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Task 4 By Alex Pereira (High Definition and 3D) and Millie West (Digital Video, The Internet and On Demand)

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Presentation on theme: "Task 4 By Alex Pereira (High Definition and 3D) and Millie West (Digital Video, The Internet and On Demand)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Task 4 By Alex Pereira (High Definition and 3D) and Millie West (Digital Video, The Internet and On Demand)

2 Digital Video A digital video is a form of media that has been turned from a record, into a hard drive. They are a representation of moving visual images in the form of encoded digital data. In contrast, analogue videos are those whereby the media is a representation of a moving image via analogue signals. Analogue videos were used in the 1950’s, where media would be recorded on 35mm film reel. The media recorded on the film reel would be edited together to create smooth cuts between shots, and in the long run, create a visual project. Analogue videos were used until Digital videos were introduced. The development in media equipment and technology enabled the change from analogue to digital videos to arise. Some television producers in modern day still take preference of using a 35mm physical strip to create their intended media but the majority of producers prefer to digitalize it. Dissimilarly 40% of the film industry, may still choose to create films in such a way (via analogue). To our knowledge, the first film to be digitally recorded and released was ‘Star Wars’, soon followed by ‘Citizen Kane’

3 Digital Video Like anything, there are many advantages and disadvantages to using digital video in the media industry. One of the many advantages of using digital video, is the ease of editing. Transferring media from a camera onto a computer is extremely simple and following this the ability to cut, delete, edit and place together digital shots is also just as simple. Another huge advantage of using digital video, is that the image is much clearer for the viewer or audience. The ease of distribution of digital videos is also a major advantage because it is easy to make copies of them and transfer them to a range of devices. Moreover, digital videos are easier to store and can be put onto a hard drive. One final advantage is that in the long run, digital videos are much cheaper to make. Analogue videos require film reels, which individually are expensive, whereas digital videos require a memory card, which both holds a lot of storage space, and is relatively cheap, and so as a whole makes digital videos more cost efficient. One of the few disadvantages that are brought with digital videos, are that they can be leaked online. If the copyright holder does not wish for others to see the piece of media, or it is prior the the initial release date, the videos can be easy to find and release. In addition, digital videos are prone to getting virus’ and could in turn get ruined. Lastly, if the video is not copied quickly, then it could easily get lost, as there may only be one original copy of it.

4 High Definition The use of high definition has slowly progressed throughout the years. We have progressed all the way from the least definitive version of 144p (pixels), all the way to being able to watch a television in 4K. High definition is basically the progression of the amount of pixels that can be viewed on a screen at one given time, the more pixels that are on a screen at one time then the higher the definition will be of the thing that you are watching. HDTV products were starting to become fashion in the 1980’s, they then became available to the main public in the 1990’s. Whereas the first 4K television came out in There are many advantages of watching things in higher definition is that it helps you see the image clearer and it allows you to see more detail than you normally would. The only problem with HD is not an actual problem with HD but rather with the software or technology that the user may be using, such as an older or slower computer which may not be able to handle HD’s amount of pixels.

5 High Definition High definition is the amount of LED lights that are shown on a screen at one given time. If you have a 1080p television, then this means that you have 1,920 pixels going down one side and 1,080 pixels going down the other. Whereas if you have 720p television you would have 1,280 pixels down one side and 720 pixels on the other side. It has never been as advanced as it currently is. Before the 1990’s, films used to be filmed using actual film reels with something holding them up whilst the cameramen moved them around. When done filming you would take out the film reel that had just been used and then edit the film. Although this method is quite old some people do still use it as they like the classic feel of it. The first film that was digitally recorded and edited was ‘Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace’ (1999). This was all filmed using a digital camera and was then edited using editing software. Nowadays most beginners who are using digital cameras are using a 35mm camera.

6 High Definition Nowadays many other people other than television broadcasters are using high definition. HD is also used in streaming services such as Netflix and many others to allow the viewer to see a clearer image than what they would normally see. This is done as a selling point for their product, as the higher the definition, the better the viewing for the public and audience that are watching shows and movies. Another thing that has been done is that New services have been made through the creation of High Definition, such as Blu-Ray DVD’s, which are made to give the viewer a better experience as they are better than normal DVD’s that you could buy. High definition is used as it has no real down-side when it comes to making movies for the public, and it also allows them to charge higher prices for things such a DVD’S.

7 3D 3D or 3 dimensional videos are considered to be a fairly recent thing, although the first use of 3 dimensional films was in 1922 where ‘The Power of Love’ was shown in Los Angeles. 3D is the use of taking a 2D picture or moving pictures and turning them into 3 dimensions. Making something 3D is done to give the audience the view that what they are watching is right in front of their faces, this gives the audience a sense that what they are watching is actually more realistic than it is. As years have gone on 3D has developed massively. Films such as ‘Avatar’ (2009) and ‘Up’ (2009) have been complimented as incredible due to their use of 3D. The gross sales for Avatar is $3,020,000,000 which just shows how good it actually was. 3D is not only used for films, as 3D has progressed it has been introduced into television. For a short while 3D televisions were becoming increasingly popular, but not much longer afterwards sales for 3D televisions were declining. This is due to the fact people were complaining that wearing the glasses required got irritating, especially for people who already wore glasses. Although the 3D television was declining to try and increase publicity Sky released a new television channel called Sky 3D which only showed 3D television shows and movies to cater to the audience as they felt that there were not enough shows and movies out there.

8 3D Some companies also tried to use 3D in their advertisements to help sell more of their products. An example of this is Starbucks in They released an advert in 3D to promote their products; they did this so that the audience would have the illusion that the product is more realistic, and with the product being right in their face that it may make the customer want the product more as it is so close to them. Although 3D has been used very frequently and across different platforms there are also some disadvantages to it; for example the 3D glasses can sometimes be uncomfortable to wear, they also carry some potential health risks such as making the viewers nauseous and eye strain. Most of the advantages of 3D are to the people creating the movie or television show, this is because it allows them to charge more money for a ticket and in turn generate more profit. The only advantage to the audience is that they get to experience a production in a different way.

9 The Internet The internet is a global computer network that provides a variety of information and communication facilities. It consists of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. The use of the Internet has changed television and film promotion over the years in a number of ways. One of the many ways in which it has done that is through marketing. In contemporary society, a large majority of TV and film promotions are done through the use of online marketing. By marketing and promoting online, it increases a product’s (in this instance being a film or television programme) or companies potential audience. In addition the internet is a good way to distribute different types of media, including television programmes and films, it acts as a source for people across the world to be able to view them. Moreover, the use of the internet enables viewers to be able to stream, download, buy and sell these various forms of media. In addition, the internet provides a source of communication, for people to be able to talk freely and discuss a range of topics, including film and television, furthering its promotion.

10 The Internet There are 2 main advantages of using the internet. The first is that the public has easier access to media material, through the use of streaming websites such as netflix, IPlayer and 4oD. The second advantage of the internet is that it creates easy distribution for companies who are trying to promote their project or product. With any advantages, comes disadvantages. One of these includes that companies not getting as much money as they should. Different websites may or may not ask for a viewing fee. If viewers are not asked to pay for the service, then technically companies are losing out on possible gains, which they could receive if they had their material sourced elsewhere.Another disadvantage entails people trying to commit copyright acts for online material. By illegally downloading, screen watching and recording or any other illegal possibility, one who commits this crime would be committing piracy.

11 The Internet As this has been seen to be a reoccurring issue, some solutions have been sought. Some of these suggestions include companies fighting back. As a result, this would mean that viewers won’t be able to or it would be increasingly hard to pirate material, and it would be increasingly harder for the public to commit copyright acts. In addition, as briefly mentioned, there has been the introduction of cheap and legitimate sources to stream and screenwatch material. The introduction of such websites mean that a small fee is required to use the service, but once you have paid, you have access to all of the material that the website has to offer. One previously mentioned yet well known website that is highly popular for what is has to offer is ‘Netflix’. Not only does it entitle you to TV programmes, films and specials, it also offers you exclusive material, owned by ‘Netflix’ itself, such as ‘Orange is the new Black’, ‘13 Reasons Why’ and so much more! This solution is used to try and encourage people to legally stream material of high quality, yet for a small price. A recent example of a large piracy investigation is September 2016 story of William Kyle Morarity. Mr. Morarity was ordered to pay $1.1 Million to 20th Century Fox, after stealing copies of “The Revenant” and “The Peanuts Movie” from 20th Century Fox and sharing them illegally via a piracy website called Pass the Popcorn, 6 days before its initial release on Christmas day. In addition the fine, U.S. District Court Judge Stephen V. Wilson sentenced him to eight months’ home detention and 24 months’ probation, in addition to the fine. Morarity had been facing a maximum sentence of up to three years in federal prison.

12 On Demand On demand is the ability to watch television programmes or films at the click of a button, whenever and wherever you want. On demand gives its user the option to record individual shows or movies as well as box sets and series. If you’re a member to a company that provide on demand services, then it is likely that there will be an on demand app that you can purchase. This will entitle you to online download, and record media material provided by your service provider wherever you are, whenever you want. Another advantage of being able to control your television and film needs in the click of a button, not only can you record and stream from your phone, but you can also carry out such operations from other countries. The lack of negatives about ‘On Demand’, is what makes the modern technology so popular.

13 On Demand You may need to pay a small price to download some pieces of material, but this may not always be the case, as it depends on what ‘On Demand’ package you get, which will determine how much you would need to pay for the service you require - if there is any cost at all. Finally, the only negative of ‘On Demand’ is that to have it, the user must have a package. ‘On Demand’ may come as part of a package deal, or if this is not the case, one may have to purchase it separately. In addition, there may be time restrictions regarding how long your ‘On Demand’ feature lasts for, but for a small price, the feature can be regularly restored. There may also be time limits regarding the material that you have chosen to download. Even though the user is given a large amount of time to store and watch the material, the time limit can be refreshed by choosing to redownload the chosen media. This means that the user can stream provided material in the click of a button.

14 Bibliography million-20th-century-fox /

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