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Belarus Training and Tutoring Feedback

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1 Belarus Training and Tutoring Feedback
Department for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus June 2016

2 Specifications of the Belarusian NPP
Short update Specifications of the Belarusian NPP Belarusian NPP will consist of two units with total capacity of up to 2400 (2x1200) MW, service life of a unit - 50 years Location - Ostrovets site in Grodno region The Russian project «AES-2006» with WWER reactors of the third (3+) generation

3 Main Prospective Schedule Points
Belarusian NPP Main Prospective Schedule Points Unit 1 Unit 2 Pre-commissioning and adjustment Spring Spring 2018 Spring Autumn 2019 Physical launch Spring 2018 Autumn Winter 2020 Power launch Spring - Summer 2018 Winter 2020 Trial operation Summer - Autumn 2018 Winter 2020 – Summer 2020 Pre-acceptance of the unit Autumn 2018 (November) Summer 2020 (July)

4 Licensing of Belarusian NPP construction
Licensing Authority: MES Basic Document: Presidential Decree of September 1, 2010 № 450 “On Licensing of Certain Activities ” 2012 Siting license for Belarusian NPP Units 1 and 2 Construction Licenses for Belarusian NPP Units 1 and 2 2015 (between license period) Update of legal base for licensing process (by Presidential Decree #475, strengthening licensing requirements and conditions) 2016 (between license period) Preparation to Belarusian NPP Unit 1 operation license process Reorganization and strengthening GAN licensing Division Between licenses period [2015 – October 2016] Licensing plan for operating step (Assisted by European experts Permanent Mission (since 2015))

5 Short update (cont.) activities as NRA:
Development and approval of legislation and regulations Issuing of special authorizations (licenses) Supervision of designing, siting, construction of nuclear and radiation facilities, etc. Emergency preparedness and response Ensuring the fulfillment of the international obligations of the Republic of Belarus

6 Growth and Considerable Structural Changes in Gosatomnadzor
2007 – 39 staff units 2013 – 82 staff units new structure 8 new divisions 2016 – adjustment of existing structure 45 new employees including 22 young professionals Main universities: Belarusian State University Belarusian National Technical University Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics International Sakharov Environmental Universi Faculty of Physics Faculty of Chemistry Department of Thermal Power Plants Direction of Industrial Electronics Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety INIR recommendation: The staffing of the Regulatory Body with graduates provided by the State Universities and other educational institutions from 2012 onwards should become a high priority in the HR action plans of BELARUS

7 Competences Development
Internal sources External sources State training program for nuclear power for (resources for training and retraining on nuclear and radiation safety issues increased about 5 times in 2014 up to 585 men/hours) Topical internships for newcomers Technical meetings of experience exchange and tutoring IAEA national and regional TC projects and programs EC projects and programs, including T&T (Training and Tutoring for NRAs and TSOs) Bilateral cooperation (Russian Federation, Ukraine, Armenia, Germany, France…) RCF, WENRA, WWER Forums 2015 68 topical trainings for GAN staff members in Belarus and abroad Priority: on-the-job training on NPP under construction (Leningrad-2, Novovoronezh – Russian Federation) operation (Paks – Hungary, Kozloduy – Bulgaria)

8 Cooperation Projects in T&T 2014-2015
European Commission projects: 2 ongoing technical cooperation projects (BY3.01/13, BY3.01/09-(B)) IAEA projects: 2 ongoing IAEA technical cooperation projects (BY9/020, BY9/022) Participation in regional IAEA projects

9 TSO System Development
2012 – Resolution of Council of Ministers #33: Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research SOSNY is empowered to provide scientific and technical support to MES 2015 – Shift from 1 TSO to system of TSOs 20 potential organizations-participants of TSO system identified Inception meeting in Minsk with participation of IRSN DG Mr. Repussard 2016 – Package of legal documents for TSO system elaborated and now is under consideration

10 Forthcoming Activities
Supervision and enforcement strengthening Issuance of licenses for the operation of Belarusian NPP Safety review and assessment before NPP commissioning and operation (Deterministic and probabilistic safety analysis of nuclear installations) Emergency preparedness (crisis centres system) Human factors role in severe accidents NPP stress-tests organization, including development of legal basis for its implementation Continuation of HR competences development System of knowledge preservation & transfer (for long-term) is needed Intensive activities regarding equipment acceptance TSO creation in short Establishment of GAN Management System IRRS mission preparation and conduction (2016) Intensive recruitment ; Intensive and comprehensive training (for both young and experienced staff).

11 Lessons Learned “+”: “-”:
Stability and continuity of projects; Systematic approach to the establishment of the Belarusian NRA Good basic training on several aspects for young professionals; Friendly respectful attitude. “-”: Use of solely English does not allow to work in the most effective way (translation is needed); 1 regional training with the involvement of many trainees are organised (as a rule only 1-2 people can be trained at a time); Need catalog and programs of courses at the beginning of year planning; Need in agreement of tutoring programm with Gosatomnadzor Insufficient practical training on acting installations; Top regulatory management is not involved in trainings.

12 Future Needs in the present Training and Tutoring Catalogue
Participants of the courses in : 5 new employees young professionals from specialized universities (training courses according Training Catalogue Nuclear Reactor Safety Major Safety Aspects and Regulatory Control at NPP) experts of created TSO

13 Future Needs in the present Training and Tutoring Catalogue
Regulation on the use of IRS activities Essentially new radiation facilities(gamma-knife, cyclotron, positron emission tomograph, linear accelerator) During the training «Radiation Protection in Medical Applications» - visits such facilities and practical exercises (participate in inspections as observers, master classes, quality control facilities …)

14 Future Needs NOT in the present Training and Tutoring Catalogue
Regional courses (Minsk, 2016) in Russian: «NPP with WWER design and operation safety review in the frames of an expertise» (1 week) «Expertise of the accident analysis results at NPP with WWER» (1 week) for the participants of the GAN and TSO involved in the Safety review and assessment of NPP operation

15 Future Needs NOT in the present Training and Tutoring Catalogue
Supervision over: Safety culture Organizational and human factors Commissioning of nuclear installations (registration of equipment, physical and power launch, Investigation, infringement accountancy and use of operational experience in the regulatory activity) Interviewing, supervision practice (at the example of the inspectors’ work at the acting installations)

16 Future Needs NOT in the present Training and Tutoring Catalogue
Training (3 days) for Top regulatory management: Leadership Safety Culture and effective Safety management Strategic Management Decision-making Teamwork and team development Risk Management Management Systems Manage accidents Change Management Time management (including the management of operations and planning meetings) Influence through communication Management of conflicts in working groups

17 Thank you for your attention!

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