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maintenance Activities in hrm concerned with maintaining employee commitment and loyalty to the organization.

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2 maintenance Activities in hrm concerned with maintaining employee commitment and loyalty to the organization.

3 Compnets of maintance Jab commetmet Welfare activities Promotion demotion

4 What Is Job Commitment Job commitment is the feeling of responsibility that a person has towards the mission and goals of an organization. When an individual has job commitment, he or she is more likely to perform tasks and responsibilities that will help an organization achieve a goal.

5 Purpose of Promotion To motivate employees to higher productivity. To attract and retain the services of qualified and competent people to recognize and reward the efficiency of an employee. To increase the effectiveness of the employee and the organization. To fill up higher vacancies from the within the organization. To built loyalty, morale and the sense of belongingness in the employee. To impress upon others that opportunities are available to them too in the organization, if they perform well.

6 Staff welfare Activities The various Welfare activities that can be provided to the employees include provision of loans, free medical facilities, retirement benefits, education facilities for the employee's and their families, housing benefits,

7 General objectives of staff welfare activities To provide happier employer-employee relation. To promote employee welfare. To promote high morale among employee. To meet the legal requirements. To provide economic security to the employees. To provide a psychologically satisfactory work environment. To promote employee health and safety. To promote employee stabilization. To promote team spirit and employee identification with organisation

8 DEMOTION Demotion is the opposite of promotion. It is a downward movement of employees in the organizational hierarchy with lower status and lower salary.

9 Purposes of dominion When the organization reduces activities, officer occupying certain posts are demoted. Errors in the promotions already made are corrected through demotions. It may be necessary to use demotions as a tool of disciplinary action against erring employees.

10 Demotion Policy Demotion is very harmful for the employee’s morale. It is an extremely painful action, impairing the relationships between people permanently. While effecting the demotions, managers should extremely careful not to place himself on the wrong side of the fence. It is therefore, very necessary to formulate a demotion policy so that there may be no grievances on the part of the unions and the employee concerned.

11 Demotions should have serious impact on need fulfillment. Needs for esteem and belongingness are get frustrate leading to a defensive behaviour on the part of the person demoted. There may be complaints, emotional turmoil, inefficiency or resignations. Hence, demotions are very rarely resorted to by managers. Manager prefers to discharge the employees rather than face the problems arising from the demotions.

12 Promotion Policy We have seen policy is the guideline for action. Policy varies with organization. So the promotion is very sensitive to employees, it is very essential. The promotion policy should clearly stated, widely circulated, and fully explained to their employees. The promotion policy which influences the number of factor of the organization such as, morale, motivation, turnover of the personnel in the organization. The personnel department of the organization must develop an effective promotion policy. This should be in written, flexible subject to situations. In order to make the promotion policy successful, it is necessary that the employees’ assessment and confidential reporting system should be objective as far as possible so that every employee has faith in promotion policy and hence induced for better performance to get promotion.

13 health The Texas health and safety code prohibits employers from discriminating against employees with communicable diseases, such as HIV, according to the An effective health policy that protects and informs employees and managers within your company is one of training and education. By helping your staff to better understand how to prevent disease in the workplace, you can reduce the fear that may set in when a traditional health risk, such as flu season, comes around. Education can also help you and your staff better understand the reality of communicable diseases, how they affect those that do not have them and what the threats they pose.

14 safety Creating a safe workplace can be a matter of creating good safety habits. According to, one of the more common workplace safety hazards is falling. Create a policy of clearing common walkways and removing potential tripping and falling hazards. Use barriers to mark areas where employees could fall such as high stairways and open floors. Teach your employees to be mindful of where they are walking, and get your entire staff involved in creating a safer workplace. You can also post hazard signs around the workplace to remind employees of areas where they should pay attention, and make the wearing of safety gear mandatory in areas where it is applicable

15 Importance workplace safety Higher productivtiy Increased efficiancy qualty

16 Definition of promotion Promotion. The permanent movement of a staff member from a position in one job class to a position in another job class of increased responsibility or complexity of duties and in a higher salary range.

17 security health safety

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