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Cells and Organelles Ms. Eisenhauer Biology.

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1 Cells and Organelles Ms. Eisenhauer Biology

2 Cell Organelles A specialized subunit within a cell that has a specific function (think mini-organ) usually separately enclosed within its own membrane Plant and animal cells contain the same organelles Exceptions: Cell wall & Chloroplasts – PLANT ONLY Lysosomes & Centrioles – ANIMAL ONLY

3 Nucleus One or more per cell Spherical shape
Number depends on cell’s function Spherical shape Controls eating, movement, and reproduction Houses the DNA

4 Nucleolus Dense circular structure within the nucleus Makes ribosomes

5 Ribosomes Found in the cytoplasm Found on Rough E.R.
Reads DNA sections to synthesize specific proteins Uses amino acids

6 DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid Contained in nucleus
Contained in mitochondria Hereditary material Passes genes Made of proteins

7 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Transportation center Smooth ER Acts as a storage facility Rough ER Embedded with ribosomes Makes and packages proteins

8 Mitochondria Power house of the cell Cells can have one or many
Depends on energy needs Convert food and oxygen into ATP ATP = CELL ENERGY

9 Chloroplasts Plant cells only Green color Location of photosynthesis
Capture sunlight energy and convert it to glucose

10 Cell Wall Plants only Gives cells rigidity & strength
Allows organism to grow and hold its shape Protects the cell From overexpansion

11 Cell Membrane Most important organelle
Controls what goes in and what comes out of the cell Selectively permeable lipid bilayer (more about this later)

12 Cytoplasm Jelly-like material inside the cell
Facilitates movement of materials around the cell AND Helps keep organelles in place Conducts electricity

13 Cytoskeleton Network of fibers inside the cytoplasm
Provides structure to the cell The framework Involved in whole-cell movement Flagella Cilia

14 Golgi Apparatus Packages and transports proteins
Makes vesicles Sends vesicles to plasma membrane Empties contents from the cell exocytosis

15 Vesicles Transport materials in/out and within the cell Membrane bound
Endocytosis Material brought into the cell Exocytosis Material sent out of the cell

16 Vacuoles Membrane bound sacs Plant cells Animal cells Very large
Store nutrients/wastes/H2O Pressure helps shape cell Animal cells Much smaller Temporarily store materials Transport substances

17 Lysosomes Animals Only (Typically) Contain enzymes
Break up waste and debris Digest food Clean up the cell

18 Centrioles Animals Only Create spindle fibers for cell division
Located near nucleus

19 Sources
Millier and Levine Biology Textbook by Pearson (2010)

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