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ASP and Database Connectivity

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1 ASP and Database Connectivity
Masters Project CS 490

2 Creating an ASP Page database connection
You do need: Visual Basic scripting knowledge a basic text editor <% to begin the Vb Script %> to begin the Vb Script

3 Step 1: The variables <% Dim sql Dim oRS Dim oConn, sConnString

4 Step 2: The connection type
Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

5 Step 3: The driver used sConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _ "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("\murf\db\neiu.mdb") & ";"

6 Step 4: Open the connection

7 Step 4: SQL select sql = "select Course, Grade, Semester, Year from Classes"

8 Step 4: execute the connection
Set oRS = oConn.Execute(sql) %>

9 Comments Use the internet for resources, there are many sites for examples. Draw a plan of your database on paper before you begin. Make backups of pages prior to changes. Once a working example exists, use it as a starting point for other pages.

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