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Institute of Pharmacology
Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs Zhang Bin Institute of Pharmacology School of Medicine Shandong University
Insomnia Symptoms of insomnia: 1. have trouble falling asleep
指尽管有充分的睡眠条件和环境却存在对睡眠时间和质量不满足,并影响到白天社会功能的一种主观体验。 Symptoms of insomnia: 1. have trouble falling asleep 2. have trouble staying asleep 3. early morning waking 4. daytime drowsiness (嗜睡), fatigue or difficulty concentrating
Potential complications of insomnia
World Sleep Day
Causes of insomnia 1. Psychological problems: anxiety
2. Medical problems 3. Medication anxiety: the most common cause
Sedative-hypnotic drugs
Definition CNS depression (dose-dependent) Its major therapeutic use is to cause sedation (with concomitant relief of anxiety) — small dose encourage sleep — large dose
Classifications Benzodiazepines (BZ,苯二氮卓类): Barbiturates (巴比妥类) Others some are popular
Characteristics 1. Graded dose-dependent depression of CNS function
Dose-response curves for two hypothetical sedative-hypnotics Drug A: barbiturates Drug B: benzodiazepines and certain newer hypnotics
Ratio of lethal dose to effective dose for phenobarbital and diazepam
*2. Different influences on sleep phases
3. Tolerance 4. Dependence Physiological dependence withdrawal symptoms Psychological dependence
Phases of sleep 1. NREMS (non rapid eye movement sleep, 非快动眼睡眠)
SWS ( slow wave sleep,慢波睡眠) Stages 1- 4 (入睡期、浅睡期、中度睡眠期、深度睡眠期) Characterists: Play roles in eliminating the fatigue and promote growth night-waking(夜惊), sleep-walking(梦游, somnambulism) occur in stage 3 and 4 shorten stage 3 and 4 will clean up night-waking and sleep-walking.
Phases of sleep 发生于REM之后,脑电波快而低,骨骼肌进一步松弛,有快动眼运动(50-60次/分),梦境多发生在此期。
2. REMS ( rapid eye movement sleep, 快动眼睡眠) FWS ( fast wave sleep,快波睡眠 ) Characterists: Play roles in brain and intellectual development. Rapid eye movement, dream, muscle relaxation, fast breathing et al. Long-term shorten will induce “rebound (反跳)” after withdrawal, significantly increase the frequency and duration of REMS, cause dreaminess, nightmare, aggravate anxiety and insomnia, finally lead to dependence. 脑电波慢而高(又称高幅慢波睡眠),肌肉仍保持一定紧张度,无快速眼球运动。 可分为4个阶段(steps):1、2阶段睡眠较浅,3、4阶段睡眠深,称大脑睡眠,又称慢波睡眠(slow wave sleep,SWS) 。此时易出现惊梦、遗尿、夜间惊恐和夜游症。 发生于REM之后,脑电波快而低,骨骼肌进一步松弛,有快动眼运动(50-60次/分),梦境多发生在此期。
Phases of sleep 4-5 cycles of alternating REMS and NREMS NREM REM
80-120min 20-30min Sleep latency 4-5 cycles of alternating REMS and NREMS 8h 2h 25% 5% 4h 50% 10% ﹤2h 10%
睡眠时间(h) 1 2 3 儿童 青壮年 老年人 4 5 6 7
Section 1 Benzodiazepines
Classifications Drugs T1/2 (h) Long-acting 24~72h Diazepam (地西泮,安定)
Flurazepam (氟西泮,氟安定) Chlordiazepoxide (氯氮卓,利眠宁) Intermediate-acting h Alprazolam (阿普唑仑,佳乐定) Estazolam (艾司唑仑,舒乐安定) Clonazepam (氯硝西泮) Short-acting h Oxazepam (奥沙西泮,去甲羟安定,舒宁) Triazolam (三唑仑,海乐神)
Diazepam (地西泮,安定) 【Pharmacological actions and clinical uses】
1. Antianxiety at the lowest effective doses relieve the anxiety state induced by various causes Uses: For anxiety
decrease sleep-induction time decrease the number of awakenings
2. Sedation and Hypnosis decrease sleep-induction time decrease the number of awakenings increase the duration of sleep prolong stage Ⅱ of NREMS shorten stage Ⅲ,Ⅳ of NREMS (reduce night-waking and sleep-walking, deep sleep) * seldom effect on REMS (little rebound)
Uses: Premedication (术前给药): an adjunct in anesthesia For insomnia (not for depression)
3. Anticonvulsant and antiepileptic effects
Uses: For convulsion and epilepsy convulsions due to various causes: tetanus (破伤风) eclampsia (子痫) febrile convulsion (高热惊厥) drug toxic convulsion (药物中毒性惊厥) status epilepticus (癫痫持续状态): Diazepam(iv.)is first choice
4. Central muscle relaxation
Uses: For skeletal muscle spasms Spasticity from degenerative disorders, such as multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy Spasticity from cerebral vascular accident and spinal cord injury Spasticity from anxiety Skeletal muscle spasms caused by local disease such as lumbar muscle strain(腰肌劳损)
5. Amnesia (遗忘): anterograde amnesia
Uses: Endoscopy (内窥镜检查) Electric defibrillation(电除颤) 6. Effects on respiration and cardiovascular function Respiratory depression Cardiovascular depression larger dose→side effect
【 Mechanisms of action 】
Sites of action: Mainly acts on limbic system(边缘系统) and brainstem reticular formation(网状结构)
【 Mechanism of action 】 GABA GABA Barbiturates BZs + + - - Cl-
GABAA 受体 GABA Barbiturates BZs + + - - Cl-
【 Mechanism of action 】
【 Mechanism of action 】
Receptor binding GABA and benzodiazepine Receptor empty (no agonists)
Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- GABA receptor Benzodiazepine receptor Empty receptor is inactive, and the coupled chloride channel is closed. Binding of GABA is enhanced by benzodiazepine, resulting in a greater entry of chloride ion. Binding of GABA causes the chloride ion channel to open Entry of Cl- hyperpolarizes cell making it more difficult to depolarize and therefore reduces neural excitability.
【 Mechanism of action 】 Increase the efficiency of GABAergic synaptic inhibition 1. Bind with BZ site on the GABAA receptor 2. Enhance the affinity of GABAA receptor for GABA , promote GABA binding to GABAA receptor. 3. Increase the frequency of Cl- channel opening 4. Enhance hyperpolarization and further inhibit neural excitability 5. not substitute for GABA, but appear to enhance GABA’s effects
Biotransformation of benzodiazepines
氯氮卓 地西泮 普拉西泮 阿普唑仑 三唑仑 奥沙西泮 氟西泮 劳拉西泮 Boldface: drugs available for clinical use * :active metabolite
【 Adverse Reactions 】 1. CNS depression
Hangover (宿醉): residual effect, most common drowsiness(嗜睡), exhaustion(乏力), dizziness(头晕), memory decay(记忆力下降) Diminished motor skills, impaired judgment, ataxia → impact on driving ability iv. too quick →inhibit respiratory and cadiovascular fuction
【 Adverse reactions 】 2. Tolerance and dependence (addiction)
Tolerance 1-2w Dependence Physiological dependence withdrawal symptoms Psychological dependence
3. toxic reaction and detoxifcation
Washing stomach Symptomatic treatment Benzodiazepine specific antagonist Flumazenil (氟马西尼,安易醒): diagnosis and treatment short t1/2, repeated administration induce epilepsy GABA BZs Flumazenil -
Advantages of BZs 1. higher therapeutic index, great margin of safety,
no anesthesia and coma in large dose 2. little influences on REMS, little rebound , less dependence and withdrawal syndrome 3. shorten stage Ⅲ,Ⅳ of NREMS,reduce night-waking and sleep-walking 4. little effects on hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzymes(肝药酶) 5. Less general adverse reactions
Section 2 Barbiturates
Classifications Long-acting: phenobarbital (苯巴比妥, luminal, 鲁米那)
Intermediate-acting: pentobarbital (戊巴比妥) Short-acting: secobarbital (司可巴比妥) Ultra-short-acting: thiopental sodium (硫喷妥钠)
【Pharmacological actions and clinical uses】
dose-dependent effects 1. Sedation and hypnosis (not for routinely use ) shorten REMS→ “rebound” Easy to produce tolerance and dependence Hepatic enzyme inducer (肝药酶诱导剂) more adverse reactions , severe intoxication
【Pharmacological actions and clinical uses】
2. Anticonvulsant and antiepileptic effects Phenobarbital(苯巴比妥): generalized tonic-clonic seizure (大发作) 3. Anesthesia 4. Enhance the effects of other CNS depressants Adverse reaction: respiration center paralysis
【Mechanisms】 GABA mimetic (high dose activate GABA - R) Extend opening time of Cl- channel inhibit excitatory neurotransmitter
Detoxifcation(中毒解救) Alkalization of the urine (碱化尿液)
often aids in the elimination of phenobarbital —iv. NaHCO3
Section 3 Other sedative-hypnotics
Other sedative-hypnotics
Older sedative-hypnotics Chloral hydrate (水合氯醛) Meprobamate (甲丙氨酯,眠尔通) Newer drugs for anxiety and sleep disorders Buspirone (丁螺环酮) Zolpidem (唑吡坦 , 思诺思) Zopiclone (佐匹克隆) Zaleplone (扎来普隆) Melatonin (褪黑素) Ramelteon(雷美尔通)
Chloral hydrate(水合氯醛)
1. Hypnosis : onset rapidly (15min), no effect on REM, no hangover, used for obstinate insomnia (顽固性失眠) 2. Anticonvulsant effects: febrile convulsion in children, etc. 3. gastic mucosal irritation: not used for gastritis and ulcer patients oral: dilute (10%), rectal administration 4. toxicity on heart, liver, kidney 5. Tolerance and dependence Low therapeutic index
Zolpidem (唑吡坦,思诺思Stilnox,舒睡晨爽)
非苯二氮卓类GABAA-R agonist 1. only has sedative-hypnotic effects 2. almost does not change the normal sleep phase 3. little residual effects, tolerance and dependence 4. detoxification: flumazenil
Zopiclone (佐匹克隆,忆梦返,唑吡酮) Eszopiclone (艾司佐匹克隆, Lunesta)
Buspirone(丁螺环酮) 1. Used for anxiety
2. a partial agonist of 5-HT1A-R in brain, inhibit the release of 5-HT, have no effect on GABAA-R 3. no sedative-hypnotic effects 4. no tolerance and dependence
Mechanism: activate MT-R on suprachiasmatic nucleus(视交叉上核), enhance the function of GABA Clinical uses:sleep- wake rhythm disorders used for adults and the elderly can not be used by teenagers
Ramelteon (雷美尔通, 拉米替隆) selective agonist at the MT1 and MT2 subtypes of melatonin receptors mainly decrease sleep latency no dependence or withdrawal effects, long-term use 4. can not be used by teenagers
The basic principles of drug therapy for insomnia
1. begin at the lowest effective doses 2. best used intermittently(2 - 4 times/week) 3. short-term use(less than weeks) 4. gradual discontinuation
“Ideal” hypnotics 1. induce sleep rapidly
2. does not affect normal sleep phases 3. there is no residual effects the next day 4. long-term use does not cause drug dependence 5. no interaction with alcohol and other drugs 卓别林 ( )
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