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Audio in Video Games An adaptive and re-active overview

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1 Audio in Video Games An adaptive and re-active overview
Audio in Video Games An adaptive and re-active overview

2 Examples of Audio within Games
Soundtrack – Adaptive Audio/Dynamic Audio/ Interactive Audio Effects – Diegetic Audio Trigger Events – Interactive Audio Dialogue – Diegetic Audio Uninteractible Dialogue - Non-Dynamic Diegetic Audio Scripted events within a level - Adaptive Diegetic Audio Interactable objects with sound - Interactive Diegetic Audio. Dynamic Audio is sound that reacts to changes in the gameplay, environment and input from the user. Within Dynamic Audio there is Adaptive Audio and Interactive Audio. Adaptive Audio is sound that occurs in the game environment reacting to the gameplay rather than input from the user. Interactive Audio is sound that is reacting to gameplay but is responding to the users input. Diegetic Sounds are real sounds that occur within hearing distance of the user, this includes sound effects and dialogue. Non-Dynamic Diegetic audio is sound that occurs within hearing distance of the user but the user has no direct involvement in the sound. Adaptive Diegetic Audio is sound that reacts to changes in the environment but not the player directly. Interactive Diegetic sounds are sounds that occur in the players space that the player can directly interact with, these include footsteps and weapon impacts.

3 Analogue vs digital audio
Wave is used in its original form and then amplified. Sounds better because it is the original recording. Vinyl Digital Wave is sampled into code and turned into a voltage wave that is close to the original. Does not degrade over time. Can lose quality due to compression. FLAC

4 Knightlore/1985/Amstrad CPC
First game I ever played. Simple game mechanics Simple sound effects movement etc.. Interactive Diegetic sounds. Used isometric projection to achieve 3D spectrum-vs-commodore-64

5 Bubsy/1992/Mega Drive Cartridge game. Bright colours.
No need for a complex storyline Adaptive Audio Didn’t age well ‘sonic rip off’.

6 Columns/1990/Mega Drive Puzzle game like Tetris.
Allowed you to play strategically, ‘Magic Jewel Column’. Progressive soundtrack. Music helped to unnerve the player. Adaptive Audio.

7 Dungeon Keeper/1997/Windows 95
First game to have a spoken level by level Synopsis. RTS VS AI, Exploratory, tense. Real time sound updates, ‘you don’t have enough gold’. Ambient background effects. Interactive Audio.

8 Pinball space cadet/1996/xp
Highly addictive game with great replay value. Sounds equate to high scoring areas. Audio helped to reinforce players feelings, gutter sound etc. Silence of the ball in no mans land was tense. Mental need to keep the sound going. Interactive Diegetic sounds.

9 Halo 1/2001/xbox THE game of my childhood.
Full range of sound and effects. Burned through 2 discs. Soundtrack – Adaptive Audio/Dynamic Audio/ Interactive Audio Effects – Diegetic Audio Trigger Events – Interactive Audio Dialogue – Diegetic Audio Uninteractible Dialogue - Non-Dynamic Diegetic Audio Scripted events within a level - Adaptive Diegetic Audio Interactable objects with sound - Interactive Diegetic Audio. at_Evolved

10 Halo 3 ODST/2009/xbox 360 The music is what makes halo.
Can completely change the mood of the game. Just listening to a soundtrack can change your outlook on game. 06.jpg

11 Jet set radio future/2002/ xbox
First game to make me question / draw my own conclusions. Soundtrack from artists who were either foreign, not found mainstream or worked under gaming licenses. Took gang culture and reversed I, spray paint as a weapon. Music wasn’t synonymous to a level, although it was?? ntsc-cover.html

12 Razes hell/2005/xbox Bought by my mother
Soundtrack appears warped, inference on cute violence. Rather dark game. Music varies in style.

13 Viva piñata/2006/xbox 360 100% Complete. Very relaxed ambient game.
Still contains violence. Has separate distinctive day night tracks Partially educational. Music has a slight hint of danger within the tranquillity.

14 Fallout new Vegas/2010/360 Pip Boy Radio, Non-Dynamic Diegetic Audio/Adaptive Diegetic Audio. Fallout Radios, Interactive Diegetic Audio. Radio Music has psychological references to the players state, quest lines etc.

15 Union St Research

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