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Magellan Telescopes Observatory Report

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1 Magellan Telescopes Observatory Report
Personnel Accomplishments Observing Statistics Common Problems

2 Personnel Marc Leroy was promoted to the position of Assistant Magellan Telescope Engineer in December A search is currently underway for two Instrument Specialists to begin working on ~July 1 Six candidates (2 internal + 4 external) will be interviewed on ~June 9 and offers made shortly thereafter This will give us two Instrument Specialists per shift When both are on the mountain, the plan is to have one work an 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. shift, and the other a 1 p.m. to midnight shift (this plan will need to follow a training period)

3 Accomplishments Iodine cell for MIKE installed on retractable arm (Dec) Currently under manual control Software control to be implemented by mid-2005 S-H tests carried out at NASE and NASW ports to characterize collimation of M1, M2, and M3 (Dec, Jan, Mar) Significant tilt in focal plane found at both ports suggesting tilt error in M3 Adjustments of M3 tilt made in Mar appear to have significantly decreased focal plane tilt

4 Accomplishments (cont.)
M3 turret control for Clay telescope completed (Feb) Allows automatic adjustment of M3 tilt during port changes Preliminary tests indicate ~11 minutes required to switch ports (move to zenith, rotate tertiary, move to new object) This is a prerequisite for implementation of Intervention Observing Baade telescope M1 & M3 aluminize, ADC cleaned (Mar) Clay telescope M1 & M3 washed (Apr) Full collimation procedures performed for both Baade and Clay following aluminizing/washing (Mar/Apr)

5 Accomplishments (cont.)
Continued commissioning of IMACS (Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb) Out-of-focus images taken at f/2 in Jan Analysis of these images carried out by D. Kelson confirms results from previous Hartmann mask tests which showed that IMACS optics are producing a tilted focal plane Out-of-focus f/2 images also reveal a significant pattern of coma that is offset from the field center Out-of-focus images taken at f/4 in Feb reveal a less significant pattern that does not match exactly that from the f/2 images - perhaps indicating problems internal to the camera(s)

6 Accomplishments (cont.)
Web-based slit mask file submission software tested Ready for use by IMACS observers LDSS-3 to follow shortly thereafter LDSS-3 Commissioning (Feb, Mar) M. Gladders will report on this B&C spectrograph decommissioned (Mar) Collimator returned to CTIO All-Sky camera installed (Apr)

7 CASCA: Campanas All-Sky Camera

8 Accomplishments (cont.)
Plan developed for long-term systems administration Internet access will be through CTIO (instead of the Chilean telephone company) Systems administration to be out-sourced to CTIO MOU has been agreed to, and work is already beginning on making the transition (which will probably take several months)

9 Observing Statistics Baade Telescope Instrumentation Usage:
12 Apr 2004- 20 Sep 2004 21 Sep 2004- 12 Apr 2005 IMACS 71% 63% PANIC 29% 37%

10 Observing Statistics Clay Telescope Instrumentation Usage:
12 Apr 2004- 20 Sep 2004 21 Sep 2004- 12 Apr 2005 MIKE 61% 51% MIKE fibers - 7% LDSS-2 4% 14% LDSS-3 13% MagIC 16% B&C 19% 8%

11 Observing Statistics Baade + Clay Telescopes Instrumentation Usage:
12 Apr 2004- 20 Sep 2004 21 Sep 2004- 12 Apr 2005 IMACS 36% 31% MIKE 30% 26% MIKE fibers - 3% PANIC 15% 18% LDSS-2 2% 7% LDSS-3 B&C 9% 4% MagIC 8%

12 Long-Term Trends: Instrument Usage
May 2001 through Apr 2005 May 01-Oct 01 Nov 01- Apr 02 May 02-Oct 02 Nov 02-Apr 03 May 03-Oct 03 Nov 03-Apr 04 Apr 04-Sep 04 Sep 04-Apr 05 MagIC+CCD 20% 31% 13% 18% 15% 8% 4% B&C 44% 17% 34% 6% 9% LDSS-2 28% 40% 19% 10% 2% 7% LDSS-3 -- MIRAC 3% Classic Cam MIKE 30% 26% MIKE fibers PANIC 21% IMACS 29% 36%

13 Observing Statistics 21 Sep 2004-12 Apr 2005: Baade Clay % Open 88.4
88.6 % Lost to Weather 9.6 9.4 % Lost to Telescope 0.9 1.3 % Lost to Instrument 0.7 0.5 % Lost to Computer 0.4 0.3 % Total Downtime 2.0 2.1

14 Observing Statistics Instrument Downtime: 12 Apr 2004- 20 Sep 2004
MIKE 0.0% 0.2% MIKE fibers -- 4.6%* MagIC 0.5% LDSS-2 LDSS-3 B&C IMACS 1.3% PANIC 1.1% *Mostly due to problems with blue CCD

15 Long-Term Trends Baade Clay % Open 74.8 85.6 67.1 94.4 71.4 92.7 69.9
May 01-Oct 01 Nov 01- Apr 02 May 02-Oct 02 Nov 02-Apr 03 May 03-Oct 03 Nov 03-Apr 04 Apr 04-Sep 04 Sep 04-Apr 05 % Open 74.8 85.6 67.1 94.4 71.4 92.7 69.9 88.4 % Lost to Weather 20.6 9.7 31.1 3.1 23.7 4.3 27.4 9.6 % Lost to Telescope 1.3 3.6 1.1 1.4 2.7 1.8 0.9 % Lost to Instrument 2.5 1.0 0.7 0.6 2.1 1.5 % Lost to Computer 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.0 % Total Downtime 4.2 4.8 1.9 4.9 2.8 2.0 Clay May 01-Oct 01 Nov 01- Apr 02 May 02-Oct 02 Nov 02-Apr 03 May 03-Oct 03 Nov 03-Apr 04 Apr 04-Sep 04 Sep 04-Apr 05 % Open -- 76.6 89.2 81.3 93.1 69.8 88.6 % Lost to Weather 13.6 4.3 16.1 26.9 9.4 % Lost to Telescope 7.5 4.4 2.1 1.6 2.8 1.3 % Lost to Instrument 1.5 1.9 0.4 0.8 0.1 0.5 % Lost to Computer 0.9 0.2 0.3 % Total Downtime 9.9 6.5 2.6 2.5 3.3

16 Most Common Problems: Telescopes
Primary mirror support (mirror panics, faulty actuators) Campaign underway to seal air cylinders in actuators; redesign of actuator electronics cards in progress; ~50% of all time lost on both telescopes is due to these problems (but improvement is being seen) Guiders Rotators

17 Most Common Problems: Instruments
IMACS: f/2 filter server, disperser server, guiders PANIC: quadrant noise / drop out MIKE & MIKE fibers: Occasional freeze of GUI (resulting in lost exposure), dark counts in blue CCD LDSS-3 (and LDSS-2): shutter failure (with no warning)

18 Other Continuing Problems:
Laser Mask Cutter Masks files continue to be submitted less than 30 days before observing runs We continue to have a variety of failures including, but not limited to Lost axis encoder positions Lost shutter control of laser Various PLC or system-level failures that are only fixed by doing a full power reset Operations staff lack adequate training in problem resolution There are no tools for continuing to cut a mask once a failure has occurred (one must start all over again) All of the above result in wasted time for operations staff

19 Other Continuing Problems:
Cryogenic Compressor Lines & Connectors We have all but exhausted our supply of spare short (6'-10') cryo-lines due to failed o-rings or internal contamination in the connectors following excessive connect-disconnect cycles We do not have sufficient spare compressors or long cryo-lines (if we were to have a serious failure) On several occasions we have forced observers to abandon an instrument for a night due to failed cool down that required a complete warm-up of the system in order to presumably remove a blockage at the cryohead On a greater number of occasions we have recovered from failed cool down in time for observations, but at a cost of extra effort Operations staff lack adequate training in operations and maintenance The service interval for CryoTiger compressors is meant to be about 1-2 years, but we have no plans (nor funds) in place for regular maintenance of compressors and lines

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