.5% Education classes at home 3% Residential increase 3% Government attraction 3% Lower costs to users 3% Broadband for agricultural 1.5% Helped with stimulus application 1.5% Construction impact Source: RVA LLC

10 Highlight how FTTH improves people’s lives
Telehealth Specialist referrals Patient consultations and remote patient monitoring Medical education Cloud-based EMR, EHR, etc. Currently 200 telemedicine networks in the US connecting 2,000 institutions Revenue for services will grow from $900 million (2007) to $6 billion (2012) Education Enrollment up 16.9% year-over-year vs 1.2% traditional higher education 4.6 million students enrolled vs. 1.6 million in 2002 More than 25% of all higher education students take more than one course 66% of accredited colleges and universities offer distance learning coursework Sources: American Telemedecine Association; Sloan Foundation, Learning on Demand: OnLine Education in the United States 2009

11 Describe what residents can anticipate
Large construction vehicles Field engineers collecting data Bucket trucks splicing cables

12 Case study: The opportunities enabled by FTTH in communities
Saint John, New Brunswick named one of the World's Top 7 Intelligent Communities In early 2012, Saint John, NB was named one of the World's Top 7 Intelligent Communities. One of the top deciding factors was “Bell Aliant’s FibreOP, which boasts the fastest speeds in Canada.” The recognition is a reminder that FibreOP is having a positive impact on customers and the communities it serves. Saint John shares this designation with: Austin, Texas Oulu, Finland Quebec City, Quebec Riverside, California Stratford, Ontario Taichung City, Taiwan

13 Show stakeholders the future


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